Usage: hackmyresume [TO ] [-t ] [-f ] should be BUILD, NEW, CONVERT, VALIDATE, ANALYZE or HELP. should be the path to one or more FRESH or JSON Resume format resumes. should be the name of the destination resume to be created, if any. The parameter should be the name of a predefined theme (for example: COMPACT, MINIMIST, MODERN, or HELLO-WORLD) or the relative path to a custom theme. should be either FRESH (for a FRESH-format resume) or JRS (for a JSON Resume-format resume). hackmyresume BUILD resume.json TO out/resume.all hackmyresume NEW resume.json hackmyresume CONVERT resume.json TO resume-jrs.json hackmyresume ANALYZE resume.json hackmyresume VALIDATE resume.json Both SOURCES and TARGETS can accept multiple files: hackmyresume BUILD r1.json r2.json TO out/resume.all out2/resume.html hackmyresume NEW r1.json r2.json r3.json hackmyresume ANALYZE r1.json r2.json r3.json hackmyresume VALIDATE resume.json resume2.json resume3.json See for more information.