{{ r.name }} ============ {{#if r.contact.email }}Email: {{{ r.contact.email }}}{{/if}} {{#if r.contact.phone }}Tel: {{{ r.contact.phone }}}{{/if}} {{#if r.contact.website }}Web: {{{ r.contact.website }}}{{/if}} {{#if r.info.brief }}{{{ r.info.brief }}}{{/if}} {{#if r.skills}} ## SKILLS {{#each r.skills.sets}} - {{{ name }}}: {{#each this.skills}}{{{ this }}} {{/each}} {{/each}} {{/if}} {{#if r.employment}} ## EMPLOYMENT {{#each r.employment.history }} {{#compare @index 4 operator="<"}} ### {{{ position }}}, {{{ employer }}} ({{formatDate safe.start 'YYYY-MM' }} -- {{formatDate safe.end 'YYYY-MM' }}) {{{ summary }}} {{#if highlights}} {{#each highlights}} - {{{ this }}} {{/each}} {{/if}} {{/compare}} {{#compare @index 4 operator=">="}} {{#compare @index 4 operator="=="}} ### Previously... Prior to {{{ employer }}}, I worked on a range of projects for companies large and small. {{/compare}} - {{{ position }}}, {{{ employer }}} {{/compare}} {{/each}} {{/if}} {{#if r.education}} ## EDUCATION {{#each r.education.history}} ### {{{ institution }}} ({{formatDate safe.start 'YYYY-MM' }} — {{formatDate safe.end 'YYYY-MM' }}) {{#if summary }} {{{ summary }}} {{/if}} {{#if courses}} {{#each courses}} - {{{ this }}}{{/each}}{{/if}} {{/each}} {{/if}} {{#if r.writing}} ## WRITING {{#each r.writing}} ### {{{ title }}} ({{formatDate safe.date 'YYYY-MM' }}) {{{ summary }}} {{/each}} {{/if}} {{#if r.service }} ## SERVICE {{#each r.service.history}} ### {{{ organization }}} ({{formatDate safe.start 'YYYY-MM' }} — {{formatDate safe.end 'YYYY-MM' }}) {{{ summary }}} {{#if highlights}} {{#each highlights}} - {{{ this }}} {{/each}} {{/if}} {{/each}} {{/if}} {{#if r.recognition}} ## RECOGNITION {{#each r.recognition}} ### {{{ title }}}, {{{ from }}} ({{formatDate safe.date 'MMM YYYY' }}) {{{ summary }}} {{/each}} {{/if}}