
353 lines
10 KiB

* decaffeinate suggestions:
* DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns
* DS206: Consider reworking classes to avoid initClass
* DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks
* Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md
Definition of the JRSResume class.
@license MIT. See LICENSE.md for details.
@module core/jrs-resume
const FS = require('fs');
const extend = require('extend');
let validator = require('is-my-json-valid');
const _ = require('underscore');
const PATH = require('path');
const MD = require('marked');
const CONVERTER = require('fresh-jrs-converter');
const moment = require('moment');
A JRS resume or CV. JRS resumes are backed by JSON, and each JRSResume object
is an instantiation of that JSON decorated with utility methods.
@class JRSResume
var JRSResume = (function() {
let clear = undefined;
JRSResume = class JRSResume {
static initClass() {
/** Reset the sheet to an empty state. */
clear = function( clearMeta ) {
clearMeta = ((clearMeta === undefined) && true) || clearMeta;
if (clearMeta) { delete this.imp; }
delete this.basics.computed; // Don't use Object.keys() here
delete this.work;
delete this.volunteer;
delete this.education;
delete this.awards;
delete this.publications;
delete this.interests;
delete this.skills;
return delete this.basics.profiles;
// extends AbstractResume
/** Initialize the the JSResume from string. */
parse( stringData, opts ) {
this.imp = this.imp != null ? this.imp : {raw: stringData};
return this.parseJSON(JSON.parse( stringData ), opts);
Initialize the JRSResume object from JSON.
Open and parse the specified JRS resume. Merge the JSON object model onto
this Sheet instance with extend() and convert sheet dates to a safe &
consistent format. Then sort each section by startDate descending.
@param rep {Object} The raw JSON representation.
@param opts {Object} Resume loading and parsing options.
date: Perform safe date conversion.
sort: Sort resume items by date.
compute: Prepare computed resume totals.
parseJSON( rep, opts ) {
let scrubbed;
opts = opts || { };
if (opts.privatize) {
let ignoreList, privateList;
const scrubber = require('../utils/resume-scrubber');
// Ignore any element with the 'ignore: true' or 'private: true' designator.
({ scrubbed, ignoreList, privateList } = scrubber.scrubResume(rep, opts));
// Extend resume properties onto ourself.
extend(true, this, opts.privatize ? scrubbed : rep);
// Set up metadata
if (!(this.imp != null ? this.imp.processed : undefined)) {
// Set up metadata TODO: Clean up metadata on the object model.
opts = opts || { };
if ((opts.imp === undefined) || opts.imp) {
this.imp = this.imp || { };
this.imp.title = (opts.title || this.imp.title) || this.basics.name;
if (!this.imp.raw) {
this.imp.raw = JSON.stringify(rep);
this.imp.processed = true;
// Parse dates, sort dates, and calculate computed values
((opts.date === undefined) || opts.date) && _parseDates.call( this );
((opts.sort === undefined) || opts.sort) && this.sort();
if ((opts.compute === undefined) || opts.compute) {
this.basics.computed = {
numYears: this.duration(),
keywords: this.keywords()
return this;
/** Save the sheet to disk (for environments that have disk access). */
save( filename ) {
this.imp.file = filename || this.imp.file;
FS.writeFileSync(this.imp.file, this.stringify( this ), 'utf8');
return this;
/** Save the sheet to disk in a specific format, either FRESH or JRS. */
saveAs( filename, format ) {
if (format === 'JRS') {
this.imp.file = filename || this.imp.file;
FS.writeFileSync( this.imp.file, this.stringify(), 'utf8' );
} else {
const newRep = CONVERTER.toFRESH(this);
const stringRep = CONVERTER.toSTRING(newRep);
FS.writeFileSync(filename, stringRep, 'utf8');
return this;
/** Return the resume format. */
format() { return 'JRS'; }
stringify() { return JRSResume.stringify( this ); }
/** Return a unique list of all keywords across all skills. */
keywords() {
let flatSkills = [];
if (this.skills && this.skills.length) {
this.skills.forEach( s => flatSkills = _.union(flatSkills, s.keywords));
return flatSkills;
Return internal metadata. Create if it doesn't exist.
JSON Resume v0.0.0 doesn't allow additional properties at the root level,
so tuck this into the .basic sub-object.
i() {
return this.imp = this.imp != null ? this.imp : { };
/** Add work experience to the sheet. */
add( moniker ) {
const defSheet = JRSResume.default();
const newObject = $.extend( true, {}, defSheet[ moniker ][0] );
this[ moniker ] = this[ moniker ] || [];
this[ moniker ].push( newObject );
return newObject;
/** Determine if the sheet includes a specific social profile (eg, GitHub). */
hasProfile( socialNetwork ) {
socialNetwork = socialNetwork.trim().toLowerCase();
return this.basics.profiles && _.some(this.basics.profiles, p => p.network.trim().toLowerCase() === socialNetwork);
/** Determine if the sheet includes a specific skill. */
hasSkill( skill ) {
skill = skill.trim().toLowerCase();
return this.skills && _.some(this.skills, sk =>
sk.keywords && _.some(sk.keywords, kw => kw.trim().toLowerCase() === skill)
/** Validate the sheet against the JSON Resume schema. */
isValid( ) { // TODO: ↓ fix this path ↓
const schema = FS.readFileSync(PATH.join( __dirname, 'resume.json' ), 'utf8');
const schemaObj = JSON.parse(schema);
validator = require('is-my-json-valid');
const validate = validator( schemaObj, { // Note [1]
formats: { date: /^\d{4}(?:-(?:0[0-9]{1}|1[0-2]{1})(?:-[0-9]{2})?)?$/ }
const temp = this.imp;
delete this.imp;
const ret = validate(this);
this.imp = temp;
if (!ret) {
this.imp = this.imp || { };
this.imp.validationErrors = validate.errors;
return ret;
duration(unit) {
const inspector = require('../inspectors/duration-inspector');
return inspector.run(this, 'work', 'startDate', 'endDate', unit);
Sort dated things on the sheet by start date descending. Assumes that dates
on the sheet have been processed with _parseDates().
sort( ) {
const byDateDesc = function(a,b) {
if (a.safeStartDate.isBefore(b.safeStartDate)) {
return 1;
} else { return ( a.safeStartDate.isAfter(b.safeStartDate) && -1 ) || 0; }
this.work && this.work.sort(byDateDesc);
this.education && this.education.sort(byDateDesc);
this.volunteer && this.volunteer.sort(byDateDesc);
this.awards && this.awards.sort(function(a, b) {
if (a.safeDate.isBefore(b.safeDate)) {
return 1;
} else { return (a.safeDate.isAfter(b.safeDate) && -1 ) || 0; }
return this.publications && this.publications.sort(function(a, b) {
if ( a.safeReleaseDate.isBefore(b.safeReleaseDate) ) {
return 1;
} else { return ( a.safeReleaseDate.isAfter(b.safeReleaseDate) && -1 ) || 0; }
dupe() {
const rnew = new JRSResume();
rnew.parse(this.stringify(), { });
return rnew;
Create a copy of this resume in which all fields have been interpreted as
harden() {
const ret = this.dupe();
const HD = txt => `@@@@~${txt}~@@@@`;
const HDIN = txt =>
//return MD(txt || '' ).replace(/^\s*<p>|<\/p>\s*$/gi, '');
const transformer = require('../utils/string-transformer');
return transformer(ret,
[ 'skills','url','website','startDate','endDate', 'releaseDate', 'date',
'safeStartDate','safeEndDate' ],
(key, val) => HD(val));
return JRSResume;
/** Get the default (empty) sheet. */
JRSResume.default = () => new JRSResume().parseJSON(require('fresh-resume-starter').jrs);
Convert this object to a JSON string, sanitizing meta-properties along the
way. Don't override .toString().
JRSResume.stringify = function( obj ) {
const replacer = function( key,value ) { // Exclude these keys from stringification
const temp = _.some(['imp', 'warnings', 'computed', 'filt', 'ctrl', 'index',
'safeStartDate', 'safeEndDate', 'safeDate', 'safeReleaseDate', 'result',
'isModified', 'htmlPreview', 'display_progress_bar'],
val => key.trim() === val);
if (temp) { return undefined; } else { return value; }
return JSON.stringify(obj, replacer, 2);
Convert human-friendly dates into formal Moment.js dates for all collections.
We don't want to lose the raw textual date as entered by the user, so we store
the Moment-ified date as a separate property with a prefix of .safe. For ex:
job.startDate is the date as entered by the user. job.safeStartDate is the
parsed Moment.js date that we actually use in processing.
var _parseDates = function() {
const _fmt = require('./fluent-date').fmt;
this.work && this.work.forEach(function(job) {
job.safeStartDate = _fmt( job.startDate );
return job.safeEndDate = _fmt( job.endDate );
this.education && this.education.forEach(function(edu) {
edu.safeStartDate = _fmt( edu.startDate );
return edu.safeEndDate = _fmt( edu.endDate );
this.volunteer && this.volunteer.forEach(function(vol) {
vol.safeStartDate = _fmt( vol.startDate );
return vol.safeEndDate = _fmt( vol.endDate );
this.awards && this.awards.forEach(awd => awd.safeDate = _fmt( awd.date ));
return this.publications && this.publications.forEach(pub => pub.safeReleaseDate = _fmt( pub.releaseDate ));
Export the JRSResume function/ctor.
module.exports = JRSResume;