/** Definition of the `main` function. @module main.js @license MIT. See LICENSE.md for details. */ (function(){ var HMR = require( '../hackmyapi') , PKG = require('../../package.json') , FS = require('fs') , EXTEND = require('../utils/extend') , chalk = require('chalk') , PATH = require('path') , HACKMYSTATUS = require('../core/status-codes') , HME = require('../core/event-codes') , safeLoadJSON = require('../utils/safe-json-loader') , _opts = { } , title = chalk.white.bold('\n*** HackMyResume v' + PKG.version + ' ***') , StringUtils = require('../utils/string.js') , _ = require('underscore') , OUTPUT = require('./out') , Command = require('commander').Command; /** Main function for HackMyResume @license MIT. See LICENSE.md for details. @module main.js */ var main = module.exports = function( args ) { args = initialize( args ); // Create the top-level (application) command... var program = new Command('hackmyresume') .version(PKG.version) .description(chalk.yellow.bold('*** HackMyResume ***')) .option('-o --opts ', 'Path to a .hackmyrc options file') .option('-s --silent', 'Run in silent mode') .option('--no-color', 'Disable colors') .option('--color', 'Enable colors') .option('-d --debug', 'Enable diagnostics', false); //.usage('COMMAND [TO ]'); // Create the NEW command program .command('new') .arguments('') .option('-f --format ', 'FRESH or JRS format', 'FRESH') .alias('create') .description('Create resume(s) in FRESH or JSON RESUME format.') .action(function( sources ) { execute.call( this, sources, [], this.opts(), logMsg); }); // Create the VALIDATE command program .command('validate') .arguments('') .option('-a --assert', 'Treat validation warnings as errors', false) .description('Validate a resume in FRESH or JSON RESUME format.') .action(function(sources) { execute.call( this, sources, [], this.opts(), logMsg); }); // Create the CONVERT command program .command('convert') //.arguments('') .description('Convert a resume to/from FRESH or JSON RESUME format.') .action(function() { var x = splitSrcDest.call( this ); execute.call( this, x.src, x.dst, this.opts(), logMsg); }); // Create the ANALYZE command program .command('analyze') .arguments('') .description('Analyze one or more resumes.') .action(function( sources ) { execute.call( this, sources, [], this.opts(), logMsg); }); // Create the BUILD command program .command('build') .alias('generate') //.arguments(' TO [targets]') //.usage('...') .option('-t --theme ', 'Theme name or path') .option('-n --no-prettify', 'Disable HTML prettification', true) .option('-c --css