/** Implementation of the 'convert' verb for HackMyResume. @module verbs/convert @license MIT. See LICENSE.md for details. */ (function(){ var ResumeFactory = require('../core/resume-factory') , chalk = require('chalk') , Verb = require('../verbs/verb') , HMSTATUS = require('../core/status-codes') , _ = require('underscore') , HMEVENT = require('../core/event-codes'); var ConvertVerb = module.exports = Verb.extend({ init: function() { this._super('convert'); }, invoke: function() { this.stat( HMEVENT.begin, { cmd: 'convert' }); convert.apply( this, arguments ); this.stat( HMEVENT.end ); } }); /** Convert between FRESH and JRS formats. */ function convert( srcs, dst, opts ) { // Housekeeping if( !srcs || !srcs.length ) { throw { fluenterror: 6, quit: true }; } if( !dst || !dst.length ) { if( srcs.length === 1 ) { throw { fluenterror: HMSTATUS.inputOutputParity, quit: true }; } else if( srcs.length === 2 ) { dst = dst || []; dst.push( srcs.pop() ); } else { throw { fluenterror: HMSTATUS.inputOutputParity, quit: true }; } } if(srcs && dst && srcs.length && dst.length && srcs.length !== dst.length){ throw { fluenterror: HMSTATUS.inputOutputParity, quit: true }; } // Load source resumes _.each(srcs, function( src, idx ) { // Load the resume var rinfo = ResumeFactory.loadOne( src, { format: null, objectify: true, throw: false }); // If a load error occurs, report it and move on to the next file (if any) if( rinfo.fluenterror ) { this.err( rinfo.fluenterror, rinfo ); return; } var s = rinfo.rez , srcFmt = ((s.basics && s.basics.imp) || s.imp).orgFormat === 'JRS' ? 'JRS' : 'FRESH' , targetFormat = srcFmt === 'JRS' ? 'FRESH' : 'JRS'; this.stat(HMEVENT.beforeConvert, { srcFile: rinfo.file, srcFmt: srcFmt, dstFile: dst[idx], dstFmt: targetFormat }); // Save it to the destination format s.saveAs( dst[idx], targetFormat ); }, this); } }());