HackMyResume ============ [![Latest release][img-release]][latest-release] [![Build status (MASTER)][img-master]][travis-url-master] [![Build status (DEV)][img-dev]][travis-url-dev] [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/hacksalot/HackMyResume](https://badges.gitter.im/hacksalot/HackMyResume.svg)](https://gitter.im/hacksalot/HackMyResume?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge) *Create polished résumés and CVs in multiple formats from your command line or shell. Author in clean Markdown and JSON, export to Word, HTML, PDF, LaTeX, plain text, and other arbitrary formats. Fight the power, save trees. Compatible with [FRESH][fresca] and [JRS][6] resumes.* ![](assets/hackmyresume.cli.1.6.0.png) HackMyResume is a dev-friendly, local-only Swiss Army knife for resumes and CVs. Use it to: 1. **Generate** HTML, Markdown, LaTeX, MS Word, PDF, plain text, JSON, XML, YAML, print, smoke signal, carrier pigeon, and other arbitrary-format resumes and CVs, from a single source of truth—without violating DRY. 2. **Analyze** your resume for keyword density, gaps/overlaps, and other metrics. 3. **Convert** resumes between [FRESH][fresca] and [JSON Resume][6] formats. 4. **Validate** resumes against either format. HackMyResume is built with Node.js and runs on recent versions of OS X, Linux, or Windows. View the [FAQ](FAQ.md). ## Features - OS X, Linux, and Windows. - Choose from dozens of FRESH or JSON Resume themes. - Private, local-only resume authoring and analysis. - Analyze your resume for keywords, gaps, and other metrics. - Store your resume data as a durable, versionable JSON or YAML document. - Generate polished resumes in multiple formats without violating [DRY][dry]. - Output to HTML, Markdown, LaTeX, PDF, MS Word, JSON, YAML, plain text, or XML. - Validate resumes against the FRESH or JSON Resume schema. - Support for multiple input and output resumes. - Convert between FRESH and JSON Resume resumes. - Use from your command line or [desktop][7]. - Free and open-source through the MIT license. - Updated daily / weekly. Contributions are [welcome](CONTRIBUTING.md). ## Install Install the latest stable version of HackMyResume with NPM: ```bash [sudo] npm install hackmyresume -g ``` Alternately, install the latest bleeding-edge version (updated daily): ```bash [sudo] npm install hacksalot/hackmyresume#dev -g ``` ## Installing PDF Support (optional) HackMyResume tries not to impose a specific PDF engine requirement on the user, but will instead work with whatever PDF engines you have installed. Currently, HackMyResume's PDF generation requires either [Phantom.js][2], [wkhtmltopdf][3], or [WeasyPrint][11] to be installed on your system and the corresponding binary to be accessible on your PATH. This is an optional requirement for users who care about PDF formats. If you don't care about PDF formats, skip this step. ## Installing Themes HackMyResume supports both [FRESH][fresh-themes] and [JSON Resume][jrst]-style résumé themes. - FRESH themes currently come preinstalled with HackMyResume. - JSON Resume themes can be installed from NPM, GitHub, or manually. To install a JSON Resume theme, just `cd` to the folder where you want to store your themes and run one of: ```bash # Install with NPM npm install jsonresume-theme-[theme-name] # Install with GitHub git clone https://github.com/[user-or-org]/[repo-name] ``` Then when you're ready to generate your resume, just reference the location of the theme folder as you installed it: ```bash hackmyresume BUILD resume.json TO out/resume.all -t node_modules/jsonresume-theme-classy ``` Note: You can use install themes anywhere on your file system. You don't need a package.json or other NPM/Node infrastructure. ## Getting Started To use HackMyResume you'll need to create a valid resume in either [FRESH][fresca] or [JSON Resume][6] format. Then you can start using the command line tool. There are five basic commands you should be aware of: - **build** generates resumes in HTML, Word, Markdown, PDF, and other formats. Use it when you need to submit, upload, print, or email resumes in specific formats. ```bash # hackmyresume BUILD TO [-t THEME] hackmyresume BUILD resume.json TO out/resume.all hackmyresume BUILD r1.json r2.json TO out/rez.html out/rez.md foo/rez.all ``` - **new** creates a new resume in FRESH or JSON Resume format. ```bash # hackmyresume NEW [-f ] hackmyresume NEW resume.json hackmyresume NEW resume.json -f fresh hackmyresume NEW r1.json r2.json -f jrs ``` - **analyze** inspects your resume for keywords, duration, and other metrics. ```bash # hackmyresume ANALYZE hackmyresume ANALYZE resume.json hackmyresume ANALYZE r1.json r2.json ``` - **convert** converts your source resume between FRESH and JSON Resume formats. Use it to convert between the two formats to take advantage of tools and services. ```bash # hackmyresume CONVERT TO hackmyresume CONVERT resume.json TO resume-jrs.json hackmyresume CONVERT 1.json 2.json 3.json TO out/1.json out/2.json out/3.json ``` - **validate** validates the specified resume against either the FRESH or JSON Resume schema. Use it to make sure your resume data is sufficient and complete. ```bash # hackmyresume VALIDATE hackmyresume VALIDATE resume.json hackmyresume VALIDATE r1.json r2.json r3.json ``` - **peek** echoes your resume or any field, property, or object path on your resume to standard output. ```bash # hackmyresume PEEK [OBJECT-PATH] hackmyresume PEEK rez.json # Echo the whole resume hackmyresume PEEK rez.json info.brief # Echo the "info.brief" field hackmyresume PEEK rez.json employment.history[1] # Echo the 1st job hackmyresume PEEK rez.json rez2.json info.brief # Compare value ``` ## Supported Output Formats HackMyResume supports these output formats: Output Format | Ext | Notes ------------- | --- | ----- HTML | .html | A standard HTML 5 + CSS resume format that can be viewed in a browser, deployed to a website, etc. Markdown | .md | A structured Markdown document that can be used as-is or used to generate HTML. LaTeX | .tex | A structured LaTeX document (or collection of documents) that can be processed with pdflatex, xelatex, and similar tools. MS Word | .doc | A Microsoft Word office document (XML-driven; WordProcessingML). Adobe Acrobat (PDF) | .pdf | A binary PDF document driven by an HTML theme (through wkhtmltopdf). plain text | .txt | A formatted plain text document appropriate for emails or copy-paste. JSON | .json | A JSON representation of the resume. YAML | .yml | A YAML representation of the resume. RTF | .rtf | Forthcoming. Textile | .textile | Forthcoming. image | .png, .bmp | Forthcoming. ## Use Assuming you've got a JSON-formatted resume handy, generating resumes in different formats and combinations is easy. Just run: ```bash hackmyresume BUILD TO [-t theme]. ``` Where `` is one or more .json resume files, separated by spaces; `` is one or more destination resumes, and `` is the desired theme (default to Modern). For example: ```bash # Generate all resume formats (HTML, PDF, DOC, TXT, YML, etc.) hackmyresume BUILD resume.json TO out/resume.all -t modern # Generate a specific resume format hackmyresume BUILD resume.json TO out/resume.html hackmyresume BUILD resume.json TO out/resume.pdf hackmyresume BUILD resume.json TO out/resume.md hackmyresume BUILD resume.json TO out/resume.doc hackmyresume BUILD resume.json TO out/resume.json hackmyresume BUILD resume.json TO out/resume.txt hackmyresume BUILD resume.json TO out/resume.yml # Specify 2 inputs and 3 outputs hackmyresume BUILD in1.json in2.json TO out.html out.doc out.pdf ``` You should see something to the effect of: ``` *** HackMyResume v1.4.0 *** Reading JSON resume: foo/resume.json Applying MODERN Theme (7 formats) Generating HTML resume: out/resume.html Generating TXT resume: out/resume.txt Generating DOC resume: out/resume.doc Generating PDF resume: out/resume.pdf Generating JSON resume: out/resume.json Generating MARKDOWN resume: out/resume.md Generating YAML resume: out/resume.yml ``` ## Advanced ### Applying a theme HackMyResume can work with any FRESH or JSON Resume theme (the latter must be installed first). To specify a theme when generating your resume, use the `-t` or `--theme` parameter: ```bash hackmyresume BUILD resume.json TO out/rez.all -t [theme] ``` The `[theme]` parameter can be the name of a predefined theme OR the path to any FRESH or JSON Resume theme folder: ```bash hackmyresume BUILD resume.json TO out/rez.all -t modern hackmyresume BUILD resume.json TO OUT.rez.all -t ../some-folder/my-custom-theme/ hackmyresume BUILD resume.json TO OUT.rez.all -t node_modules/jsonresume-theme-classy ``` FRESH themes are currently pre-installed with HackMyResume. JSON Resume themes can be installed prior to use: ```bash # Install a JSON Resume theme into a local node_modules subfolder: npm install jsonresume-theme-[name] # Use it with HackMyResume hackmyresume build resume.json -t node_modules/jsonresume-theme-[name] ``` As of v1.6.0, available predefined FRESH themes are `positive`, `modern`, `compact`, `minimist`, and `hello-world`. For a list of JSON Resume themes, check the [NPM Registry](https://www.npmjs.com/search?q=jsonresume-theme). ### Merging resumes You can **merge multiple resumes together** by specifying them in order from most generic to most specific: ```bash # Merge specific.json onto base.json and generate all formats hackmyresume BUILD base.json specific.json TO resume.all ``` This can be useful for overriding a base (generic) resume with information from a specific (targeted) resume. For example, you might override your generic catch-all "software developer" resume with specific details from your targeted "game developer" resume, or combine two partial resumes into a "complete" resume. Merging follows conventional [extend()][9]-style behavior and there's no arbitrary limit to how many resumes you can merge: ```bash hackmyresume BUILD in1.json in2.json in3.json in4.json TO out.html out.doc Reading JSON resume: in1.json Reading JSON resume: in2.json Reading JSON resume: in3.json Reading JSON resume: in4.json Merging in4.json onto in3.json onto in2.json onto in1.json Generating HTML resume: out.html Generating WORD resume: out.doc ``` ### Multiple targets You can specify **multiple output targets** and HackMyResume will build them: ```bash # Generate out1.doc, out1.pdf, and foo.txt from me.json. hackmyresume BUILD me.json TO out1.doc out1.pdf foo.txt ``` ### Using .all The special `.all` extension tells HackMyResume to generate all supported output formats for the given resume. For example, this... ```bash # Generate all resume formats (HTML, PDF, DOC, TXT, etc.) hackmyresume BUILD me.json TO out/resume.all ``` ..tells HackMyResume to read `me.json` and generate `out/resume.md`, `out/resume.doc`, `out/resume.html`, `out/resume.txt`, `out/resume.pdf`, and `out/resume.json`. ### Building PDFs *Users who don't care about PDFs can turn off PDF generation across all themes and formats with the `--pdf none` switch.* HackMyResume takes a unique approach to PDF generation. Instead of enforcing a specific PDF engine on users, HackMyResume will attempt to work with whatever PDF engine you have installed through the engine's command-line interface (CLI). Currently that means one or both of... - [wkhtmltopdf][3] - [Phantom.js][2] - [WeasyPrint][11] ..with support for other engines planned in the future. But for now, **one or both of these engines must be installed and accessible on your PATH in order to generate PDF resumes with HackMyResume**. That means you should be able to invoke either of these tools directly from your shell or terminal without error: ```bash wkhtmltopdf input.html output.pdf phantomjs script.js input.html output.pdf weasyprint input.html output.pdf ``` Assuming you've installed one or both of these engines on your system, you can tell HackMyResume which flavor of PDF generation to use via the `--pdf` option (`-p` for short): ```bash hackmyresume BUILD resume.json TO out.all --pdf phantom hackmyresume BUILD resume.json TO out.all --pdf wkhtmltopdf hackmyresume BUILD resume.json TO out.all --pdf weasyprint hackmyresume BUILD resume.json TO out.all --pdf none ``` ### Analyzing HackMyResume can analyze your resume for keywords, employment gaps, and other metrics. Run: ```bash hackmyresume ANALYZE .json ``` Depending on the HackMyResume version, you should see output similar to: ``` *** HackMyResume v1.6.0 *** Reading resume: resume.json Analyzing FRESH resume: resume.json SECTIONS (10): employment: 12 education: 2 service: 1 skills: 8 writing: 1 recognition: 0 social: 4 interests: 2 references: 1 languages: 2 COVERAGE (61.1%): Total Days: 6034 Employed: 3688 Gaps: 8 [31, 1065, 273, 153, 671, 61, 61, 31] Overlaps: 1 [243] KEYWORDS (61): Node.js: 6 mentions JavaScript: 9 mentions SQL Server: 3 mentions Visual Studio: 6 mentions Web API: 1 mentions N-tier / 3-tier: 1 mentions HTML 5: 1 mentions JavaScript: 6 mentions CSS: 2 mentions Sass / LESS / SCSS: 1 mentions LAMP: 3 mentions WISC: 1 mentions HTTP: 21 mentions JSON: 1 mentions XML: 2 mentions REST: 1 mentions WebSockets: 2 mentions Backbone.js: 3 mentions Angular.js: 1 mentions Node.js: 4 mentions NPM: 1 mentions Bower: 1 mentions Grunt: 2 mentions Gulp: 1 mentions jQuery: 2 mentions Bootstrap: 3 mentions Underscore.js: 1 mentions PhantomJS: 1 mentions CoffeeScript: 1 mentions Python: 11 mentions Perl: 4 mentions PHP: 7 mentions MySQL: 12 mentions PostgreSQL: 4 mentions NoSQL: 2 mentions Apache: 2 mentions AWS: 2 mentions EC2: 2 mentions RDS: 3 mentions S3: 1 mentions Azure: 1 mentions Rackspace: 1 mentions C++: 23 mentions C++ 11: 1 mentions Boost: 1 mentions Xcode: 2 mentions gcc: 1 mentions OO&AD: 1 mentions .NET: 20 mentions Unity 5: 2 mentions Mono: 3 mentions MonoDevelop: 1 mentions Xamarin: 1 mentions TOTAL: 180 mentions ``` ### Validating HackMyResume can also validate your resumes against either the [FRESH / FRESCA][fresca] or [JSON Resume][6] formats. To validate one or more existing resumes, use the `validate` command: ```bash # Validate myresume.json against either the FRESH or JSON Resume schema. hackmyresume VALIDATE resumeA.json resumeB.json ``` HackMyResume will validate each specified resume in turn: ```bash *** HackMyResume v1.6.0 *** Validating JSON resume: resumeA.json (INVALID) Validating JSON resume: resumeB.json (VALID) ``` ### Converting HackMyResume can convert between the [FRESH][fresca] and [JSON Resume][6] formats. Just run: ```bash hackmyresume CONVERT ``` where is one or more resumes in FRESH or JSON Resume format, and is a corresponding list of output file names. HackMyResume will autodetect the format (FRESH or JRS) of each input resume and convert it to the other format (JRS or FRESH). ### File-based Options You can pass options into HackMyResume via an external options or ".hackmyrc" file with the `--options` or `-o` switch: ```bash hackmyresume BUILD resume.json -o path/to/options.json ``` The options file can contain any documented HackMyResume option, including `theme`, `silent`, `debug`, `pdf`, `css`, and other settings. ```json { "theme": "compact", "sectionTitles": { "employment": "Work" } // Change wkhtmltopdf margins "wkhtmltopdf": { "margin-top": "20mm" } } ``` If a particular option is specified both on the command line and in an external options file, the explicit command-line option takes precedence. ```bash # path/to/options.json specifes the POSITIVE theme # -t parameter specifies the COMPACT theme # The -t parameter wins. hackmyresume BUILD resume.json -o path/to/options.json -t compact > Reading resume: resume.json > Applying COMPACT theme (7 formats) ``` ### Prettifying HackMyResume applies [js-beautify][10]-style HTML prettification by default to HTML-formatted resumes. To disable prettification, the `--no-prettify` or `-n` flag can be used: ```bash hackmyresume BUILD resume.json out.all --no-prettify ``` ### Silent Mode Use `-s` or `--silent` to run in silent mode: ```bash hackmyresume BUILD resume.json -o someFile.all -s hackmyresume BUILD resume.json -o someFile.all --silent ``` ### Debug Mode Use `-d` or `--debug` to force HMR to emit a call stack when errors occur. In the future, this option will emit detailed error logging. ```bash hackmyresume BUILD resume.json -d hackmyresume ANALYZE resume.json --debug ``` ## Contributing HackMyResume is a community-driven free and open source project under the MIT License. Contributions are encouraged and we respond to all PRs and issues, usually within 24 hours. See [CONTRIBUTING.md][contribute] for details. ## License MIT. Go crazy. See [LICENSE.md][1] for details. [1]: LICENSE.md [2]: http://phantomjs.org/ [3]: http://wkhtmltopdf.org/ [4]: https://nodejs.org/ [5]: https://www.npmjs.com/ [6]: http://jsonresume.org [7]: http://fluentcv.com [8]: https://youtu.be/N9wsjroVlu8 [9]: https://api.jquery.com/jquery.extend/ [10]: https://github.com/beautify-web/js-beautify [11]: http://weasyprint.org/ [fresh]: https://github.com/fluentdesk/FRESH [fresca]: https://github.com/fluentdesk/FRESCA [dry]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don%27t_repeat_yourself [img-release]: https://img.shields.io/github/release/hacksalot/HackMyResume.svg?label=version [img-master]: https://img.shields.io/travis/hacksalot/HackMyResume/master.svg [img-dev]: https://img.shields.io/travis/hacksalot/HackMyResume/dev.svg?label=dev [travis-url-master]: https://travis-ci.org/hacksalot/HackMyResume?branch=master [travis-url-dev]: https://travis-ci.org/hacksalot/HackMyResume?branch=dev [latest-release]: https://github.com/hacksalot/HackMyResume/releases/latest [contribute]: CONTRIBUTING.md [fresh-themes]: https://github.com/fluentdesk/fresh-themes [jrst]: https://www.npmjs.com/search?q=jsonresume-theme