/** Test routines for the JRSResume class. @module test-jrs-sheet.js @license MIT. See LICENSE.md for details. */ var chai = require('chai') , expect = chai.expect , should = chai.should() , path = require('path') , _ = require('underscore') , JRSResume = require('../../dist/core/jrs-resume') , ResumeFactory = require('../../dist/core/resume-factory') , validator = require('is-my-json-valid'); chai.config.includeStack = false; function testResume( opts ) { describe( opts.title + ' (JRS)', function() { opts.isValid = opts.isValid !== false; var _sheet; it('should open without throwing an exception', function () { var that = this; function tryOpen() { var res = ResumeFactory.loadOne( path.normalize( path.join( __dirname, '/../../node_modules/fresh-test-resumes/src/jrs/' + opts.title + '.json' ) ), { objectify: true } ); _sheet = res.rez; } tryOpen.should.not.Throw(); }); it('should have one or more of each section', function() { var newObj = _.pick( _sheet, opts.sections ); expect( Object.keys(newObj).length ).to.equal( opts.sections.length ); }); it('should have a work duration of ' + opts.duration + ' years', function() { _sheet.basics.computed.numYears.should.equal( opts.duration ); }); it('should save without throwing an exception', function() { var that = this; function trySave() { _sheet.save( 'test/sandbox/' + opts.title + '.json' ); } trySave.should.not.Throw(); }); it('should not be modified after saving', function() { var res = ResumeFactory.loadOne( 'test/sandbox/' + opts.title + '.json', { objectify: true } ); _sheet.stringify().should.equal( res.rez.stringify() ); }); it('should ' + (opts.isValid ? '' : 'NOT ') + 'validate against the JSON Resume schema', function() { var result = _sheet.isValid(); // var schemaJson = require('../src/core/resume.json'); // var validate = validator( schemaJson, { verbose: true } ); // var result = validate( JSON.parse( _sheet.imp.raw ) ); result || console.log("\n\nOops, resume didn't validate. " + "Validation errors:\n\n", _sheet.imp.validationErrors, "\n\n"); result.should.equal( opts.isValid ); }); }); } var sects = [ 'basics', 'work', 'volunteer', 'skills', 'education', 'publications', 'awards', 'references' ]; testResume({ title: 'jane-fullstacker', duration: 9, sections: sects }); testResume({ title: 'jane-incomplete', duration: 0, sections: _.without(sects, 'awards', 'work') }); testResume({ title: 'richard-hendriks', duration: 1, sections: sects }); testResume({ title: 'empty', duration: 0, sections: [], isValid: false });