mirror of https://github.com/JuanCanham/HackMyResume.git synced 2024-10-05 23:15:12 +01:00
hacksalot 0f65e4c9f3 Finish HackMyCore reshaping.
Reintroduce HackMyCore, dropping the interim submodule, and reorganize
and improve tests.
2016-01-29 15:23:57 -05:00

417 lines
10 KiB

Implementation of the 'build' verb for HackMyResume.
@module verbs/build
@license MIT. See LICENSE.md for details.
(function() {
var BuildVerb, FRESHTheme, FS, HMEVENT, HMSTATUS, JRSTheme, MD, MKDIRP, PATH, RConverter, RTYPES, ResumeFactory, Verb, _, _err, _fmts, _log, _opts, _rezObj, addFreebieFormats, build, expand, extend, loadTheme, parsePath, prep, single, verifyOutputs, verifyTheme;
_ = require('underscore');
PATH = require('path');
FS = require('fs');
MD = require('marked');
MKDIRP = require('mkdirp');
extend = require('extend');
parsePath = require('parse-filepath');
RConverter = require('fresh-jrs-converter');
HMSTATUS = require('../core/status-codes');
HMEVENT = require('../core/event-codes');
FRESH: require('../core/fresh-resume'),
JRS: require('../core/jrs-resume')
_opts = require('../core/default-options');
FRESHTheme = require('../core/fresh-theme');
JRSTheme = require('../core/jrs-theme');
ResumeFactory = require('../core/resume-factory');
_fmts = require('../core/default-formats');
Verb = require('../verbs/verb');
_err = null;
_log = null;
_rezObj = null;
build = null;
prep = null;
single = null;
verifyOutputs = null;
addFreebieFormats = null;
expand = null;
verifyTheme = null;
loadTheme = null;
/** An invokable resume generation command. */
BuildVerb = module.exports = Verb.extend({
/** Create a new build verb. */
init: function() {
return this._super('build');
/** Invoke the Build command. */
invoke: function() {
var ret;
this.stat(HMEVENT.begin, {
cmd: 'build'
ret = build.apply(this, arguments);
return ret;
Given a source resume in FRESH or JRS format, a destination resume path, and a
theme file, generate 0..N resumes in the desired formats.
@param src Path to the source JSON resume file: "rez/resume.json".
@param dst An array of paths to the target resume file(s).
@param theme Friendly name of the resume theme. Defaults to "modern".
@param logger Optional logging override.
build = function(src, dst, opts) {
var ex, inv, isFRESH, mixed, newEx, orgFormat, rez, sheetObjects, sheets, tFolder, targets, theme, toFormat;
if (!src || !src.length) {
this.err(HMSTATUS.resumeNotFound, {
quit: true
prep(src, dst, opts);
sheetObjects = ResumeFactory.load(src, {
format: null,
objectify: false,
quit: true,
inner: {
sort: _opts.sort
}, this);
if (!sheetObjects || _.some(sheetObjects, function(so) {
return so.fluenterror;
})) {
return null;
sheets = sheetObjects.map(function(r) {
return r.json;
theme = null;
this.stat(HMEVENT.beforeTheme, {
theme: _opts.theme
try {
tFolder = verifyTheme.call(this, _opts.theme);
theme = _opts.themeObj = loadTheme(tFolder);
} catch (_error) {
ex = _error;
newEx = {
fluenterror: HMSTATUS.themeLoad,
inner: ex,
attempted: _opts.theme
this.err(HMSTATUS.themeLoad, newEx);
return null;
this.stat(HMEVENT.afterTheme, {
theme: theme
inv = verifyOutputs.call(this, dst, theme);
if (inv && inv.length) {
this.err(HMSTATUS.invalidFormat, {
data: inv,
theme: theme
rez = null;
if (sheets.length > 1) {
isFRESH = !sheets[0].basics;
mixed = _.any(sheets, function(s) {
if (isFRESH) {
return s.basics;
} else {
return !s.basics;
this.stat(HMEVENT.beforeMerge, {
f: _.clone(sheetObjects),
mixed: mixed
if (mixed) {
rez = _.reduceRight(sheets, function(a, b, idx) {
return extend(true, b, a);
this.stat(HMEVENT.afterMerge, {
r: rez
} else {
rez = sheets[0];
orgFormat = rez.basics ? 'JRS' : 'FRESH';
toFormat = theme.render ? 'JRS' : 'FRESH';
if (toFormat !== orgFormat) {
rez = RConverter['to' + toFormat](rez);
this.stat(HMEVENT.afterInlineConvert, {
file: sheetObjects[0].file,
fmt: toFormat
this.stat(HMEVENT.applyTheme, {
r: rez,
theme: theme
_rezObj = new RTYPES[toFormat]().parseJSON(rez);
targets = expand(dst, theme);
_.each(targets, function(t) {
return t.final = single.call(this, t, theme, targets);
}, this);
return {
sheet: _rezObj,
targets: targets,
processed: targets
Prepare for a BUILD run.
prep = function(src, dst, opts) {
_opts.theme = (opts.theme && opts.theme.toLowerCase().trim()) || 'modern';
_opts.prettify = opts.prettify === true;
_opts.css = opts.css;
_opts.pdf = opts.pdf;
_opts.wrap = opts.wrap || 60;
_opts.stitles = opts.sectionTitles;
_opts.tips = opts.tips;
_opts.errHandler = opts.errHandler;
_opts.noTips = opts.noTips;
_opts.debug = opts.debug;
_opts.sort = opts.sort;
(src.length > 1 && (!dst || !dst.length)) && dst.push(src.pop());
Generate a single target resume such as "out/rez.html" or "out/rez.doc".
TODO: Refactor.
@param targInfo Information for the target resume.
@param theme A FRESHTheme or JRSTheme object.
single = function(targInfo, theme, finished) {
var e, ex, f, fName, fType, outFolder, ret, theFormat;
ret = null;
ex = null;
f = targInfo.file;
try {
if (!targInfo.fmt) {
fType = targInfo.fmt.outFormat;
fName = PATH.basename(f, '.' + fType);
theFormat = null;
this.stat(HMEVENT.beforeGenerate, {
fmt: targInfo.fmt.outFormat,
file: PATH.relative(process.cwd(), f)
if (targInfo.fmt.files && targInfo.fmt.files.length) {
theFormat = _fmts.filter(function(fmt) {
return fmt.name === targInfo.fmt.outFormat;
_opts.targets = finished;
ret = theFormat.gen.generate(_rezObj, f, _opts);
} else {
theFormat = _fmts.filter(function(fmt) {
return fmt.name === targInfo.fmt.outFormat;
outFolder = PATH.dirname(f);
ret = theFormat.gen.generate(_rezObj, f, _opts);
} catch (_error) {
e = _error;
ex = e;
this.stat(HMEVENT.afterGenerate, {
fmt: targInfo.fmt.outFormat,
file: PATH.relative(process.cwd(), f),
error: ex
if (ex) {
if (ex.fluenterror) {
this.err(ex.fluenterror, ex);
} else {
this.err(HMSTATUS.generateError, {
inner: ex
return ret;
Ensure that user-specified outputs/targets are valid.
verifyOutputs = function(targets, theme) {
this.stat(HMEVENT.verifyOutputs, {
targets: targets,
theme: theme
return _.reject(targets.map(function(t) {
var pathInfo;
pathInfo = parsePath(t);
return {
format: pathInfo.extname.substr(1)
}), function(t) {
return t.format === 'all' || theme.hasFormat(t.format);
Reinforce the chosen theme with "freebie" formats provided by HackMyResume.
A "freebie" format is an output format such as JSON, YML, or PNG that can be
generated directly from the resume model or from one of the theme's declared
output formats. For example, the PNG format can be generated for any theme
that declares an HTML format; the theme doesn't have to provide an explicit
PNG template.
@param theTheme A FRESHTheme or JRSTheme object.
addFreebieFormats = function(theTheme) {
theTheme.formats.json = theTheme.formats.json || {
freebie: true,
title: 'json',
outFormat: 'json',
pre: 'json',
ext: 'json',
path: null,
data: null
theTheme.formats.yml = theTheme.formats.yml || {
freebie: true,
title: 'yaml',
outFormat: 'yml',
pre: 'yml',
ext: 'yml',
path: null,
data: null
if (theTheme.formats.html && !theTheme.formats.png) {
theTheme.formats.png = {
freebie: true,
title: 'png',
outFormat: 'png',
ext: 'yml',
path: null,
data: null
Expand output files. For example, "foo.all" should be expanded to
["foo.html", "foo.doc", "foo.pdf", "etc"].
@param dst An array of output files as specified by the user.
@param theTheme A FRESHTheme or JRSTheme object.
expand = function(dst, theTheme) {
var destColl, targets;
destColl = (dst && dst.length && dst) || [PATH.normalize('out/resume.all')];
targets = [];
destColl.forEach(function(t) {
var fmat, pa, to;
to = PATH.resolve(t);
pa = parsePath(to);
fmat = pa.extname || '.all';
return targets.push.apply(targets, fmat === '.all' ? Object.keys(theTheme.formats).map(function(k) {
var z;
z = theTheme.formats[k];
return {
file: to.replace(/all$/g, z.outFormat),
fmt: z
}) : [
file: to,
fmt: theTheme.getFormat(fmat.slice(1))
return targets;
Verify the specified theme name/path.
verifyTheme = function(themeNameOrPath) {
var exists, tFolder;
tFolder = PATH.join(parsePath(require.resolve('fresh-themes')).dirname, '/themes/', themeNameOrPath);
exists = require('path-exists').sync;
if (!exists(tFolder)) {
tFolder = PATH.resolve(themeNameOrPath);
if (!exists(tFolder)) {
this.err(HMSTATUS.themeNotFound, {
data: _opts.theme
return tFolder;
Load the specified theme, which could be either a FRESH theme or a JSON Resume
loadTheme = function(tFolder) {
var theTheme;
theTheme = _opts.theme.indexOf('jsonresume-theme-') > -1 ? new JRSTheme().open(tFolder) : new FRESHTheme().open(tFolder);
_opts.themeObj = theTheme;
return theTheme;