/** Generic template helper definitions for HackMyResume / FluentCV. @license MIT. See LICENSE.md for details. @module helpers/generic-helpers */ (function() { var FS, FluentDate, GenericHelpers, H2W, HMSTATUS, LO, MD, PATH, XML, _, _fromTo, _reportError, moment, printf, skillLevelToIndex, unused; MD = require('marked'); H2W = require('../utils/html-to-wpml'); XML = require('xml-escape'); FluentDate = require('../core/fluent-date'); HMSTATUS = require('../core/status-codes'); moment = require('moment'); FS = require('fs'); LO = require('lodash'); PATH = require('path'); printf = require('printf'); _ = require('underscore'); unused = require('../utils/string'); /** Generic template helper function definitions. */ GenericHelpers = module.exports = { /** Convert the input date to a specified format through Moment.js. If date is invalid, will return the time provided by the user, or default to the fallback param or 'Present' if that is set to true @method formatDate */ formatDate: function(datetime, format, fallback) { var momentDate, ref, ref1; if (moment) { momentDate = moment(datetime); if (momentDate.isValid()) { return momentDate.format(format); } } return datetime || ((ref = typeof fallback === 'string') != null ? ref : { fallback: (ref1 = fallback === true) != null ? ref1 : { 'Present': null } }); }, /** Given a resume sub-object with a start/end date, format a representation of the date range. @method dateRange */ dateRange: function(obj, fmt, sep, fallback, options) { if (!obj) { return ''; } return _fromTo(obj.start, obj.end, fmt, sep, fallback, options); }, /** Format a from/to date range for display. @method toFrom */ fromTo: function() { return _fromTo.apply(this, arguments); }, /** Return a named color value as an RRGGBB string. @method toFrom */ color: function(colorName, colorDefault) { var ret; if (!(colorName && colorName.trim())) { return _reportError(HMSTATUS.invalidHelperUse, { helper: 'fontList', error: HMSTATUS.missingParam, expected: 'name' }); } else { if (!GenericHelpers.theme.colors) { return colorDefault; } ret = GenericHelpers.theme.colors[colorName]; if (!(ret && ret.trim())) { return colorDefault; } return ret; } }, /** Return true if the section is present on the resume and has at least one element. @method section */ section: function(title, options) { var obj; title = title.trim().toLowerCase(); obj = LO.get(this.r, title); if (_.isArray(obj)) { if (obj.length) { return options.fn(this); } else { return void 0; } } else if (_.isObject(obj)) { return (obj.history && obj.history.length) || (obj.sets && obj.sets.length ? options.fn(this) : void 0); } }, /** Emit the size of the specified named font. @param key {String} A named style from the "fonts" section of the theme's theme.json file. For example: 'default' or 'heading1'. */ fontSize: function(key, defSize, units) { var fontSpec, hasDef, ret; ret = ''; hasDef = defSize && (String.is(defSize) || _.isNumber(defSize)); if (!(key && key.trim())) { _reportError(HMSTATUS.invalidHelperUse, { helper: 'fontSize', error: HMSTATUS.missingParam, expected: 'key' }); return ret; } else if (GenericHelpers.theme.fonts) { fontSpec = LO.get(GenericHelpers.theme.fonts, this.format + '.' + key); if (!fontSpec) { if (GenericHelpers.theme.fonts.all) { fontSpec = GenericHelpers.theme.fonts.all[key]; } } if (fontSpec) { if (String.is(fontSpec)) { } else if (_.isArray(fontSpec)) { if (!String.is(fontSpec[0])) { ret = fontSpec[0].size; } } else { ret = fontSpec.size; } } } if (!ret) { if (hasDef) { ret = defSize; } else { _reportError(HMSTATUS.invalidHelperUse, { helper: 'fontSize', error: HMSTATUS.missingParam, expected: 'defSize' }); ret = ''; } } return ret; }, /** Emit the font face (such as 'Helvetica' or 'Calibri') associated with the provided key. @param key {String} A named style from the "fonts" section of the theme's theme.json file. For example: 'default' or 'heading1'. @param defFont {String} The font to use if the specified key isn't present. Can be any valid font-face name such as 'Helvetica Neue' or 'Calibri'. */ fontFace: function(key, defFont) { var fontSpec, hasDef, ret; ret = ''; hasDef = defFont && String.is(defFont); if (!(key && key.trim())) { _reportError(HMSTATUS.invalidHelperUse, { helper: 'fontFace', error: HMSTATUS.missingParam, expected: 'key' }); return ret; } else if (GenericHelpers.theme.fonts) { fontSpec = LO.get(GenericHelpers.theme.fonts, this.format + '.' + key); if (!fontSpec) { if (GenericHelpers.theme.fonts.all) { fontSpec = GenericHelpers.theme.fonts.all[key]; } } if (fontSpec) { if (String.is(fontSpec)) { ret = fontSpec; } else if (_.isArray(fontSpec)) { ret = String.is(fontSpec[0]) ? fontSpec[0] : fontSpec[0].name; } else { ret = fontSpec.name; } } } if (!(ret && ret.trim())) { ret = defFont; if (!hasDef) { _reportError(HMSTATUS.invalidHelperUse, { helper: 'fontFace', error: HMSTATUS.missingParam, expected: 'defFont' }); ret = ''; } } return ret; }, /** Emit a comma-delimited list of font names suitable associated with the provided key. @param key {String} A named style from the "fonts" section of the theme's theme.json file. For example: 'default' or 'heading1'. @param defFontList {Array} The font list to use if the specified key isn't present. Can be an array of valid font-face name such as 'Helvetica Neue' or 'Calibri'. @param sep {String} The default separator to use in the rendered output. Defaults to ", " (comma with a space). */ fontList: function(key, defFontList, sep) { var fontSpec, hasDef, ret; ret = ''; hasDef = defFontList && String.is(defFontList); if (!(key && key.trim())) { _reportError(HMSTATUS.invalidHelperUse, { helper: 'fontList', error: HMSTATUS.missingParam, expected: 'key' }); } else if (GenericHelpers.theme.fonts) { fontSpec = LO.get(GenericHelpers.theme.fonts, this.format + '.' + key); if (!fontSpec) { if (GenericHelpers.theme.fonts.all) { fontSpec = GenericHelpers.theme.fonts.all[key]; } } if (fontSpec) { if (String.is(fontSpec)) { ret = fontSpec; } else if (_.isArray(fontSpec)) { fontSpec = fontSpec.map(function(ff) { return "'" + (String.is(ff) ? ff : ff.name) + "'"; }); ret = fontSpec.join(sep === void 0 ? ', ' : sep || ''); } else { ret = fontSpec.name; } } } if (!(ret && ret.trim())) { if (!hasDef) { _reportError(HMSTATUS.invalidHelperUse, { helper: 'fontList', error: HMSTATUS.missingParam, expected: 'defFontList' }); ret = ''; } else { ret = defFontList; } } return ret; }, /** Capitalize the first letter of the word. @method section */ camelCase: function(val) { val = (val && val.trim()) || ''; if (val) { return val.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + val.slice(1); } else { return val; } }, /** Return true if the context has the property or subpropery. @method has */ has: function(title, options) { title = title && title.trim().toLowerCase(); if (LO.get(this.r, title)) { return options.fn(this); } }, /** Generic template helper function to display a user-overridable section title for a FRESH resume theme. Use this in lieue of hard-coding section titles. Usage: {{sectionTitle "sectionName"}} {{sectionTitle "sectionName" "sectionTitle"}} Example: {{sectionTitle "Education"}} {{sectionTitle "Employment" "Project History"}} @param sect_name The name of the section being title. Must be one of the top-level FRESH resume sections ("info", "education", "employment", etc.). @param sect_title The theme-specified section title. May be replaced by the user. @method sectionTitle */ sectionTitle: function(sname, stitle) { stitle = (stitle && String.is(stitle) && stitle) || sname; return (this.opts.stitles && this.opts.stitles[sname.toLowerCase().trim()]) || stitle; }, /** Convert inline Markdown to inline WordProcessingML. @method wpml */ wpml: function(txt, inline) { if (!txt) { return ''; } inline = (inline && !inline.hash) || false; txt = XML(txt.trim()); txt = inline ? MD(txt).replace(/^\s*

|<\/p>\s*$/gi, '') : MD(txt); txt = H2W(txt); return txt; }, /** Emit a conditional link. @method link */ link: function(text, url) { if (url && url.trim()) { return '' + text + ''; } else { return text; } }, /** Return the last word of the specified text. @method lastWord */ lastWord: function(txt) { if (txt && txt.trim()) { return _.last(txt.split(' ')); } else { return ''; } }, /** Convert a skill level to an RGB color triplet. TODO: refactor @method skillColor @param lvl Input skill level. Skill level can be expressed as a string ("beginner", "intermediate", etc.), as an integer (1,5,etc), as a string integer ("1", "5", etc.), or as an RRGGBB color triplet ('#C00000', '#FFFFAA'). */ skillColor: function(lvl) { var idx, skillColors; idx = skillLevelToIndex(lvl); skillColors = (this.theme && this.theme.palette && this.theme.palette.skillLevels) || ['#FFFFFF', '#5CB85C', '#F1C40F', '#428BCA', '#C00000']; return skillColors[idx]; }, /** Return an appropriate height. TODO: refactor @method lastWord */ skillHeight: function(lvl) { var idx; idx = skillLevelToIndex(lvl); return ['38.25', '30', '16', '8', '0'][idx]; }, /** Return all but the last word of the input text. @method initialWords */ initialWords: function(txt) { if (txt && txt.trim()) { return _.initial(txt.split(' ')).join(' '); } else { return ''; } }, /** Trim the protocol (http or https) from a URL/ @method trimURL */ trimURL: function(url) { if (url && url.trim()) { return url.trim().replace(/^https?:\/\//i, ''); } else { return ''; } }, /** Convert text to lowercase. @method toLower */ toLower: function(txt) { if (txt && txt.trim()) { return txt.toLowerCase(); } else { return ''; } }, /** Convert text to lowercase. @method toLower */ toUpper: function(txt) { if (txt && txt.trim()) { return txt.toUpperCase(); } else { return ''; } }, /** Return true if either value is truthy. @method either */ either: function(lhs, rhs, options) { if (lhs || rhs) { return options.fn(this); } }, /** Conditional stylesheet link. Creates a link to the specified stylesheet with or embeds the styles inline with , depending on the theme author's and user's preferences. @param url {String} The path to the CSS file. @param linkage {String} The default link method. Can be either `embed` or `link`. If omitted, defaults to `embed`. Can be overridden by the `--css` command-line switch. */ styleSheet: function(url, linkage) { var rawCss, renderedCss, ret; linkage = this.opts.css || linkage || 'embed'; ret = ''; if (linkage === 'link') { ret = printf('', url); } else { rawCss = FS.readFileSync(PATH.join(this.opts.themeObj.folder, '/src/', url), 'utf8'); renderedCss = this.engine.generateSimple(this, rawCss); ret = printf('', renderedCss); } if (this.opts.themeObj.inherits && this.opts.themeObj.inherits.html && this.format === 'html') { ret += linkage === 'link' ? '' : ''; } return ret; }, /** Perform a generic comparison. See: http://doginthehat.com.au/2012/02/comparison-block-helper-for-handlebars-templates @method compare */ compare: function(lvalue, rvalue, options) { var operator, operators, result; if (arguments.length < 3) { throw new Error("Handlerbars Helper 'compare' needs 2 parameters"); } operator = options.hash.operator || "=="; operators = { '==': function(l, r) { return l === r; }, '===': function(l, r) { return l === r; }, '!=': function(l, r) { return l !== r; }, '<': function(l, r) { return l < r; }, '>': function(l, r) { return l > r; }, '<=': function(l, r) { return l <= r; }, '>=': function(l, r) { return l >= r; }, 'typeof': function(l, r) { return typeof l === r; } }; if (!operators[operator]) { throw new Error("Handlerbars Helper 'compare' doesn't know the operator " + operator); } result = operators[operator](lvalue, rvalue); if (result) { return options.fn(this); } else { return options.inverse(this); } } }; /** Report an error to the outside world without throwing an exception. Currently relies on kludging the running verb into. opts. */ _reportError = function(code, params) { return GenericHelpers.opts.errHandler.err(code, params); }; /** Format a from/to date range for display. */ _fromTo = function(dateA, dateB, fmt, sep, fallback) { var dateATrim, dateBTrim, dateFrom, dateTemp, dateTo, reserved; if (moment.isMoment(dateA) || moment.isMoment(dateB)) { _reportError(HMSTATUS.invalidHelperUse, { helper: 'dateRange' }); return ''; } dateFrom = null; dateTo = null; dateTemp = null; dateA = dateA || ''; dateB = dateB || ''; dateATrim = dateA.trim().toLowerCase(); dateBTrim = dateB.trim().toLowerCase(); reserved = ['current', 'present', 'now', '']; fmt = (fmt && String.is(fmt) && fmt) || 'YYYY-MM'; sep = (sep && String.is(sep) && sep) || ' — '; if (_.contains(reserved, dateATrim)) { dateFrom = fallback || '???'; } else { dateTemp = FluentDate.fmt(dateA); dateFrom = dateTemp.format(fmt); } if (_.contains(reserved, dateBTrim)) { dateTo = fallback || 'Current'; } else { dateTemp = FluentDate.fmt(dateB); dateTo = dateTemp.format(fmt); } if (dateFrom && dateTo) { return dateFrom + sep + dateTo; } else if (dateFrom || dateTo) { return dateFrom || dateTo; } return ''; }; skillLevelToIndex = function(lvl) { var idx, intVal; idx = 0; if (String.is(lvl)) { lvl = lvl.trim().toLowerCase(); intVal = parseInt(lvl); if (isNaN(intVal)) { switch (lvl) { case 'beginner': idx = 1; break; case 'intermediate': idx = 2; break; case 'advanced': idx = 3; break; case 'master': idx = 4; } } else { idx = Math.min(intVal / 2, 4); idx = Math.max(0, idx); } } else { idx = Math.min(lvl / 2, 4); idx = Math.max(0, idx); } return idx; }; }).call(this);