(function() {
Definition of the HtmlPdfCLIGenerator class.
@module generators/html-pdf-generator.js
@license MIT. See LICENSE.md for details.
var FS, HMSTATUS, HtmlPdfCLIGenerator, PATH, SLASH, SPAWN, TemplateGenerator, _, engines;
TemplateGenerator = require('./template-generator');
FS = require('fs-extra');
PATH = require('path');
SLASH = require('slash');
_ = require('underscore');
HMSTATUS = require('../core/status-codes');
SPAWN = require('../utils/safe-spawn');
An HTML-driven PDF resume generator for HackMyResume. Talks to Phantom,
wkhtmltopdf, and other PDF engines over a CLI (command-line interface).
If an engine isn't installed for a particular platform, error out gracefully.
module.exports = HtmlPdfCLIGenerator = class HtmlPdfCLIGenerator extends TemplateGenerator {
constructor() {
super('pdf', 'html');
/** Generate the binary PDF. */
onBeforeSave(info) {
var safe_eng;
if (info.ext !== 'html' && info.ext !== 'pdf') {
//console.dir _.omit( info, 'mk' ), depth: null, colors: true
return info.mk;
safe_eng = info.opts.pdf || 'wkhtmltopdf';
if (safe_eng === 'phantom') {
safe_eng = 'phantomjs';
if (_.has(engines, safe_eng)) {
this.errHandler = info.opts.errHandler;
engines[safe_eng].call(this, info.mk, info.outputFile, info.opts, this.onError);
return null; // halt further processing
/* Low-level error callback for spawn(). May be called after HMR process
termination, so object references may not be valid here. That's okay; if
the references are invalid, the error was already logged. We could use
spawn-watch here but that causes issues on legacy Node.js. */
onError(ex, param) {
var ref;
if ((ref = param.errHandler) != null) {
if (typeof ref.err === "function") {
ref.err(HMSTATUS.pdfGeneration, ex);
// TODO: Move each engine to a separate module
engines = {
Generate a PDF from HTML using wkhtmltopdf's CLI interface.
Spawns a child process with `wkhtmltopdf