Theme: Modern =============== A contemporary technical résumé theme with tweaks for freelancers. Features colored progress bars representing skill levels and Font Awesome icons for section headers. Adds a picture and projects to the standard modern theme. Also adds social info to contact data for Github/Bitbucket and the like, puts an image to the right, renames the employment section to work, adds a section for languages and extracurricular. ![](modern.png) ## Use Note: In order to display colored progress bars as in the below image, your resume should include a `level` annotation for each skill: ```json { "name": "JavaScript", "level": "master", "skills": [ "Node.js", "Angular.js", "jQuery", "Bootstrap", "React.js", "Backbone.js" ] }, { "name": "Database", "level": "intermediate", "skills": [ "MySQL", "PostgreSQL", "NoSQL", "ORM", "Hibernate" ] } ``` Valid values for `level` are `master`, `advanced`, `intermediate`, `beginner`, or a number between 1 and 10. ## License MIT. See [][lic] for details. [lic]: