/** Theme test routines for HackMyResume. Test all preinstalled HackMyResume themes along with a handful of JSON Resume themes for good measure. Uses the HMR verb interface. @module test-themes.js @license MIT. See LICENSE.md for details. */ var chai = require('chai') , expect = chai.expect , should = chai.should() , path = require('path') , _ = require('underscore') , HackMyResume = require( '../../dist/index') , readFolder = require('recursive-readdir-sync') , fileContains = require('../../dist/utils/file-contains') , dirCompare = require('dir-compare'); // Include stack traces for failed tests. chai.config.includeStack = true; /** Test the specified resume against multiple themes. */ function genThemes( title, src, fmt ) { // Set up a new suite describe('Testing themes against ' + title.toUpperCase() + ' resume ' + '(' + fmt + ')' , function () { // Increase the timeout since resume generation can be expensive.. this.timeout(50000); // Define a local function to build a single resume to MULTIPLE themes function genTheme( fmt, src, themeName, themeLoc, testTitle ) { themeLoc = themeLoc || themeName; testTitle = themeName.toUpperCase() + ' theme (' + fmt + ') should generate without throwing an exception'; // Instantiate a test case it( testTitle, function () { // Set up options var dst = ['test/sandbox/' + fmt + '/' + title + '/' + themeName + '/resume.all']; var opts = { theme: themeLoc, format: fmt, prettify: true, silent: false, css: 'embed', debug: true }; // Run the command! var v = new HackMyResume.verbs.build(); v.on('hmr:error', function(ex) { console.error('Error thrown: %o', ex); throw ex; //assert(false); }); var p = v.invoke( src, dst, opts ); // Let Mocha sort out the promise result return p.then( function(obj) { } //,function(obj) { }, ); }); } // Build the resume for each theme //genTheme(fmt, src, 'hello-world'); genTheme(fmt, src, 'compact'); genTheme(fmt, src, 'modern'); genTheme(fmt, src, 'underscore', 'node_modules/fresh-theme-underscore' ); genTheme(fmt, src, 'awesome'); genTheme(fmt, src, 'positive'); genTheme(fmt, src, 'jsonresume-theme-boilerplate', 'node_modules/jsonresume-theme-boilerplate' ); genTheme(fmt, src, 'jsonresume-theme-sceptile', 'node_modules/jsonresume-theme-sceptile' ); genTheme(fmt, src, 'jsonresume-theme-modern', 'node_modules/jsonresume-theme-modern' ); genTheme(fmt, src, 'jsonresume-theme-classy', 'node_modules/jsonresume-theme-classy' ); }); } function folderContains( needle, haystack ) { var safePath = path.normalize( path.join(__dirname, haystack)); return _.some( readFolder( safePath ), function( absPath ) { if( require('fs').lstatSync( absPath ).isFile() ) { if( fileContains( absPath, needle ) ) { console.error('Found invalid metadata in ' + absPath); return true; } } }); } function foldersMatch( a, b ) { var ret; ret = dirCompare.compareSync(a, b, {compareSize: true, skipSubdirs: true}); if( !ret.same ) return false; ret = dirCompare.compareSync(a, b, {compareContent: true, skipSubdirs: true}); return ret.differences === 1; } genThemes( 'jane-q-fullstacker', ['node_modules/fresh-test-resumes/src/fresh/jane-fullstacker.json'], 'FRESH' ); genThemes( 'johnny-trouble', ['node_modules/fresh-test-resumes/src/fresh/johnny-trouble.json'], 'FRESH' ); genThemes( 'richard-hendriks', ['node_modules/fresh-test-resumes/src/jrs/richard-hendriks.json'], 'JRS' ); describe('Verifying generated theme files...', function() { it('Generated files should not contain ICE.', function() { var q = folderContains('@@@@', '../sandbox'); q.should.equal(false); }); // it('Generated files should match exemplars...', function() { // var q = foldersMatch( 'test/sandbox/FRESH/jane-q-fullstacker/modern', // 'test/expected/modern' ); // q.should.equal(true); // }); });