mirror of https://github.com/JuanCanham/HackMyResume.git synced 2024-07-07 18:20:05 +01:00
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@module test-cli.js
var chai = require('chai')
, expect = chai.expect
, should = chai.should()
, path = require('path')
, _ = require('underscore')
, FRESHResume = require('../src/core/fresh-resume')
, FCMD = require( '../src/hackmyapi')
, validator = require('is-my-json-valid')
, EXTEND = require('../src/utils/extend');
chai.config.includeStack = false;
describe('Testing CLI interface', function () {
var _sheet;
var opts = {
format: 'FRESH',
prettify: true,
silent: false,
assert: true // Causes validation errors to throw exceptions
var opts2 = {
format: 'JRS',
prettify: true,
silent: true
var sb = 'test/sandbox/';
var ft = 'node_modules/fresh-test-resumes/src/';
[ 'new', [sb + 'new-fresh-resume.json'], [], opts, ' (FRESH format)' ],
[ 'new', [sb + 'new-jrs-resume.json'], [], opts2, ' (JRS format)'],
[ 'new', [sb + 'new-1.json', sb + 'new-2.json', sb + 'new-3.json'], [], opts, ' (multiple FRESH resumes)' ],
[ 'new', [sb + 'new-jrs-1.json', sb + 'new-jrs-2.json', sb + 'new-jrs-3.json'], [], opts, ' (multiple JRS resumes)' ],
[ 'validate', [ft + 'jane-fullstacker.fresh.json'], [], opts, ' (jane-q-fullstacker|FRESH)' ],
[ 'validate', [ft + 'johnny-trouble.fresh.json'], [], opts, ' (johnny-trouble|FRESH)' ],
[ 'validate', [sb + 'new-fresh-resume.json'], [], opts, ' (new-fresh-resume|FRESH)' ],
[ 'validate', ['test/resumes/jrs-0.0.0/richard-hendriks.json'], [], opts2, ' (richard-hendriks.json|JRS)' ],
[ 'validate', ['test/resumes/jrs-0.0.0/jane-incomplete.json'], [], opts2, ' (jane-incomplete.json|JRS)' ],
[ 'validate', [sb + 'new-1.json', sb + 'new-jrs-resume.json', sb + 'new-1.json', sb + 'new-2.json', sb + 'new-3.json'], [], opts, ' (5|BOTH)' ],
[ 'analyze', [ft + 'jane-fullstacker.json'], [], opts, ' (jane-q-fullstacker|FRESH)' ],
[ 'analyze', ['test/resumes/jrs-0.0.0/richard-hendriks.json'], [], opts2, ' (richard-hendriks|JRS)' ],
[ 'build',
[ ft + 'jane-fullstacker.fresh.json',
ft + 'override/jane-fullstacker-override.fresh.json' ],
[ sb + 'merged/jane-fullstacker-gamedev.fresh.all'], opts, ' (jane-q-fullstacker w/ override|FRESH)' ],
[ 'build',
[ ft + 'jane-fullstacker.fresh.json'],
[ sb + 'shouldnt-exist.pdf' ],
EXTEND(true, opts, { theme: 'awesome' }),
' (jane-q-fullstacker + Awesome + PDF|FRESH)' ]
].forEach( function(a) {
run.apply( null, a );
fail( 'new', [], [], opts, " (when a filename isn't specified)" );
function logMsg() {
function run( verb, src, dst, opts, msg ) {
msg = msg || '.';
it( 'The ' + verb.toUpperCase() + ' command should SUCCEED' + msg, function () {
function runIt() {
try {
FCMD.verbs[verb]( src, dst, opts, opts.silent ?
logMsg : function(msg){ msg = msg || ''; console.log(msg); } );
catch(ex) {
throw ex;
function fail( verb, src, dst, opts, msg ) {
msg = msg || '.';
it( 'The ' + verb.toUpperCase() + ' command should FAIL' + msg, function () {
function runIt() {
FCMD.verbs[verb]( src, dst, opts, logMsg );