2016-01-27 10:29:26 +00:00
Implementation of the 'create' verb for HackMyResume.
@module verbs/create
@license MIT. See LICENSE.md for details.
(function() {
var CreateVerb, HMEVENT, HMSTATUS, MKDIRP, PATH, Verb, _, chalk, create;
MKDIRP = require('mkdirp');
PATH = require('path');
chalk = require('chalk');
Verb = require('../verbs/verb');
_ = require('underscore');
HMSTATUS = require('../core/status-codes');
HMEVENT = require('../core/event-codes');
CreateVerb = module.exports = Verb.extend({
init: function() {
2016-01-31 13:37:12 +00:00
return this._super('new', create);
2016-01-27 10:29:26 +00:00
Create a new empty resume in either FRESH or JRS format.
create = function(src, dst, opts) {
if (!src || !src.length) {
throw {
fluenterror: HMSTATUS.createNameMissing,
quit: true
_.each(src, function(t) {
var RezClass, safeFmt;
safeFmt = opts.format.toUpperCase();
this.stat(HMEVENT.beforeCreate, {
fmt: safeFmt,
file: t
RezClass = require('../core/' + safeFmt.toLowerCase() + '-resume');
return this.stat(HMEVENT.afterCreate, {
fmt: safeFmt,
file: t
}, this);