/** CLI test routines for HackMyResume. Test the HackMyResume command-line interface by spawning HMR directly and observing the return code and std output. @module test-cli.js @license MIT. See LICENSE.md for details. */ var chai = require('chai') , should = chai.should() , expect = chai.expect , FS = require('fs') , PATH = require('path') , EXEC = require('child_process').exec describe('Testing CLI interface', function () { this.timeout(10000); function run( args, expErr ) { var title = args; it( 'Testing: "' + title + '"\n\n', function( done ) { try { EXEC('hackmyresume ' + args, null, function(err,stdo,stde) { var errCode = (err && err.code) || 0; errCode.should.equal( parseInt(expErr, 10) ); done(); }); } catch(ex) { ex.status.should.equal( parseInt(expErr, 10) ); done(); } }); } var testFile = PATH.join( __dirname, './test-hmr.txt'); var lines = FS.readFileSync( testFile, 'utf8').split('\n'); lines.forEach(function(l){ if( l && l.trim() ) { if(l[0] !== '#') { var lineInfo = l.split('|'); var errCode = lineInfo[0]; run( lineInfo.length > 1 ? lineInfo[1] : '', errCode ); } } }); });