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* decaffeinate suggestions:
* DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns
* Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md
Definition of the JRSTheme class.
@module core/jrs-theme
@license MIT. See LICENSE.MD for details.
const _ = require('underscore');
const PATH = require('path');
const parsePath = require('parse-filepath');
const pathExists = require('path-exists').sync;
const errors = require('./status-codes');
The JRSTheme class is a representation of a JSON Resume theme asset.
@class JRSTheme
class JRSTheme {
Open and parse the specified JRS theme.
@method open
open( thFolder ) {
this.folder = thFolder;
const pathInfo = parsePath(thFolder);
// Open and parse the theme's package.json file
const pkgJsonPath = PATH.join(thFolder, 'package.json');
if (pathExists(pkgJsonPath)) {
const thApi = require(thFolder); // Requiring the folder yields whatever the package.json's "main" is set to
const thPkg = require(pkgJsonPath); // Get the package.json as JSON
this.name = thPkg.name;
this.render = (thApi && thApi.render) || undefined;
this.engine = 'jrs';
// Create theme formats (HTML and PDF). Just add the bare minimum mix of
// properties necessary to allow JSON Resume themes to share a rendering
// path with FRESH themes.
this.formats = {
html: {
outFormat: 'html',
files: [{
action: 'transform',
render: this.render,
primary: true,
ext: 'html',
css: null
pdf: {
outFormat: 'pdf',
files: [{
action: 'transform',
render: this.render,
primary: true,
ext: 'pdf',
css: null
} else {
throw {fluenterror: errors.missingPackageJSON};
return this;
Determine if the theme supports the output format.
@method hasFormat
hasFormat( fmt ) { return _.has(this.formats, fmt); }
Return the requested output format.
@method getFormat
getFormat( fmt ) { return this.formats[ fmt ]; }
module.exports = JRSTheme;