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Generic template helper definitions for HackMyResume / FluentCV.
@license MIT. See LICENSE.md for details.
@module generic-helpers.js
(function() {
var MD = require('marked')
, H2W = require('../utils/html-to-wpml')
, XML = require('xml-escape')
, moment = require('moment')
2016-01-05 05:03:54 +00:00
, LO = require('lodash')
2016-01-04 12:23:20 +00:00
, _ = require('underscore')
, unused = require('../utils/string');
2015-12-21 01:22:46 +00:00
Generic template helper function definitions.
@class GenericHelpers
2015-12-21 01:22:46 +00:00
var GenericHelpers = module.exports = {
2015-12-21 01:22:46 +00:00
Convert the input date to a specified format through Moment.js.
If date is invalid, will return the time provided by the user,
or default to the fallback param or 'Present' if that is set to true
2015-12-21 01:22:46 +00:00
@method formatDate
formatDate: function(datetime, format, fallback) {
if (moment) {
var momentDate = moment( datetime );
if (momentDate.isValid()) return momentDate.format(format);
return datetime || (typeof fallback == 'string' ? fallback : (fallback === true ? 'Present' : null));
Format a from/to date range.
@method dateRange
dateRange: function( obj, fmt, sep, options ) {
fmt = (fmt && String.is(fmt) && fmt) || 'YYYY-MM';
sep = (sep && String.is(sep) && sep) || ' — ';
if( obj.safe ) {
var dateA = (obj.safe.start && obj.safe.start.format(fmt)) || '';
var dateB = (obj.safe.end && obj.safe.end.format(fmt)) || '';
if( obj.safe.start && obj.safe.end ) {
return dateA + sep + dateB ;
else if( obj.safe.start || obj.safe.end ) {
return dateA || dateB;
return '';
2016-01-05 05:03:54 +00:00
Return true if the section is present on the resume and has at least one
@method section
2016-01-05 05:03:54 +00:00
section: function( title, options ) {
2016-01-05 05:03:54 +00:00
title = title.trim().toLowerCase();
var obj = LO.get( this.r, title );
if( _.isArray( obj ) ) {
return obj.length ? options.fn(this) : undefined;
else if( _.isObject( obj )) {
return ( (obj.history && obj.history.length) ||
( obj.sets && obj.sets.length ) ) ?
options.fn(this) : undefined;
Capitalize the first letter of the word.
@method section
camelCase: function(val) {
val = (val && val.trim()) || '';
return val ? (val.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + val.slice(1)) : val;
2016-01-05 05:03:54 +00:00
Return true if the context has the property or subpropery.
@method has
has: function( title, options ) {
title = title && title.trim().toLowerCase();
if( LO.get( this.r, title ) ) {
return options.fn(this);
Generic template helper function to display a user-overridable section
title for a FRESH resume theme. Use this in lieue of hard-coding section
{{sectionTitle "sectionName"}}
{{sectionTitle "sectionName" "sectionTitle"}}
{{sectionTitle "Education"}}
{{sectionTitle "Employment" "Project History"}}
@param sect_name The name of the section being title. Must be one of the
top-level FRESH resume sections ("info", "education", "employment", etc.).
@param sect_title The theme-specified section title. May be replaced by the
@method sectionTitle
sectionTitle: function( sname, stitle ) {
// If not provided by the user, stitle should default to sname. ps.
// Handlebars silently passes in the options object to the last param,
// where in Underscore stitle will be null/undefined, so we check both.
stitle = (stitle && String.is(stitle) && stitle) || sname;
// If there's a section title override, use it.
return ( this.opts.stitles &&
this.opts.stitles[ sname.toLowerCase().trim() ] ) ||
2015-12-21 01:22:46 +00:00
Convert inline Markdown to inline WordProcessingML.
@method wpml
wpml: function( txt, inline ) {
if(!txt) return '';
inline = (inline && !inline.hash) || false;
txt = XML(txt.trim());
txt = inline ?
MD(txt).replace(/^\s*<p>|<\/p>\s*$/gi, '') :
txt = H2W( txt );
return txt;
2015-12-21 01:22:46 +00:00
Emit a conditional link.
@method link
link: function( text, url ) {
return url && url.trim() ?
('<a href="' + url + '">' + text + '</a>') : text;
2015-12-21 01:22:46 +00:00
Return the last word of the specified text.
@method lastWord
lastWord: function( txt ) {
return txt && txt.trim() ? _.last( txt.split(' ') ) : '';
2015-12-21 01:22:46 +00:00
Convert a skill level to an RGB color triplet. TODO: refactor
2015-12-21 01:22:46 +00:00
@method skillColor
@param lvl Input skill level. Skill level can be expressed as a string
("beginner", "intermediate", etc.), as an integer (1,5,etc), as a string
integer ("1", "5", etc.), or as an RRGGBB color triplet ('#C00000',
skillColor: function( lvl ) {
var idx = skillLevelToIndex( lvl );
var skillColors = (this.theme && this.theme.palette &&
this.theme.palette.skillLevels) ||
[ '#FFFFFF', '#5CB85C', '#F1C40F', '#428BCA', '#C00000' ];
return skillColors[idx];
2015-12-21 01:22:46 +00:00
Return an appropriate height. TODO: refactor
2015-12-21 01:22:46 +00:00
@method lastWord
skillHeight: function( lvl ) {
var idx = skillLevelToIndex( lvl );
return ['38.25', '30', '16', '8', '0'][idx];
2015-12-21 01:22:46 +00:00
Return all but the last word of the input text.
@method initialWords
initialWords: function( txt ) {
return txt && txt.trim() ? _.initial( txt.split(' ') ).join(' ') : '';
2015-12-21 01:22:46 +00:00
Trim the protocol (http or https) from a URL/
@method trimURL
trimURL: function( url ) {
return url && url.trim() ? url.trim().replace(/^https?:\/\//i, '') : '';
2015-12-21 01:22:46 +00:00
Convert text to lowercase.
@method toLower
toLower: function( txt ) {
return txt && txt.trim() ? txt.toLowerCase() : '';
2015-12-21 01:22:46 +00:00
Return true if either value is truthy.
@method either
either: function( lhs, rhs, options ) {
if (lhs || rhs) return options.fn(this);
Conditional stylesheet link. Either display the link or embed the stylesheet
via <style></style> tag.
2015-12-31 00:45:50 +00:00
styleSheet: function( file, options ) {
var styles = ( this.opts.css === 'link') ?
2015-12-31 00:45:50 +00:00
'<link href="' + file + '" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">' :
'<style>' + this.cssInfo.data + '</style>';
if( this.opts.themeObj.inherits &&
this.opts.themeObj.inherits.html &&
this.format === 'html' ) {
styles += (this.opts.css === 'link') ?
'<link href="' + this.opts.themeObj.overrides.path + '" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">' :
'<style>' + this.opts.themeObj.overrides.data + '</style>';
return styles;
2015-12-21 01:22:46 +00:00
Perform a generic comparison.
See: http://doginthehat.com.au/2012/02/comparison-block-helper-for-handlebars-templates
@method compare
compare: function(lvalue, rvalue, options) {
if (arguments.length < 3)
throw new Error("Handlerbars Helper 'compare' needs 2 parameters");
var operator = options.hash.operator || "==";
var operators = {
'==': function(l,r) { return l == r; },
'===': function(l,r) { return l === r; },
'!=': function(l,r) { return l != r; },
'<': function(l,r) { return l < r; },
'>': function(l,r) { return l > r; },
'<=': function(l,r) { return l <= r; },
'>=': function(l,r) { return l >= r; },
'typeof': function(l,r) { return typeof l == r; }
if (!operators[operator])
throw new Error("Handlerbars Helper 'compare' doesn't know the operator "+operator);
var result = operators[operator](lvalue,rvalue);
return result ? options.fn(this) : options.inverse(this);
function skillLevelToIndex( lvl ) {
var idx = 0;
if( String.is( lvl ) ) {
lvl = lvl.trim().toLowerCase();
var intVal = parseInt( lvl );
if( isNaN( intVal ) ) {
switch( lvl ) {
case 'beginner': idx = 1; break;
case 'intermediate': idx = 2; break;
case 'advanced': idx = 3; break;
case 'master': idx = 4; break;
else {
idx = Math.min( intVal / 2, 4 );
idx = Math.max( 0, idx );
else {
idx = Math.min( lvl / 2, 4 );
idx = Math.max( 0, idx );
return idx;