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Definition of the TemplateGenerator class. TODO: Refactor
@module generators/template-generator
@license MIT. See LICENSE.md for details.
(function() {
var BaseGenerator, EXTEND, FRESHTheme, FS, JRSTheme, MD, MKDIRP, PATH, TemplateGenerator, XML, _, _defaultOpts, _reg, createSymLinks, freeze, parsePath, unfreeze,
extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },
hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;
FS = require('fs-extra');
_ = require('underscore');
MD = require('marked');
XML = require('xml-escape');
PATH = require('path');
parsePath = require('parse-filepath');
MKDIRP = require('mkdirp');
BaseGenerator = require('./base-generator');
EXTEND = require('extend');
FRESHTheme = require('../core/fresh-theme');
JRSTheme = require('../core/jrs-theme');
TemplateGenerator performs resume generation via local Handlebar or Underscore
style template expansion and is appropriate for text-based formats like HTML,
plain text, and XML versions of Microsoft Word, Excel, and OpenOffice.
@class TemplateGenerator
module.exports = TemplateGenerator = (function(superClass) {
extend(TemplateGenerator, superClass);
/** Constructor. Set the output format and template format for this
generator. Will usually be called by a derived generator such as
HTMLGenerator or MarkdownGenerator.
function TemplateGenerator(outputFormat, templateFormat, cssFile) {
TemplateGenerator.__super__.constructor.call(this, outputFormat);
this.tplFormat = templateFormat || outputFormat;
/** Generate a resume using string-based inputs and outputs without touching
the filesystem.
@method invoke
@param rez A FreshResume object.
@param opts Generator options.
@returns {Array} An array of objects representing the generated output
TemplateGenerator.prototype.invoke = function(rez, opts) {
var curFmt, results;
opts = opts ? (this.opts = EXTEND(true, {}, _defaultOpts, opts)) : this.opts;
curFmt = opts.themeObj.getFormat(this.format);
curFmt.files = _.sortBy(curFmt.files, function(fi) {
return fi.ext !== 'css';
results = curFmt.files.map(function(tplInfo, idx) {
var trx;
if (tplInfo.action === 'transform') {
trx = this.transform(rez, tplInfo.data, this.format, opts, opts.themeObj, curFmt);
if (tplInfo.ext === 'css') {
curFmt.files[idx].data = trx;
} else {
tplInfo.ext === 'html';
} else {
if (typeof opts.onTransform === "function") {
return {
info: tplInfo,
data: trx
}, this);
return {
files: results
/** Generate a resume using file-based inputs and outputs. Requires access
to the local filesystem.
@method generate
@param rez A FreshResume object.
@param f Full path to the output resume file to generate.
@param opts Generator options.
TemplateGenerator.prototype.generate = function(rez, f, opts) {
var curFmt, genInfo, outFolder;
this.opts = EXTEND(true, {}, _defaultOpts, opts);
genInfo = this.invoke(rez, null);
outFolder = parsePath(f).dirname;
curFmt = opts.themeObj.getFormat(this.format);
genInfo.files.forEach(function(file) {
var thisFilePath;
file.info.orgPath = file.info.orgPath || '';
thisFilePath = PATH.join(outFolder, file.info.orgPath);
if (file.info.action !== 'copy' && this.onBeforeSave) {
file.data = this.onBeforeSave({
theme: opts.themeObj,
outputFile: thisFilePath,
mk: file.data,
opts: this.opts
if (!file.data) {
if (typeof opts.beforeWrite === "function") {
if (file.info.action !== 'copy') {
FS.writeFileSync(thisFilePath, file.data, {
encoding: 'utf8',
flags: 'w'
} else {
FS.copySync(file.info.path, thisFilePath);
if (typeof opts.afterWrite === "function") {
if (this.onAfterSave) {
return this.onAfterSave({
outputFile: fileName,
mk: file.data,
opts: this.opts
}, this);
createSymLinks(curFmt, outFolder);
return genInfo;
/** Perform a single resume resume transformation using string-based inputs
and outputs without touching the local file system.
@param json A FRESH or JRS resume object.
@param jst The stringified template data
@param format The format name, such as "html" or "latex"
@param cssInfo Needs to be refactored.
@param opts Options and passthrough data.
TemplateGenerator.prototype.transform = function(json, jst, format, opts, theme, curFmt) {
var eng, result;
if (this.opts.freezeBreaks) {
jst = freeze(jst);
eng = require('../renderers/' + theme.engine + '-generator');
result = eng.generate(json, jst, format, curFmt, opts, theme);
if (this.opts.freezeBreaks) {
result = unfreeze(result);
return result;
return TemplateGenerator;
createSymLinks = function(curFmt, outFolder) {
if (curFmt.symLinks) {
Object.keys(curFmt.symLinks).forEach(function(loc) {
var absLoc, absTarg, succeeded, type;
absLoc = PATH.join(outFolder, loc);
absTarg = PATH.join(PATH.dirname(absLoc), curFmt.symLinks[loc]);
type = parsePath(absLoc).extname ? 'file' : 'junction';
try {
return FS.symlinkSync(absTarg, absLoc, type);
} catch (_error) {
succeeded = false;
if (_error.code === 'EEXIST') {
try {
FS.symlinkSync(absTarg, absLoc, type);
succeeded = true;
} catch (_error) {}
if (!succeeded) {
throw ex;
/** Freeze newlines for protection against errant JST parsers. */
freeze = function(markup) {
markup.replace(_reg.regN, _defaultOpts.nSym);
return markup.replace(_reg.regR, _defaultOpts.rSym);
/** Unfreeze newlines when the coast is clear. */
unfreeze = function(markup) {
markup.replace(_reg.regSymR, '\r');
return markup.replace(_reg.regSymN, '\n');
/** Default template generator options. */
_defaultOpts = {
engine: 'underscore',
keepBreaks: true,
freezeBreaks: false,
nSym: '&newl;',
rSym: '&retn;',
template: {
interpolate: /\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g,
escape: /\{\{\=(.+?)\}\}/g,
evaluate: /\{\%(.+?)\%\}/g,
comment: /\{\#(.+?)\#\}/g
filters: {
out: function(txt) {
return txt;
raw: function(txt) {
return txt;
xml: function(txt) {
return XML(txt);
md: function(txt) {
return MD(txt || '');
mdin: function(txt) {
return MD(txt || '').replace(/^\s*<p>|<\/p>\s*$/gi, '');
lower: function(txt) {
return txt.toLowerCase();
link: function(name, url) {
if (url) {
return '<a href="' + url + '">' + name + '</a>';
} else {
return name;
prettify: {
indent_size: 2,
unformatted: ['em', 'strong', 'a'],
max_char: 80
/** Regexes for linebreak preservation. */
_reg = {
regN: new RegExp('\n', 'g'),
regR: new RegExp('\r', 'g'),
regSymN: new RegExp(_defaultOpts.nSym, 'g'),
regSymR: new RegExp(_defaultOpts.rSym, 'g')
//# sourceMappingURL=template-generator.js.map