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2015-12-06 21:19:55 +00:00
Underscore template generate for FluentCV.
@license MIT. Copyright (c) 2015 James M. Devlin / FluentDesk.
(function() {
var _ = require('underscore');
module.exports = function( json, jst, format, cssInfo, opts ) {
// Tweak underscore's default template delimeters
_.templateSettings = opts.template;
// Convert {{ someVar }} to {% print(filt.out(someVar) %}
// Convert {{ someVar|someFilter }} to {% print(filt.someFilter(someVar) %}
jst = jst.replace( _.templateSettings.interpolate, function replace(m, p1) {
if( p1.indexOf('|') > -1 ) {
var terms = p1.split('|');
return '{% print( filt.' + terms[1] + '( ' + terms[0] + ' )) %}';
else {
return '{% print( filt.out(' + p1 + ') ) %}';
// Strip {# comments #}
jst = jst.replace( _.templateSettings.comment, '');
// Compile and run the template. TODO: avoid unnecessary recompiles.
jst = _.template(jst)({ r: json, filt: opts.filters, cssInfo: cssInfo, headFragment: opts.headFragment || '' });
return jst;