/** Internal resume generation logic for FluentCV. @license MIT. Copyright (c) 2015 James M. Devlin / FluentDesk */ module.exports = function () { // We don't mind pseudo-globals here var path = require( 'path' ) , extend = require( './utils/extend' ) , unused = require('./utils/string') , FS = require('fs') , _ = require('underscore') , FLUENT = require('./fluentlib') , PATH = require('path') , MKDIRP = require('mkdirp') , rez, _log, _err; /** Given a source JSON resume, a destination resume path, and a theme file, generate 0..N resumes in the desired formats. @param src Path to the source JSON resume file: "rez/resume.json". @param dst An array of paths to the target resume file(s). @param theme Friendly name of the resume theme. Defaults to "modern". @param logger Optional logging override. */ function gen( src, dst, opts, logger, errHandler ) { _log = logger || console.log; _err = errHandler || error; //_opts = extend( true, _opts, opts ); _opts.theme = (opts.theme && opts.theme.toLowerCase().trim()) || 'modern'; _opts.prettify = opts.prettify === true ? _opts.prettify : false; // Load input resumes... if(!src || !src.length) { throw { fluenterror: 3 }; } var sheets = src.map( function( res ) { _log( 'Reading JSON resume: ' + res ); return (new FLUENT.Sheet()).open( res ); }); // Merge input resumes... var msg = ''; rez = _.reduceRight( sheets, function( a, b, idx ) { msg += ((idx == sheets.length - 2) ? 'Merging ' + a.meta.fileName : '') + ' onto ' + b.meta.fileName; return extend( true, b, a ); }); msg && _log(msg); // Load the active theme // Verify the specified theme name/path var tFolder = PATH.resolve( __dirname, '../node_modules/fluent-themes/themes', _opts.theme ); var exists = require('./utils/file-exists'); if (!exists( tFolder )) { tFolder = PATH.resolve( _opts.theme ); if (!exists( tFolder )) { throw { fluenterror: 1, data: _opts.theme }; } } var theTheme = new FLUENT.Theme().open( tFolder ); _opts.themeObj = theTheme; _log( 'Applying ' + theTheme.name.toUpperCase() + ' theme (' + Object.keys(theTheme.formats).length + ' formats)' ); // Expand output resumes... (can't use map() here) var targets = []; var that = this; ( (dst && dst.length && dst) || ['resume.all'] ).forEach( function(t) { var to = path.resolve(t), pa = path.parse(to), fmat = pa.ext || '.all'; targets.push.apply(targets, fmat === '.all' ? Object.keys( theTheme.formats ).map(function(k){ var z = theTheme.formats[k]; return { file: to.replace(/all$/g,z.pre), fmt: z } }) : [{ file: to, fmt: theTheme.getFormat( fmat.slice(1) ) }]); }); // Run the transformation! var finished = targets.map( function(t) { return single(t, theTheme); } ); // Don't send the client back empty-handed return { sheet: rez, targets: targets, processed: finished }; } /** Generate a single resume of a specific format. @param f Full path to the destination resume to generate, for example, "/foo/bar/resume.pdf" or "c:\foo\bar\resume.txt". */ function single( fi, theme ) { try { var f = fi.file, fType = fi.fmt.ext, fName = path.basename( f, '.' + fType ); var fObj = _.property( fi.fmt.pre )( theme.formats ); var fOut = path.join( f.substring( 0, f.lastIndexOf('.') + 1 ) + fObj.pre ); _log( 'Generating ' + fi.fmt.title.toUpperCase() + ' resume: ' + path.relative(process.cwd(), f ) ); var theFormat = _fmts.filter( function( fmt ) { return fmt.name === fi.fmt.pre; })[0]; MKDIRP( path.dirname(fOut) ); // Ensure dest folder exists; don't bug user theFormat.gen.generate( rez, fOut, _opts ); } catch( ex ) { _err( ex ); } } /** Handle an exception. */ function error( ex ) { throw ex; } /** Validate 1 to N resumes as vanilla JSON. */ // function validateAsJSON( src, logger ) { // _log = logger || console.log; // if( !src || !src.length ) { throw { fluenterror: 3 }; } // var isValid = true; // var sheets = src.map( function( res ) { // try { // var rawJson = FS.readFileSync( res, 'utf8' ); // var testObj = JSON.parse( rawJson ); // } // catch(ex) { // if (!(ex instanceof SyntaxError)) { throw ex; } // [1] // isValid = false; // } // // _log( 'Validating JSON resume: ' + res + (isValid ? ' (VALID)' : ' (INVALID)')); // return isValid; // }); // } /** Validate 1 to N resumes in either FRESH or JSON Resume format. */ function validate( src, unused, opts, logger ) { _log = logger || console.log; if( !src || !src.length ) { throw { fluenterror: 3 }; } var isValid = true; var sheets = src.map( function( res ) { var sheet = (new FLUENT.Sheet()).open( res ); var valid = sheet.isValid(); _log( 'Validating JSON resume: ' + res + (valid ? ' (VALID)' : ' (INVALID)')); if( !valid ) { _log( sheet.meta.validationErrors ); } }); } /** Supported resume formats. */ var _fmts = [ { name: 'html', ext: 'html', gen: new FLUENT.HtmlGenerator() }, { name: 'txt', ext: 'txt', gen: new FLUENT.TextGenerator() }, { name: 'doc', ext: 'doc', fmt: 'xml', gen: new FLUENT.WordGenerator() }, { name: 'pdf', ext: 'pdf', fmt: 'html', is: false, gen: new FLUENT.HtmlPdfGenerator() }, { name: 'md', ext: 'md', fmt: 'txt', gen: new FLUENT.MarkdownGenerator() }, { name: 'json', ext: 'json', gen: new FLUENT.JsonGenerator() }, { name: 'yml', ext: 'yml', fmt: 'yml', gen: new FLUENT.JsonYamlGenerator() } ]; /** Default FluentCV options. */ var _opts = { theme: 'modern', prettify: { // ← See https://github.com/beautify-web/js-beautify#options indent_size: 2, unformatted: ['em','strong'], max_char: 80, // ← See lib/html.js in above-linked repo //wrap_line_length: 120, ← Don't use this } }; /** Internal module interface. Used by FCV Desktop and HMR. */ return { verbs: { generate: gen, validate: validate, convert: convert }, lib: require('./fluentlib'), options: _opts, formats: _fmts }; }(); // [1]: JSON.parse throws SyntaxError on invalid JSON. See: // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/JSON/parse