**build** | Generate resumes in supported output formats Usage: hackmyresume BUILD TO [] Parameters: **** Absolute or relative path(s) to one or more resumes in FRESH or JSON format, separated by spaces. If multiple resumes are specified, they will be merged into a single resume prior to transformation. hackmyresume BUILD resume.json output.all hackmyresume BUILD base.json developer.json gamedev.json TO out/resume.all **** Absolute or relative path(s) to one or more outbound resume(s), separated by spaces. If multiple output resumes are specified, all of them will be generated. The desired format of each resume will be determined from the file extension: .all Generate all supported formats .html HTML 5 .doc MS Word .pdf Adobe Acrobat PDF .txt plain text .md Markdown .png PNG Image .latex LaTeX Note: not all formats are supported by all themes. Check the theme's documentation for details. Options: **--theme -t ** Relative or absolute path to a FRESH or JSON Resume theme, or the name of a built-in theme. As of 1.9.0, the following built-in themes are provided: basis, modern, positive, compact, awesome. **--pdf -p ** Specify the PDF engine to use. Legal values are: - none: Don't generate a PDF. - wkhtmltopdf: Use the wkhtmltopdf PDF engine. - phantom: use the PhantomJS PDF engine. - weazyprint: use the WeazyPrint PDF engine. **--no-escape** Disable escaping / encoding of resume data during resume generation. Handlebars themes only. **--private** Include resume fields marked as private. The BUILD command generates themed resumes and CVs in multiple formats from a single source of truth in the form of a FRESH or JSON Resume document.