mirror of https://github.com/JuanCanham/HackMyResume.git synced 2024-07-03 00:30:05 +01:00

Improve date parsing and sorting.

This commit is contained in:
devlinjd 2015-09-19 21:07:53 -04:00
parent c55a2f9f35
commit 1a1310cef5
2 changed files with 120 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
"jst": "0.0.13",
"marked": "^0.3.5",
"minimist": "^1.2.0",
"moment": "^2.10.6",
"underscore": "^1.8.3",
"wkhtmltopdf": "^0.1.5",
"xml-escape": "^1.0.0"

View File

@ -5,14 +5,18 @@ Abstract character/resume sheet representation.
(function() {
var FS = require('fs');
var extend = require('./extend');
var validator = require('is-my-json-valid');
var FS = require('fs')
, extend = require('./extend')
, validator = require('is-my-json-valid')
, _ = require('underscore')
, moment = require('moment');
Initialize a new Sheet instance.
function Sheet() {
this.id = null;
this.title = "New";
this.rep = { };
this.fileName = null;
@ -22,9 +26,12 @@ Abstract character/resume sheet representation.
Sheet.prototype.open = function( file, title ) {
var rep = JSON.parse( FS.readFileSync( file, 'utf8' ) );
extend( true, this, rep );
console.log( this );
this.fileName = file;
this.title = title || this.basics.name;
_parseDates.call( this );
this.computed = this.computed || { };
this.computed.numYears = this.duration();
return this;
@ -33,10 +40,22 @@ Abstract character/resume sheet representation.
Sheet.prototype.hasProfile = function( socialNetwork ) {
socialNetwork = socialNetwork.trim().toLowerCase();
return this.basics.profiles && this.basics.profiles.filter(function(prof) {
return this.basics.profiles && _.some( this.basics.profiles, function(prof) {
return prof.network.trim().toLowerCase() === socialNetwork;
}).length > 0;
Determine if the sheet includes a specific skill.
Sheet.prototype.hasSkill = function( skill ) {
skill = skill.trim().toLowerCase();
return this.skills && _.some( this.skills, function(sk) {
return sk.keywords && _.some( sk.keywords, function(kw) {
return kw.trim().toLowerCase() === skill;
Validate the sheet against a specific JSON schema.
@ -46,8 +65,100 @@ Abstract character/resume sheet representation.
var validator = require('is-my-json-valid')
var validate = validator( schemaObj );
return validate( this );
Calculate the total duration of the sheet. Assumes this.work has been sorted
by start date descending.
Sheet.prototype.duration = function() {
var careerStart = _fmt( this.work[ this.work.length - 1].startDate );
var careerLast = _fmt( _.max( this.work, function( w ) {
return _fmt( w.endDate ).unix();
}).endDate );
return careerLast.diff( careerStart, 'years' );
Sort dated things by start date descending.
Sheet.prototype.sort = function( ) {
var da, db;
if( this.work && this.work.length > 1 ) {
this.work.sort( function(a, b) {
return( a.safeStartDate.isBefore(b.safeStartDate) ) ? 1 : ( a.safeStartDate.isAfter(b.safeStartDate) && -1 ) || 0;
if( this.education && this.education.length > 1 ) {
this.education.sort( function(a, b) {
return( a.safeStartDate.isBefore(b.safeStartDate) ) ? 1 : ( a.safeStartDate.isAfter(b.safeStartDate) && -1 ) || 0;
if( this.volunteer && this.volunteer.length > 1 ) {
this.volunteer.sort( function(a, b) {
return( a.safeStartDate.isBefore(b.safeStartDate) ) ? 1 : ( a.safeStartDate.isAfter(b.safeStartDate) && -1 ) || 0;
if( this.awards && this.awards.length > 1 ) {
this.awards.sort( function(a, b) {
return( a.safeDate.isBefore(b.safeDate) ) ? 1 : ( a.safeDate.isAfter(b.safeDate) && -1 ) || 0;
if( this.publications && this.publications.length > 1 ) {
this.publications.sort( function(a, b) {
return( a.safeReleaseDate.isBefore(b.safeReleaseDate) ) ? 1 : ( a.safeReleaseDate.isAfter(b.safeReleaseDate) && -1 ) || 0;
Format a human-friendly FluentCV date to a Moment.js-compatible date.
function _fmt( dt ) {
dt = dt.toLowerCase().trim();
if( dt === 'present' ) {
return moment();
else if( /^\D+/.test(dt) ) {
var parts = dt.split(' ');
return moment( parts[1] + '-' + (months[ parts[0] ] || abbr[ parts[0] ] || ( parts[0] === 'sept' && '09' )) + '-' + '01', 'YYYY-MM-DD' );
else {
var mt = moment( dt );
return mt;
throw 'Invalid date format encountered. Use YYYY-MM-DD.';
function _parseDates() {
this.work.forEach( function(job) {
job.safeStartDate = _fmt( job.startDate );
job.safeEndDate = _fmt( job.endDate );
this.education.forEach( function(edu) {
edu.safeStartDate = _fmt( edu.startDate );
edu.safeEndDate = _fmt( edu.endDate );
this.volunteer.forEach( function(vol) {
vol.safeStartDate = _fmt( vol.startDate );
vol.safeEndDate = _fmt( vol.endDate );
this.awards.forEach( function(awd) {
awd.safeDate = _fmt( awd.date );
this.publications.forEach( function(pub) {
pub.safeReleaseDate = _fmt( pub.releaseDate );
var months = {}, abbr = {};
moment.months().forEach( function(m, idx) { months[ m.toLowerCase() ] = idx + 1; });
moment.monthsShort().forEach( function(m, idx) { abbr[ m.toLowerCase() ] = idx + 1; });
Export the Sheet function/ctor.
module.exports = Sheet;