
46 lines
1.6 KiB

FluentDate = require '../core/fluent-date'
_ = require 'underscore'
lo = require 'lodash'
module.exports =
Compute the total duration of the work history.
@returns The total duration of the sheet's work history, that is, the number
of years between the start date of the earliest job on the resume and the
*latest end date of all jobs in the work history*. This last condition is for
sheets that have overlapping jobs.
run: (rez, collKey, startKey, endKey, unit) ->
unit = unit || 'years'
hist = lo.get rez, collKey
return 0 if !hist or !hist.length
# BEGIN CODE DUPLICATION --> src/inspectors/gap-inspector.coffee (TODO)
# Convert the candidate's employment history to an array of dates,
# where each element in the array is a start date or an end date of a
# job -- it doesn't matter which.
new_e = hist.map ( job ) ->
obj = _.pick( job, [startKey, endKey] )
# Synthesize an end date if this is a "current" gig
obj[endKey] = 'current' if !_.has obj, endKey
if obj && (obj[startKey] || obj[endKey])
obj = _.pairs obj
obj[0][1] = FluentDate.fmt( obj[0][1] )
if obj.length > 1
obj[1][1] = FluentDate.fmt( obj[1][1] )
# Flatten the array, remove empties, and sort
new_e = _.filter _.flatten( new_e, true ), (v) ->
return v && v.length && v[0] && v[0].length
return 0 if !new_e or !new_e.length
new_e = _.sortBy new_e, ( elem ) -> return elem[1].unix()
firstDate = _.first( new_e )[1];
lastDate = _.last( new_e )[1];
lastDate.diff firstDate, unit