Usage: hackmyresume [TO ] [] Available commands: BUILD Build your resume to the destination format(s). ANALYZE Analyze your resume for keywords, gaps, and metrics. VALIDATE Validate your resume for errors and typos. CONVERT Convert your resume between FRESH and JSON Resume. NEW Create a new resume in FRESH or JSON Resume format. PEEK View a specific field or element on your resume. Available options: --theme -t Path to a FRESH or JSON Resume theme. --pdf -p Specify the PDF engine to use (wkhtmltopdf or phantom). --options -o Load options from an external JSON file. --format -f The format (FRESH or JSON Resume) to use. --debug -d Emit extended debugging info. --assert -a Treat resume validation warnings as errors. --no-colors Disable terminal colors. --tips Display theme messages and tips. --help -h Display help documentation. --version -v Display the current version. Not all options are supported for all commands. For example, the --theme option is only supported for the BUILD command. Examples: hackmyresume BUILD resume.json TO out/resume.all --theme modern hackmyresume ANALYZE resume.json hackmyresume NEW my-new-resume.json --format JRS hackmyresume CONVERT resume-fresh.json TO resume-jrs.json hackmyresume VALIDATE resume.json hackmyresume PEEK resume.json employment[2].summary Tips: - You can specify multiple sources and/or targets for all commands. - You can use any FRESH or JSON Resume theme with HackMyResume. - Specify a file extension of .all to generate your resume to all available formats supported by the theme. (BUILD command.) - The --theme parameter can specify either the name of a preinstalled theme, or the path to a local FRESH or JSON Resume theme. - Visit for a full listing of all available JSON Resume themes. - Visit for a complete listing of all available FRESH themes. - Report bugs to