/** Definition of the JRSTheme class. @module core/jrs-theme @license MIT. See LICENSE.MD for details. */ (function() { var JRSTheme, PATH, _, getFormat, parsePath, pathExists; _ = require('underscore'); PATH = require('path'); parsePath = require('parse-filepath'); pathExists = require('path-exists').sync; /** The JRSTheme class is a representation of a JSON Resume theme asset. @class JRSTheme */ JRSTheme = (function() { function JRSTheme() {} return JRSTheme; })(); ({ /** Open and parse the specified theme. @method open */ open: function(thFolder) { var pathInfo, pkgJsonPath, thApi, thPkg; this.folder = thFolder; pathInfo = parsePath(thFolder); pkgJsonPath = PATH.join(thFolder, 'package.json'); if (pathExists(pkgJsonPath)) { thApi = require(thFolder); thPkg = require(pkgJsonPath); this.name = thPkg.name; this.render = (thApi && thApi.render) || void 0; this.engine = 'jrs'; this.formats = { html: { outFormat: 'html', files: [ { action: 'transform', render: this.render, major: true, ext: 'html', css: null } ] }, pdf: { outFormat: 'pdf', files: [ { action: 'transform', render: this.render, major: true, ext: 'pdf', css: null } ] } }; } else { throw { fluenterror: HACKMYSTATUS.missingPackageJSON }; } return this; }, /** Determine if the theme supports the output format. @method hasFormat */ hasFormat: function(fmt) { return _.has(this.formats, fmt); } /** Return the requested output format. @method getFormat */ }); getFormat = function(fmt) { return this.formats[fmt]; }; module.exports = JRSTheme; }).call(this);