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2016-01-19 21:42:48 +00:00
2016-02-14 09:54:44 +00:00
## v1.8.0
### Added
- Updated `Awesome` theme to latest version of [Awesome-CV][acv].
- Introduced new theme helpers: `pad`, `date`.
### Fixed
- Fixed an issue where the `Awesome` theme wouldn't correctly generate LaTeX
outputs (#138).
- Emit a line number for syntax errors around embedded newlines in JSON strings
- Fix several PDF / PNG generation errors (#132, others).
- Display a more helpful error message when attempting to generate a PDF or PNG
on a machine where PhantomJS and/or wkhtmltopdf are either not installed or
not path-accessible.
- Fixed an issue that would cause long-running PDF/PNG generation to fail in
certain environments.
- Fixed an issue involving an unhelpful spawn-related exception (#136).
### Internal
- JSHint will no longer gripe at the use of `== null` and `!= null` in
CoffeeScript transpilation.
- Introduced [template-friendly Awesome-CV fork][awefork] to isolate template
expansion logic & provide better durability for HackMyResume's `awesome` theme.
- Fixed a couple temporary regressions (#139, #140) on the dev branch.
- Additional tests.
- Minor breaking HackMyResume API changes.
## v1.7.4
### Added
- [Build instructions](https://github.com/hacksalot/HackMyResume/blob/master/BUILDING.md).
### Changed
- More precise date handling.
### Fixed
- Issue with incomplete PDF generation (#127).
2016-02-14 09:54:44 +00:00
- Issue with building JSON Resume themes (#128).
2016-02-14 09:54:44 +00:00
- Issue with generating `.json` output format by itself (#97).
## v1.7.3
### Fixed
- Issue with generated PDFs being chopped off and displaying a mysterious sequence of numbers of unknown and possibly alien origin (#127).
- Unsightly border on Modern:PDF.
- Modern|Positive:PDF formats now correctly reference their PDF-specific CSS files.
- `Incorrect helper use` warning in Positive:DOC.
## v1.7.2
### Changed
- Interim release supporting FluentCV Desktop.
### Internal
- Moved [HackMyCore](https://github.com/hacksalot/HackMyCore) dependency to
## v1.7.1
### Changed
- Caffeinate. CoffeeScript now used throughout
[HackMyResume](https://github.com/hacksalot/HackMyResume) and
[HackMyCore](https://github.com/hacksalot/HackMyCore); generated JavaScript
lives in `/dist`.
### Fixed
- Issue with generating a single PDF with the `.pdf` extension (#99).
## v1.7.0
### Changed
- [Internal] Relocated HMR processing code to the
[HackMyCore](https://github.com/hacksalot/HackMyCore) project. Shouldn't affect
normal use.
2016-01-19 21:42:48 +00:00
## v1.6.0
2016-01-23 01:00:07 +00:00
### Major Improvements
2016-01-19 21:42:48 +00:00
2016-01-23 01:00:07 +00:00
- Better consistency and coverage for all FRESH resumes and themes ([#45][i45]).
2016-01-19 21:42:48 +00:00
2016-01-23 01:00:07 +00:00
- Initial support for overridable fonts in FRESH themes. Like a particular
theme, but want to change the typography? The specific fonts used by a theme
can now be overridden by the user. (FRESH themes only).
2016-01-19 21:42:48 +00:00
2016-01-23 01:00:07 +00:00
- New resume sections! Support for `projects` and `affiliation` resume sections
for technical and creative projects and memberships / clubs / associations,
respectively ([#92][i92]).
2016-01-19 21:42:48 +00:00
- New command! `PEEK` at any arbitrary field or entry on your `.json` resume.
2016-01-23 01:00:07 +00:00
### Added
- Improved handling of start and end dates on `employment`, `projects`,
`education`, and other sections with start/end dates.
- Support for an `.ignore` property on any FRESH or JSON Resume section or field.
Ignored properties will be treated by HackMyResume as if they weren't present.
2016-01-19 21:42:48 +00:00
- Emit extended status and error info with the `--debug` or `-d` switch.
- The `-o` or `--options` switch can now handle either the path to a **JSON
settings file** or **raw JSON/JavaScript**. Since the JSON double quote syntax
is a bit cumbersome from the command line, HackMyResume accepts regular
JavaScript object literal syntax:
hackmyresume build resume.json -o "{ theme: 'compact', silent: 'true' }"
- Ability to disable sorting of resume sections (employments, projects, etc.)
with the `--no-sort` option. HMR will respect the order of items as they appear
in your resume `.json` file.
- Improvements to the starter resume emitted by `hackmyresume new`.
2016-01-23 01:00:07 +00:00
- Theme Authoring: Annotated the HTML and MS Word (XML) formats of the Modern
theme for FRESH theme authors.
- Theme Authoring: Support for templatized CSS files in FRESH themes. CSS files
are now expanded via Handlebars or Underscore prior to copying to the
2016-01-19 21:42:48 +00:00
- Added CHANGELOG.md (this file).
### Changed
- Rewrote the HackMyResume man/help page.
2016-01-23 01:00:07 +00:00
- Minor incremental updates to the [FRESCA][fresca] schema.
2016-01-19 21:42:48 +00:00
- PDF generation now uses asynchronous `spawn()` which has better compatibility
2016-01-23 01:00:07 +00:00
with old or boutique versions of Node.js.
- Refactored colors in HackMyResume output. Errors will now display as red,
warnings as yellow, successful operations as green, and informational messages
as cyan.
- Theme messages and usage tips will no longer display during resume generation
by default. Use the `--tips` option to view them.
- The `--no-tips` option (default: false) has been replaced with the `--tips`
option, also defaulting to false.
- Removed the `hello-world` theme from the [prebuilt themes][themes] that ship
with HackMyResume. It can be installed separately from NPM:
npm install fresh-theme-hello-world
hackmyresume resume.json -t node_modules/fresh-theme-hello-world
- sd
2016-01-19 21:42:48 +00:00
### Fixed
2016-01-23 01:00:07 +00:00
- PDF generation issues on older versions of Node.
- Stack traces not being emitted correctly.
2016-01-19 21:42:48 +00:00
2016-01-23 01:00:07 +00:00
- Missing `speaking` section will now appear on generated resumes ([#101][i101]).
2016-01-19 21:42:48 +00:00
2016-01-23 01:00:07 +00:00
- Incomplete `education` details will now appear on generated resumes ([#65][i65]).
- Missing employment end date being interpreted as "employment ends today"
- Merging multiple source resumes during `BUILD` sometimes fails.
- Document `--pdf` flag in README ([#111][i111]).
2016-01-19 21:42:48 +00:00
### Internal
- Logging messages have been moved out of core HackMyResume code ahead of
localization support.
- All HackMyResume console output is described in `msg.yml`.
- Relaxed pure JavaScript requirement. CoffeeScript will now start appearing
in HackMyResume and FluentCV sources!
- Additional tests.
## v1.5.2
### Fixed
- Tweak stack trace under `--debug`.
## v1.5.1
### Added
- Preliminary support for `-d` or `--debug` flag. Forces HackMyResume to emit a stack trace under error conditions.
## v1.5.0
### Added
- HackMyResume now supports **CLI-based generation of PDF formats across multiple engines (Phantom, wkhtmltopdf, etc)**. Instead of talking to these engines over a programmatic API, as in prior versions, HackMyResume 1.5+ speaks to them over the same command-line interface (CLI) you'd use if you were using these tools directly.
- HackMyResume will now (attempt to) **generate a PDF output for JSON Resume themes** (in addition to HTML).
- Minor README and FAQ additions.
### Changed
- **Cleaner, quicker installs**. Installing HackMyResume with `npm install hackmyresume -g` will no longer trigger a lengthy, potentially error-prone install for Phantom.js and/or wkhtmltopdf for PDF support. Instead, users can install these engines externally and HMR will use them when present.
- Minor error handling improvements.
### Fixed
- Fixed an error with generating specific formats with the `BUILD` command (#97).
- Fixed numerous latent/undocumented bugs and glitches.
## v1.4.2
### Added
- Introduced [FAQ](https://github.com/hacksalot/HackMyResume/blob/master/FAQ.md).
- Additional README notes.
## v1.4.1
### Added
- `hackmyresume new` now generates a [valid starter resume with sample data](https://github.com/fluentdesk/fresh-resume-starter).
### Fixed
- Fixed warning message when `hackmyresume new` is run without a filename.
## v1.4.0
### Added
- **"Projects" support**: FRESH resumes and themes can now store and display
open source, commercial, private, personal, and creative projects.
- **New command: ANALYZE**. Inspect your resume for gaps, keyword counts, and other metrics. (Experimental.)
- **Side-by-side PDF generation** with Phantom and wkhtmltopdf. Use the `--pdf` or `-p` flag to pick between `phantom` and `wkhtmltopdf` generation.
- **Disable PDF generation** with the `--pdf none` switch.
- **Inherit formats between themes**. Themes can now inherit formats (Word, HTML, .txt, etc.) from other themes. (FRESH themes only.)
- **Rename resume sections** to different languages or wordings.
- **Specify complex options via external file**. Use with the `-o` or `--opts` option.
- **Disable colors** with the `--no-color` flag.
- **Theme messages and usage tips** instructions will now appear in the default HackMyResume output for the `build` command. Run `hackmyresume build resume.json -t awesome` for an example. Turn off with the `--no-tips` flag.
- **Treat validation errors as warnings** with the `--assert` switch (VALIDATE command only).
### Fixed
- Fixed a minor glitch in the FRESCA schema.
- Fixed encoding issues in the `Highlights` section of certain resumes.
- Fix behavior of `-s` and `--silent` flags.
### Changed
- PDF generation now defaults to Phantom for all platforms, with `wkhtmltopdf`
accessible with `--pdf wkhtmltopdf`.
- Resumes are now validated, by default, prior to generation. This
behavior can be disabled with the `--novalidate` or `--force` switch.
- Syntax errors in source FRESH and JSON Resumes are now captured for all
- Minor updates to README.
- Most themes now inherit Markdown and Plain Text formats from the **Basis**
### Internal
- Switched from color to chalk.
- Command invocations now handled through commander.js.
- Improved FRESH theme infrastructure (more partials, more DRY).
## v1.3.1
### Added
- Add additional Travis badges.
### Fixed
- Fix extraneous console log output when generating a FRESH theme to MS Word.
- Fix Travis tests on `dev`.
## v1.3.0
### Added
- **Local generation of JSON Resume themes**. To use a JSON Resume theme, first install it with `npm install jsonresume-theme-[blah]` (most JSON Resume themes are on NPM). Then pass it into HackMyResume via the `-t` parameter:
`hackmyresume BUILD resume.json TO out/somefile.all -t node_modules/jsonresume-theme-classy`
- **Better Markdown support.** HackMyResume will start flowing basic Markdown styles to JSON Resume (HTML) themes. FRESH's existing Markdown support has also been improved.
- **.PNG output formats** will start appearing in themes that declare an HTML output.
- **Tweak CSS embedding / linking via the --css option** (`<style></style>` vs `<link>`). Only works for HTML (or HTML-driven) formats of FRESH themes. Use `--css=link` to link in CSS assets and `--css=embed` to embed the styles in the HTML document. For example `hackmyresume BUILD resume.json TO out/resume.all --css=link`.
- **Improved Handlebars/Underscore helper support** for FRESH themes. Handlebars themes can access helpers via `{{helperName}}`. Underscore themes can access helpers via the `h` object.
### Changed
- **Distinguish between validation errors and syntax errors** when validating a FRESH or JRS resume with `hackmyresume validate <blah>`.
- **Emit line and column info** for syntax errors during validation of FRESH and JRS resumes.
- **FRESH themes now embed CSS into HTML formats by default** so that the HTML resume output doesn't have an external CSS file dependency by default. Users can specify normal linked stylesheets by setting `--css=link`.
- **Renamed fluent-themes repo to fresh-themes** in keeping with the other parts of the project.
### Fixed
- Fix various encoding errors in MS Word outputs.
- Fix assorted FRESH-to-JRS and JRS-to-FRESH conversion glitches.
- Fix error when running HMR with no parameters.
- Other minor fixes.
## v1.3.0-beta
- Numerous changes supporting v1.3.0.
## v1.2.2
### Fixed
- Various in-passing fixes.
## v1.2.1
### Fixed
- Fix `require('FRESCA')` error.
- Fix `.history` and `.map` errors on loading incomplete or empty JRS resumes.
### Added
- Better test coverage of incomplete/empty resumes.
## v1.2.0
### Fixed
- Fixed the `new` command: Generate a new FRESH-format resume with `hackmyresume new resume.json` or a new JSON Resume with `hackmyresume new resume.json -f jrs`.
### Added
- Introduced CLI tests.
## v1.1.0
### Fixed
- MS Word formats: Fixed skill coloring/level bug.
### Changed
- Make the `TO` keyword optional. If no `TO` keyword is specified (for the `build` and `convert` commands), HMR will assume the last file passed in is the desired output file. So these are equivalent:
hackmyresume BUILD resume.json TO out/resume.all
hackmyresume BUILD resume.json out/resume.all
`TO` only needs to be included if you have multipled output files:
hackmyresume BUILD resume.json TO out1.doc out2.html out3.tex
## v1.0.1
### Fixed
- Correctly generate MS Word hyperlinks from Markdown source data.
## v1.0.0
- Initial public 1.0 release.
2016-01-23 01:00:07 +00:00
[i45]: https://github.com/hacksalot/HackMyResume/issues/45
[i65]: https://github.com/hacksalot/HackMyResume/issues/65
[i84]: https://github.com/hacksalot/HackMyResume/issues/84
[i92]: https://github.com/hacksalot/HackMyResume/issues/92
[i101]: https://github.com/hacksalot/HackMyResume/issues/101
[i111]: https://github.com/hacksalot/HackMyResume/issues/111
[fresca]: https://github.com/fluentdesk/FRESCA
[themes]: https://github.com/fluentdesk/fresh-themes
2016-02-14 09:54:44 +00:00
[awefork]: https://github.com/fluentdesk/Awesome-CV
[acv]: https://github.com/posquit0/Awesome-CV