Building ======== *See [][contrib] for more information on contributing to the HackMyResume or FluentCV projects.* HackMyResume is a standard Node.js command line app implemented in a mix of CoffeeScript and JavaScript. Setting up a build environment is easy: ## Prerequisites ## 1. OS: Linux, OS X, or Windows 2. Install [Node.js][node] and [Grunt][grunt]. ## Set up a build environment ### 1. Fork [hacksalot/HackMyResume][hmr] to your GitHub account. 2. Clone your fork locally. 3. From within the top-level HackMyResume folder, run `npm install` to install project dependencies. 4. Create a new branch, based on the latest HackMyResume `dev` branch, to contain your work. 5. Run `npm link` in the HackMyResume folder so that the `hackmyresume` command will reference your local installation (you may need to `npm uninstall -g hackmyresume` first). ## Making changes 1. HackMyResume sources live in the [`/src`][src] folder. Always make your edits there, never in the generated `/dist` folder. 2. After making your changes, run `grunt build` to package the HackMyResume sources to the `/dist` folder. This will transform CoffeeScript files to JavaScript and perform other build steps as necessary. In the future, a watch task or guardfile will be added to automate this step. 3. Do local spot testing with `hackmyresume` as normal. 4. When you're ready to submit your changes, run `grunt test` to run the HMR test suite. Fix any errors that occur. 5. Commit and push your changes. 6. Submit a pull request targeting the HackMyResume `dev` branch. [node]: [grunt]: [hmr]: [src]: [contrib]: