# Overview A simple example project to use SAM/CodeDeploy preTrafficHooks to validate a lambda before finishing the deployment ## Install, Linting, Testing, Deploying, Integration-Testing * Code uses black for formatting and pylint for code-standards * Tests use pytest * Deployment uses cloudformation via [SAM] for simplification * Integration Tests are part of the cloudformation See `make help` for more details ### Deployment Environment overrides can be written in `environments/.env` then launched with `make all env=` #### CI This folder has scripts to * Deploy and Delete a CI environment * Deploy a permanent environment based on `environments/.env` * Cleanup environments after merging ## Contributing Before contributing, please run all tests in a clean environment, e.g run `make all` [SAM]: https://github.com/awsdocs/aws-sam-developer-guide/blob/master/doc_source/sam-specification.md