/** Definition of the AbstractResume class. @license MIT. See LICENSE.md for details. @module core/abstract-resume */ (function() { var AbstractResume, FluentDate, _, __; _ = require('underscore'); __ = require('lodash'); FluentDate = require('./fluent-date'); AbstractResume = (function() { function AbstractResume() {} /** Compute the total duration of the work history. @returns The total duration of the sheet's work history, that is, the number of years between the start date of the earliest job on the resume and the *latest end date of all jobs in the work history*. This last condition is for sheets that have overlapping jobs. */ AbstractResume.prototype.duration = function(collKey, startKey, endKey, unit) { var firstDate, hist, lastDate, new_e; unit = unit || 'years'; hist = __.get(this, collKey); if (!hist || !hist.length) { return 0; } new_e = hist.map(function(job) { var obj; obj = _.pick(job, [startKey, endKey]); if (!_.has(obj, endKey)) { obj[endKey] = 'current'; } if (obj && (obj[startKey] || obj[endKey])) { obj = _.pairs(obj); obj[0][1] = FluentDate.fmt(obj[0][1]); if (obj.length > 1) { obj[1][1] = FluentDate.fmt(obj[1][1]); } } return obj; }); new_e = _.filter(_.flatten(new_e, true), function(v) { return v && v.length && v[0] && v[0].length; }); if (!new_e || !new_e.length) { return 0; } new_e = _.sortBy(new_e, function(elem) { return elem[1].unix(); }); firstDate = _.first(new_e)[1]; lastDate = _.last(new_e)[1]; return lastDate.diff(firstDate, unit); }; /** Removes ignored or private fields from a resume object @returns an object with the following structure: { scrubbed: the processed resume object ignoreList: an array of ignored nodes that were removed privateList: an array of private nodes that were removed } */ AbstractResume.prototype.scrubResume = function(rep, opts) { var ignoreList, includePrivates, privateList, scrubbed, traverse; traverse = require('traverse'); ignoreList = []; privateList = []; includePrivates = (opts != null ? opts["private"] : void 0) == null ? true : opts != null ? opts["private"] : void 0; scrubbed = traverse(rep).map(function(x) { if (!this.isLeaf) { if (this.node.ignore === true || this.node.ignore === 'true') { ignoreList.push(this.node); this["delete"](); } else if ((this.node["private"] === true || this.node["private"] === 'true') && !includePrivates) { privateList.push(this.node); this["delete"](); } } }); return { scrubbed: scrubbed, ingoreList: ignoreList, privateList: privateList }; }; return AbstractResume; })(); module.exports = AbstractResume; }).call(this); //# sourceMappingURL=abstract-resume.js.map