/** Block helper definitions for HackMyResume / FluentCV. @license MIT. See LICENSE.md for details. @module helpers/generic-helpers */ (function() { var BlockHelpers, HMSTATUS, LO, _, unused; HMSTATUS = require('../core/status-codes'); LO = require('lodash'); _ = require('underscore'); unused = require('../utils/string'); /** Block helper function definitions. */ BlockHelpers = module.exports = { /** Emit the enclosed content if the resume has a section with the specified name. Otherwise, emit an empty string ''. */ section: function(title, options) { var obj, ret; title = title.trim().toLowerCase(); obj = LO.get(this.r, title); ret = ''; if (obj) { if (_.isArray(obj)) { if (obj.length) { ret = options.fn(this); } } else if (_.isObject(obj)) { if ((obj.history && obj.history.length) || (obj.sets && obj.sets.length)) { ret = options.fn(this); } } } return ret; }, ifHasSkill: function(rez, skill, options) { var ret, skUp; skUp = skill.toUpperCase(); ret = _.some(rez.skills.list, function(sk) { return (skUp.toUpperCase() === sk.name.toUpperCase()) && sk.years; }, this); if (ret) { return options.fn(this); } }, /** Emit the enclosed content if the resume has the named property or subproperty. */ has: function(title, options) { title = title && title.trim().toLowerCase(); if (LO.get(this.r, title)) { return options.fn(this); } }, /** Return true if either value is truthy. @method either */ either: function(lhs, rhs, options) { if (lhs || rhs) { return options.fn(this); } } }; }).call(this); //# sourceMappingURL=block-helpers.js.map