mirror of https://github.com/JuanCanham/HackMyResume.git synced 2024-07-07 18:20:05 +01:00
2015-12-17 10:15:59 -05:00

132 lines
3.7 KiB

#! /usr/bin/env node
Command-line interface (CLI) for FluentCV:CLI.
@license MIT. Copyright (c) 2015 James M. Devlin / FluentDesk.
@module index.js
var ARGS = require( 'minimist' )
, FCMD = require( './fluentcmd')
, PKG = require('../package.json')
, COLORS = require('colors')
, FS = require('fs')
, PATH = require('path')
, opts = { }
, title = ('*** FluentCV v' + PKG.version + ' ***').bold.white
, _ = require('underscore');
try {
catch( ex ) {
handleError( ex );
function main() {
// Colorize
title: ['white','bold'],
info: process.platform === 'win32' ? 'gray' : ['white','dim'],
infoBold: ['white','dim'],
warn: 'yellow',
error: 'red',
guide: 'yellow',
status: 'gray',//['white','dim'],
useful: 'green',
// Setup
if( process.argv.length <= 2 ) { throw { fluenterror: 4 }; }
var a = ARGS( process.argv.slice(2) );
opts = getOpts( a );
logMsg( title );
// Get the action to be performed
var params = a._.map( function(p){ return p.toLowerCase().trim(); });
var verb = params[0];
if( !FCMD.verbs[ verb ] ) {
logMsg('Invalid command: "'.warn + verb.warn.bold + '"'.warn);
// Get source and dest params
var splitAt = _.indexOf( params, 'to' );
if( splitAt === a._.length - 1 ) {
// 'TO' cannot be the last argument
logMsg('Please '.warn + 'specify an output file'.warn.bold +
' for this operation or '.warn + 'omit the TO keyword'.warn.bold +
'.'.warn );
var src = a._.slice(1, splitAt === -1 ? undefined : splitAt );
var dst = splitAt === -1 ? [] : a._.slice( splitAt + 1 );
var parms = [ src, dst, opts, logMsg ];
// Invoke the action
FCMD.verbs[ verb ].apply( null, parms );
function logMsg( msg ) {
opts.silent || console.log( msg );
function getOpts( args ) {
var noPretty = args.nopretty || args.n;
noPretty = noPretty && (noPretty === true || noPretty === 'true');
return {
theme: args.t || 'modern',
format: args.f || 'FRESH',
prettify: !noPretty,
silent: args.s || args.silent
function handleError( ex ) {
var msg = '', exitCode;
if( ex.fluenterror ){
switch( ex.fluenterror ) { // TODO: Remove magic numbers
case 1: msg = "The specified theme couldn't be found: " + ex.data; break;
case 2: msg = "Couldn't copy CSS file to destination folder"; break;
case 3: msg = 'Please '.guide + 'specify a valid input resume'.guide.bold + ' in FRESH or JSON Resume format.'.guide; break;
case 4: msg = title + "\nPlease ".guide + "specify a command".guide.bold + " (".guide +
Object.keys( FCMD.verbs ).map( function(v, idx, ar) {
return (idx === ar.length - 1 ? 'or '.guide : '') +
}).join(', '.guide) + ").\n\n".guide + FS.readFileSync( PATH.join(__dirname, 'use.txt'), 'utf8' ).info.bold;
//case 4: msg = title + '\n' + ; break;
case 5: msg = 'Please '.guide + 'specify the output resume file'.guide.bold + ' that should be created in the new format.'.guide; break;
case 6: msg = 'Please '.guide + 'specify a valid input resume'.guide.bold + ' in either FRESH or JSON Resume format.'.guide; break;
case 7: msg = 'Please '.guide + 'specify an output file name'.guide.bold + ' for every input file you wish to convert.'.guide; break;
exitCode = ex.fluenterror;
else {
msg = ex.toString();
exitCode = 4;
var idx = msg.indexOf('Error: ');
var trimmed = idx === -1 ? msg : msg.substring( idx + 7 );
if( !ex.fluenterror || ex.fluenterror < 3 )
console.log( ('ERROR: ' + trimmed.toString()).red.bold );
console.log( trimmed.toString() );
process.exit( exitCode );