events: begin: msg: Invoking **%s** command. beforeCreate: msg: Creating new **%s** resume: **%s** afterCreate: msg: Creating new **%s** resume: **%s** afterRead: msg: Reading **%s** resume: **%s** beforeTheme: msg: Verifying **%s** theme. afterTheme: msg: Verifying outputs: ??? beforeMerge: msg: - "Merging **%s**" - " onto **%s**" applyTheme: msg: Applying **%s** theme (**%s** format%s) afterBuild: msg: - "The **%s** theme says:" - | "For best results view JSON Resume themes over a local or remote HTTP connection. For example: npm install http-server -g http-server For more information, see the README." afterGenerate: msg: - " (with %s)" - "Skipping %s resume: %s" - "Generating **%s** resume: **%s**" beforeAnalyze: msg: "Analyzing **%s** resume: **%s**" beforeConvert: msg: "Converting **%s** (**%s**) to **%s** (**%s**)" afterValidate: msg: - "Validating **%s** against the **%s** schema: " - "VALID!" - "INVALID" - "BROKEN" - "MISSING" - "ERROR" beforePeek: msg: - Peeking at **%s** in **%s** - Peeking at **%s** afterPeek: msg: "The specified key **%s** was not found in **%s**." afterInlineConvert: msg: Converting **%s** to **%s** format. errors: themeNotFound: msg: > **Couldn't find the '%s' theme.** Please specify the name of a preinstalled FRESH theme or the path to a locally installed FRESH or JSON Resume theme. copyCSS: msg: Couldn't copy CSS file to destination folder. resumeNotFound: msg: Please **feed me a resume** in FRESH or JSON Resume format. missingCommand: msg: Please **give me a command** invalidCommand: msg: Invalid command: '%s' resumeNotFoundAlt: msg: Please **feed me a resume** in either FRESH or JSON Resume format. inputOutputParity: msg: Please **specify an output file name** for every input file you wish to convert. createNameMissing: msg: Please **specify the filename** of the resume to create. pdfGeneration: msg: PDF generation failed. Make sure wkhtmltopdf is installed and accessible from your path. invalid: msg: Validation failed and the --assert option was specified. invalidFormat: msg: The **%s** theme doesn't support the **%s** format. notOnPath: msg: %s wasn't found on your system path or is inaccessible. PDF not generated. readError: msg: Reading **???** resume: **%s** parseError: msg: - Invalid or corrupt JSON on line %s column %s. - Invalid or corrupt JSON on line %s. - Invalid or corrupt JSON. invalidHelperUse: msg: "**Warning**: Incorrect use of the **%s** theme helper." fileSaveError: msg: An error occurred while writing %s to disk: %s. mixedMerge: msg: "**Warning:** merging mixed resume types. Errors may occur." invokeTemplate: msg: "An error occurred during template invocation." compileTemplate: msg: "An error occurred during template compilation." themeLoad: msg: "Applying **%s** theme (? formats)" invalidParamCount: msg: "Invalid number of parameters. Expected: **%s**." missingParam: msg: The '**%s**' parameter was needed but not supplied. createError: msg: Failed to create **'%s'**. exiting: msg: Exiting with status code **%s**. validateError: msg: "An error occurred during validation:\n%s" invalidOptionsFile: msg: - "The specified options file is invalid:\n" - "\nMake sure the options file contains valid JSON." optionsFileNotFound: msg: "The specified options file is missing or inaccessible." unknownSchema: msg: - "Unknown resume schema. Did you specify a valid FRESH or JRS resume?" - | At a minimum, a FRESH resume must include a "name" field and a "meta" property. "name": "John Doe", "meta": { "format": "FRESH@0.1.0" } JRS-format resumes must include a "basics" section with a "name": "basics": { "name": "John Doe" } themeHelperLoad: msg: >- An error occurred while attempting to load the '%s' theme helper. Is the theme correctly installed? dummy: dontcare