/** Definition of the HtmlPdfCLIGenerator class. @module html-pdf-generator.js @license MIT. See LICENSE.md for details. */ (function() { var FS, HMSTATUS, HtmlPdfCLIGenerator, PATH, SLASH, TemplateGenerator, _, engines; TemplateGenerator = require('./template-generator'); FS = require('fs-extra'); PATH = require('path'); SLASH = require('slash'); _ = require('underscore'); HMSTATUS = require('../core/status-codes'); /** An HTML-driven PDF resume generator for HackMyResume. Talks to Phantom, wkhtmltopdf, and other PDF engines over a CLI (command-line interface). If an engine isn't installed for a particular platform, error out gracefully. */ HtmlPdfCLIGenerator = module.exports = TemplateGenerator.extend({ init: function() { return this._super('pdf', 'html'); }, /** Generate the binary PDF. */ onBeforeSave: function(info) { var safe_eng; safe_eng = info.opts.pdf || 'wkhtmltopdf'; if (safe_eng === 'phantom') { safe_eng = 'phantomjs'; } if (_.has(engines, safe_eng)) { this.SPAWN = require('../utils/safe-spawn'); this.errHandler = info.opts.errHandler; engines[safe_eng].call(this, info.mk, info.outputFile, this.onError); return null; } }, onError: function(ex, param) { param.errHandler.err(HMSTATUS.pdfGeneration, ex); } }); engines = { /** Generate a PDF from HTML using wkhtmltopdf's CLI interface. Spawns a child process with `wkhtmltopdf `. wkhtmltopdf must be installed and path-accessible. TODO: If HTML generation has run, reuse that output TODO: Local web server to ease wkhtmltopdf rendering */ wkhtmltopdf: function(markup, fOut, on_error) { var tempFile; tempFile = fOut.replace(/\.pdf$/i, '.pdf.html'); FS.writeFileSync(tempFile, markup, 'utf8'); return this.SPAWN('wkhtmltopdf', [tempFile, fOut], false, on_error, this); }, /** Generate a PDF from HTML using Phantom's CLI interface. Spawns a child process with `phantomjs