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Core resume generation module for FluentCMD.
@license Copyright (c) 2015 by James M. Devlin. All rights reserved.
module.exports = function () {
var MD = require( 'marked' )
, XML = require( 'xml-escape' )
, HTML = require( 'html' )
, FS = require( 'fs-extra' )
, XML = require( 'xml-escape' )
, path = require( 'path' )
, extend = require( './utils/extend' )
, _ = require('underscore')
2015-09-26 20:05:37 +01:00
, unused = require('./utils/string')
, FLUENT = require('fluentlib');
2015-09-29 09:15:04 +01:00
var rez, _log;
Core resume generation method for HMR. Given a source JSON resume file, a
destination resume spec, and a theme file, generate 0..N resumes in the
requested formats. Requires filesystem access. To perform generation without
filesystem access, use the single() method below.
@param src Path to the source JSON resume file: "rez/resume.json".
@param dst Path to the destination resume file(s): "rez/resume.all".
@param theme Friendly name of the resume theme. Defaults to "default".
2015-09-29 09:15:04 +01:00
function hmr( src, dst, theme, logger ) {
2015-09-29 09:15:04 +01:00
_log = logger || console.log;
_opts.theme = theme;
dst = (dst && dst.length && dst) || ['resume.all'];
// Assemble output resume targets
var targets = [];
dst.forEach( function(t) {
t = path.resolve(t);
var dot = t.lastIndexOf('.');
var format = ( dot === -1 ) ? 'all' : t.substring( dot + 1 );
var temp = ( format === 'all' ) ?
_fmts.map( function( fmt ) { return t.replace( /all$/g, fmt.name ); }) :
( format === 'doc' ? [ 'doc' ] : [ t ] ); // interim code
targets.push.apply(targets, temp);
// Assemble input resumes
var sheets = src.map( function( res ) {
2015-09-29 09:15:04 +01:00
_log( 'Reading JSON resume: ' + res );
return (new FLUENT.Sheet()).open( res );
// Merge input resumes
rez = sheets.reduce( function( acc, elem ) {
return extend( true, acc.rep, elem.rep );
// Run the transformation!
var finished = targets.map( gen );
return {
sheet: rez,//.rep,
targets: targets,
processed: finished
Generate a single resume of a specific format.
@param f Full path to the destination resume to generate, for example,
"/foo/bar/resume.pdf" or "c:\foo\bar\resume.txt".
function gen( f ) {
try {
// Get the output file type (pdf, html, txt, etc)
var fType = path.extname( f ).trim().toLowerCase().substr(1);
var fName = path.basename( f, '.' + fType );
// Get the format object (if any) corresponding to that type, and assemble
// the final output file path for the generated resume.
var fObj = _fmts.filter( function(_f) { return _f.name === fType; } )[0];
var fOut = path.join( f.substring( 0, f.lastIndexOf('.') + 1 ) + fObj.ext );
// Generate!
2015-09-29 09:15:04 +01:00
_log( 'Generating ' + fType.toUpperCase() + ' resume: ' + fOut );
return fObj.gen.generate( rez, fOut, _opts.theme );
catch( ex ) {
err( ex );
Handle an exception.
function err( ex ) {
var msg = ex.toString();
var idx = msg.indexOf('Error: ');
var trimmed = idx === -1 ? msg : msg.substring( idx + 7 );
2015-09-29 09:15:04 +01:00
_log( 'ERROR: ' + trimmed.toString() );
Supported resume formats.
var _fmts = [
{ name: 'html', ext: 'html', gen: new FLUENT.HtmlGenerator() },
{ name: 'txt', ext: 'txt', gen: new FLUENT.TextGenerator() },
{ name: 'doc', ext: 'doc', fmt: 'xml', gen: new FLUENT.WordGenerator() },
{ name: 'pdf', ext: 'pdf', fmt: 'html', is: false, gen: new FLUENT.HtmlPdfGenerator() }
Default options.
var _opts = {
prettyPrint: true,
prettyIndent: 2,
keepBreaks: true,
nSym: '&newl;',
rSym: '&retn;',
theme: 'default',
sheets: [],
filters: {
out: function( txt ) { return txt; },
raw: function( txt ) { return txt; },
xml: function( txt ) { return XML(txt); },
md: function( txt ) { return MD(txt); },
mdin: function( txt ) { return MD(txt).replace(/^\s*\<p\>|\<\/p\>\s*$/gi, ''); },
lower: function( txt ) { return txt.toLowerCase(); }
template: {
interpolate: /\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g,
escape: /\{\{\=(.+?)\}\}/g,
evaluate: /\{\%(.+?)\%\}/g,
comment: /\{\#(.+?)\#\}/g
pdf: 'wkhtmltopdf'
Regexes for linebreak preservation.
var _reg = {
regN: new RegExp( '\n', 'g' ),
regR: new RegExp( '\r', 'g' ),
regSymN: new RegExp( _opts.nSym, 'g' ),
regSymR: new RegExp( _opts.rSym, 'g' )
Module public interface.
return {
generate: hmr,
options: _opts,
formats: _fmts