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* decaffeinate suggestions:
* DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns
* Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md
Employment gap analysis for HackMyResume.
@license MIT. See LICENSE.md for details.
@module inspectors/gap-inspector
const _ = require('underscore');
const FluentDate = require('../core/fluent-date');
const moment = require('moment');
const LO = require('lodash');
Identify gaps in the candidate's employment history.
module.exports = {
moniker: 'gap-inspector',
Run the Gap Analyzer on a resume.
@method run
@return {Array} An array of object representing gaps in the candidate's
employment history. Each object provides the start, end, and duration of the
{ <-- gap
start: // A Moment.js date
end: // A Moment.js date
duration: // Gap length
run(rez) {
// This is what we'll return
const coverage = {
gaps: [],
overlaps: [],
pct: '0%',
duration: {
total: 0,
work: 0,
gaps: 0
// Missing employment section? Bye bye.
const hist = LO.get(rez, 'employment.history');
if (!hist || !hist.length) { return coverage; }
// Convert the candidate's employment history to an array of dates,
// where each element in the array is a start date or an end date of a
// job -- it doesn't matter which.
let new_e = hist.map( function( job ) {
let obj = _.pick( job, ['start', 'end'] );
if (obj && (obj.start || obj.end)) {
obj = _.pairs( obj );
obj[0][1] = FluentDate.fmt( obj[0][1] );
if (obj.length > 1) {
obj[1][1] = FluentDate.fmt( obj[1][1] );
return obj;
// Flatten the array, remove empties, and sort
new_e = _.filter(_.flatten( new_e, true ), v => v && v.length && v[0] && v[0].length);
if (!new_e || !new_e.length) { return coverage; }
new_e = _.sortBy(new_e, elem => elem[1].unix());
// Iterate over elements in the array. Each time a start date is found,
// increment a reference count. Each time an end date is found, decrement
// the reference count. When the reference count reaches 0, we have a gap.
// When the reference count is > 0, the candidate is employed. When the
// reference count reaches 2, the candidate is overlapped.
let ref_count = 0;
let total_gap_days = 0;
new_e.forEach(function(point) {
const inc = point[0] === 'start' ? 1 : -1;
ref_count += inc;
// If the ref count just reached 0, start a new GAP
if (ref_count === 0) {
return coverage.gaps.push( { start: point[1], end: null });
// If the ref count reached 1 by rising, end the last GAP
} else if ((ref_count === 1) && (inc === 1)) {
const lastGap = _.last( coverage.gaps );
if (lastGap) {
lastGap.end = point[1];
lastGap.duration = lastGap.end.diff( lastGap.start, 'days' );
return total_gap_days += lastGap.duration;
// If the ref count reaches 2 by rising, start a new OVERLAP
} else if ((ref_count === 2) && (inc === 1)) {
return coverage.overlaps.push( { start: point[1], end: null });
// If the ref count reaches 1 by falling, end the last OVERLAP
} else if ((ref_count === 1) && (inc === -1)) {
const lastOver = _.last( coverage.overlaps );
if (lastOver) {
lastOver.end = point[1];
lastOver.duration = lastOver.end.diff( lastOver.start, 'days' );
if (lastOver.duration === 0) {
return coverage.overlaps.pop();
// It's possible that the last gap/overlap didn't have an explicit .end
// date.If so, set the end date to the present date and compute the
// duration normally.
if (coverage.overlaps.length) {
const o = _.last( coverage.overlaps );
if (o && !o.end) {
o.end = moment();
o.duration = o.end.diff( o.start, 'days' );
if (coverage.gaps.length) {
const g = _.last( coverage.gaps );
if (g && !g.end) {
g.end = moment();
g.duration = g.end.diff( g.start, 'days' );
// Package data for return to the client
const tdur = rez.duration('days');
const dur = {
total: tdur,
work: tdur - total_gap_days,
gaps: total_gap_days
coverage.pct = (dur.total > 0) && (dur.work > 0) ? ((((dur.total - dur.gaps) / dur.total) * 100)).toFixed(1) + '%' : '???';
coverage.duration = dur;
return coverage;