/** Definition of the HtmlPngGenerator class. @license MIT. See LICENSE.MD for details. @module html-png-generator.js */ (function() { var TemplateGenerator = require('./template-generator') , FS = require('fs-extra') , HTML = require( 'html' ); /** An HTML-based PNG resume generator for HackMyResume. */ var HtmlPngGenerator = module.exports = TemplateGenerator.extend({ init: function() { this._super( 'png', 'html' ); }, invoke: function( rez, themeMarkup, cssInfo, opts ) { // TODO: Not currently called or callable. }, generate: function( rez, f, opts ) { var htmlResults = opts.targets.filter(function(t){ return t.fmt.outFormat === 'html'; }); var htmlFile = htmlResults[0].final.files.filter(function(fl){ return fl.info.ext === 'html'; }); png( htmlFile[0].data, f ); } }); /** Generate a PNG from HTML. */ function png( markup, fOut ) { // TODO: Which Webshot syntax? // require('webshot')( markup , { encoding: 'binary', siteType: 'html' } ) // .pipe( FS.createWriteStream( fOut ) ); require('webshot')( markup , fOut, { siteType: 'html' }, function(err) { } ); } }());