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Fullstacker</h1> <div id="contact"></div> </header> <hr> <section id="summary"> <header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-info"></span> <h2>info</h2> </header> <strong>Imaginary full-stack software developer with 6+ years industry experience</strong> specializing in cloud-driven web applications and middleware. A native of southern CA, Jane enjoys hiking, mystery novels, and the company of Rufus, her two year old beagle.</section> <hr> <section id="skills"> <header> <h2>Skills</h2> </header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-code"></span> <ul class="list-unstyled"> <li class="card card-nested card-skills"> <div class="skill-level" rel="tooltip" title="advanced" data-placement="left"> <div class="skill-progress advanced"></div> </div> <div class="skill-info"> <strong>Web</strong> <div class="space-top labels"> <span class="label label-keyword">JavaScript</span> <span class="label label-keyword">HTML 5</span> <span class="label label-keyword">CSS</span> <span class="label label-keyword">LAMP</span> <span class="label label-keyword">MVC</span> <span class="label label-keyword">REST</span> </div> </div> </li> <li class="card card-nested card-skills"> <div class="skill-level" rel="tooltip" title="master" data-placement="left"> <div class="skill-progress master"></div> </div> <div class="skill-info"> <strong>JavaScript</strong> <div class="space-top labels"> <span class="label label-keyword">Node.js</span> <span class="label label-keyword">Angular.js</span> <span class="label label-keyword">jQuery</span> <span class="label label-keyword">Bootstrap</span> <span class="label label-keyword">React.js</span> <span class="label label-keyword">Backbone.js</span> </div> </div> </li> <li class="card card-nested card-skills"> <div class="skill-level" rel="tooltip" title="intermediate" data-placement="left"> <div class="skill-progress intermediate"></div> </div> <div class="skill-info"> <strong>Database</strong> <div class="space-top labels"> <span class="label label-keyword">MySQL</span> <span class="label label-keyword">PostgreSQL</span> <span class="label label-keyword">NoSQL</span> <span class="label label-keyword">ORM</span> <span class="label label-keyword">Hibernate</span> </div> </div> </li> <li class="card card-nested card-skills"> <div class="skill-level" rel="tooltip" title="intermediate" data-placement="left"> <div class="skill-progress intermediate"></div> </div> <div class="skill-info"> <strong>Cloud</strong> <div class="space-top labels"> <span class="label label-keyword">AWS</span> <span class="label label-keyword">EC2</span> <span class="label label-keyword">RDS</span> <span class="label label-keyword">S3</span> <span class="label label-keyword">Azure</span> <span class="label label-keyword">Dropbox</span> </div> </div> </li> <li class="card card-nested card-skills"> <div class="skill-level" rel="tooltip" title="beginner" data-placement="left"> <div class="skill-progress beginner"></div> </div> <div class="skill-info"> <strong>Project</strong> <div class="space-top labels"> <span class="label label-keyword">Agile</span> <span class="label label-keyword">TFS</span> <span class="label label-keyword">JIRA</span> <span class="label label-keyword">GitHub</span> <span class="label label-keyword">Unified Process</span> <span class="label label-keyword">MS Project</span> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </section> <hr> <section id="employment"> <header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-building"></span> <h2>employment</h2> </header> <div> <h3><em>Head Code Ninja</em>, <a href="https://area52.io/does-not-exist">Area 52</a> </h3> <span class="tenure">2013-09 — Present</span> | <span class="keywords">Agile PM C C++ R OpenGL Boost MySQL PostgreSQL JIRA </span> <p> <p>Development team manager for <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaporware"><strong>Quantum Diorama</strong></a>, a distributed molecular modeling and analysis suite for Linux and OS X.</p> </p> <ul> <li>Managed a 5-person development team</li> <li>Accomplishment 2</li> <li>Etc.</li> </ul> </div> <div> <h3><em>Principal Developer</em>, <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Better_Off_Ted#Plot">Veridian Dynamics</a> </h3> <span class="tenure">2011-07 — 2013-08</span> | <span class="keywords">C++ C Linux R Clojure </span> <p> <p>Developer on numerous projects culminating in technical lead role for the <a href="http://betteroffted.wikia.com/wiki/Jabberwocky">Jabberwocky project</a> and promotion to principal developer.</p> </p> <ul> <li>Managed a 5-person development team</li> <li>Accomplishment 2</li> <li>Etc.</li> </ul> </div> <div> <h3><em>IT Administrator</em>, Stark Industries </h3> <span class="tenure">2008-10 — 2011-06</span> | <span class="keywords">Novell Active Directory Linux Windows </span> <p> <p>Junior programmer with heavy code responsibilities. Promoted to intermediate role after 6 months.</p> </p> <ul> <li>Promoted to intermediate developer after 6 months</li> <li>Accomplishment 2</li> <li>Etc.</li> </ul> </div> <div> <h3><em>Intern</em>, Dunder Mifflin </h3> <span class="tenure">2008-06 — 2008-09</span> | <span class="keywords">Novell Active Directory Linux Windows </span> <p> <p>Performed IT administration and deployments for Dunder Mifflin.</p> </p> <ul> <li>Supervised roll-out of Dunder Mifflin Infinity website.</li> <li>Performed mission-critical system backups and</li> <li>Etc.</li> </ul> </div> </section> <hr> <section id="projects"> <header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-star"></span> <h2>projects</h2> </header> <div> <h3><em>Contributor</em>, <a href="https://fluentdesk.com/hackmyresume">HackMyResume</a> </h3> <span class="tenure">2015-09 — Present</span> | <span class="keywords">JavaScript Node.js cross-platform JSON </span> <p>Exemplar user for HackMyResume and FluentCV!</p> </div> <div> <h3><em>Co-creator</em>, <a href="http://project.website.com">Augmented Android</a> </h3> <span class="tenure">2012-02 — 2014-01</span> | <span class="keywords">Android Java Xamarin </span> <p>Performed flagship product conceptualization and development.</p> </div> <div> <h3><em>Creator</em>, <a href="http://myblog.jane.com/blog">Blog</a> </h3> <span class="keywords">Jekyll Ruby HTML 5 JavaScript HTTP LAMP </span> <p>Conceptualization, design, development, and deployment.</p> </div> </section> <hr> <section id="education"> <header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-mortar-board"></span> <h2>education</h2> </header> <div> <h3><em>BSCS</em>, <a href="https://www.cornell.edu/">Cornell University</a> </h3> <span class="tenure">2005-09 — 2008-05</span> | <span class="keywords">Course 1 Course 2 Course 2 </span> <p>A multiline summary of the education.</p> </div> <div> <h3> <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medfield_College">Medfield College</a> </h3> <span class="tenure">2003-09 — 2005-06</span> | <span class="keywords">Course 1 Course 2 Course 2 </span> <p>A multiline summary of the education.</p> </div> </section> <hr> <section id="governance"> <header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-balance-scale"></span> <h2>governance</h2> </header> <div> <h3><em>Member</em>, <a href="http://themommiesnetwork.org">The Mommies Network</a> </h3> <span class="tenure">2008-02 — 2010-01</span> <p>Since 2008 I've been a full-time member of the board of directors for TMN.</p> </div> <div> <h3><em>Academic Contributor</em>, <a href="https://www.khronos.org">Khronos Group</a> </h3> <span class="tenure">2015-01 — Present</span> <ul> <li>Participated in GORFF standardization process (Draft 2).</li> </ul> </div> </section> <hr> <section id="service"> <header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-child"></span> <h2>service</h2> </header> <div> <h3><em>Technical Consultant</em>, <a href="http://technology-for-tots.org">Technology for Tots</a> </h3> <span class="tenure">2003-11 — 2005-06</span> <p> <p>Summary of this volunteer stint.</p> </p> <ul> <li>Accomplishment 1</li> <li>Accomplishment 2</li> <li>etc</li> </ul> </div> <div> <h3><em>NCO</em>, <a href="http://www.usar.army.mil/">US Army Reserves</a> </h3> <span class="tenure">1999-11 — 2003-06</span> <p> <p>Summary of this military stint.</p> </p> <ul> <li>Accomplishment 1</li> <li>Accomplishment 2</li> <li>etc</li> </ul> </div> </section> <hr> <section id="affiliation"> <header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-share-alt"></span> <h2>affiliation</h2> </header> <div> <h3><em>Member</em>, <a href="https://www.ieee.org/index.html">IEEE</a> </h3> <span class="tenure">2013-06 — Present</span> <p>Member in good standing since 2013-06.</p> </div> <div> <h3><em>Member</em>, <a href="https://developer.apple.com/">Apple Developer Network</a> </h3> <span class="tenure">??? — Present</span> <p>Member of the <a href="https://developer.apple.com/">Apple Developer program</a> since 2008.</p> </div> <div> <h3><em>Subscriber</em>, <a href="https://msdn.microsoft.com">MSDN</a> </h3> <span class="tenure">2010-01 — Present</span> <p>Super-Ultra-gold level Ultimate Access MSDN subscriber package with subscription toaster and XBox ping pong racket.</p> </div> <div> <h3><em>Coordinator</em>, Campus Coder's Meetup </h3> <span class="tenure">2003-02 — 2004-04</span> <p>Host of a monthly <strong>campus-wide meetup for CS students</strong>. Code, coffee, and crullers!</p> </div> </section> <hr> <section id="samples"> <header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-share"></span> <h2>samples</h2> </header> <div> <h3> <a href="http://janef.me/asteroids">Asteroids</a> </h3> <span class="tenure">2014-09</span> <p>A browser-based space shooter built on Three.js.</p> </div> <div> <h3> <a href="https://rememberpedia.com">Rememberpedia</a> </h3> <span class="tenure">2015-07</span> <p>A website to help you remember things.</p> </div> </section> <hr> <section id="writing"> <header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-pencil"></span> <h2>writing</h2> </header> <div> <h3><em><a href="http://codeproject.com/build-ui-electron-atom.aspx">Building User Interfaces with Electron and Atom</a></em>, Code Project</h3> <span class="tenure">2011</span> </div> <div> <h3><em><a href="http://janef.me">Jane Fullstacker's Blog</a></em>, self</h3> <span class="tenure">2011</span> </div> <div> <h3><em><a href="http://url.to.publication.com/blah">Teach Yourself GORFF in 21 Days</a></em>, Amazon</h3> <span class="tenure">2008</span> <p>A primer on the programming language of GORFF, whose for loops are coterminous with all of time and space.</p> </div> </section> <hr> <section id="reading"> <header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-book"></span> <h2>reading</h2> </header> <div> <h3><em><a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/">r/programming</a></em></h3> <span class="tenure">Current</span> <p>Daily reader and longtime lurker.</p> </div> <div> <h3><em><a href="https://news.ycombinator.com/">Hacker News / YCombinator</a></em></h3> <span class="tenure">Current</span> <p>Daily reader and longtime lurker.</p> </div> <div> <h3><em><a href="http://www.codinghorror.com">Coding Horror</a></em>, Jeff Atwood</h3> <span class="tenure">Current</span> <p>Reader since 2007; member of the StackOverflow Beta.</p> </div> <div> <h3><em><a href="http://www.cc2e.com/Default.aspx">Code Complete</a></em>, Steve McConnell</h3> <span class="tenure">2014</span> <p>My 'desert-island' software construction manual.</p> </div> </section> <hr> <section id="recognition"> <header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-trophy"></span> <h2>recognition</h2> </header> <div> <h3><em>Honorable Mention</em>, Google</h3> <span class="tenure">2012</span> </div> <div> <h3><em>Summa cum laude</em>, Cornell University</h3> <span class="tenure">2012</span> </div> </section> <hr> <section id="speaking"> <header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-users"></span> <h2>speaking</h2> </header> <div> <h3><em>Data Warehousing Evolved: DARMA 2.0</em>, OPENSTART 2013 Developer's Conference</h3> <span class="tenure">2012</span> <ul> <li>Won 'Best Presentation on an Emerging Technical Field' prize.</li> </ul> </div> </section> <hr> <section id="testimonials"> <header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-quote-left"></span> <h2>testimonials</h2> </header> <div> <h3><em>John Davidson</em></h3> <p>Jane is awesome! I'd hire her again in a heartbeat.</p> </div> <div> <h3><em>Dana Nevins</em></h3> <p>I've known Jane personally and professionally for almost ten years. She is one in a million.</p> </div> </section> <hr> <section id="interests"> <header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-bicycle"></span> <h2>interests</h2> </header> <div> <h3><em>reading</em></h3> <span class="tenure">Current</span> <p>Jane is a fan of mystery novels and courtroom dramas including Agatha Christie and John Grisham.</p> </div> <div> <h3><em>hiking</em></h3> <span class="tenure">Current</span> <p>Jane enjoys hiking, light mountain climbing, and has four summits under her belt!</p> </div> <div> <h3><em>yoga</em></h3> <span class="tenure">Current</span> </div> </section> </div> </main> </body> </html>