fresh-themes ============ *Stylized templates for your résumé and/or CV, compatible with [FRESH][f] and (through conversion) [JSON Resume][jrs] formats.* - [positive][t-positive]: A visually dense/compact theme. - [modern][t-modern]: A middle of the road theme with a modern look 'n feel. - [compact][t-compact]: A visually dense/compact theme. - [awesome][t-awesome]: A technical resume theme based on [Awesome-CV][awe]. - [minimist][t-minimist]: An unstyled barebones theme. - [hello-world][t-hello]: A simple-as-possible example theme. - New themes weekly. ## Use 1. Install [HackMyResume][hmr] or a similar tool. 2. Create a [FRESH][f] or [JRS][jrs] résumé. 3. Run `hackmyresume build to .all -t ` to generate all formats for a particular theme. For example: ```bash hackmyresume BUILD resume.json TO out/resume.all -t positive ``` ## Install The **fresh-themes** repo is automatically installed when you install HackMyResume. For development or testing purposes, you can install the standalone version via NPM: `[sudo] npm install fresh-themes [--save]` ...or fork and clone it from GitHub as usual. ## How It Works FRESH themes are powered by the same templates you're familiar with from Jekyll, Handlebars, MS Word, or your server-side web language of choice. You create a FRESH theme the same way you would any other template: by intermixing markup (HTML, XML, plain text, whatever) with special tags or placeholders: ```html

{{ job.title }}

{{ job.summary }}

``` Run it through a tool, and you get finished markup suitable for display or saving as a document: ```html


Performed covert ops in feudal Japan.

``` The only difference between a FRESH theme and your Jekyll blog or MS Word template is that FRESH themes are: - **Multiformat**. Each FRESH theme can declare multiple formats: HTML, Word, PDF, Markdown, or other future formats. - **Markdown-friendly**. All FRESH themes support inline Markdown/HTML formatting. - **Inheritable**. FRESH themes can inherit or "borrow" formats from other themes. - **Agnostic**. FRESH themes don't mandate that you use a particular templating engine or style: you can use Handlebars, Underscore, or other engines in the future. If you can do `{{ }}` or `{% highlight html %}` in a template file you can work with FRESH themes. ## Structure FRESH themes are structured to allow for flexible generation of documents in multiple formats. Each theme lives in a separate folder and consists of: - A JSON description file. - One or more template files in Handlebars or Underscore format. - Any necessary support files (CSS, LaTeX partials, etc.). - A dedicated README. Within its containing folder, a theme can have an arbitrary structure provided you either a) follow a standard naming convention or b) specify your theme files in your theme's JSON file. ## Contribute Contributions are welcome. 1. Fork, branch, and clone this repository. 2. Add or edit a theme or make other changes. 3. Submit a PR. ## License MIT. See [][1] for details. [1]: [2]: [3]: [f]: [jrs]: [awe]: [t-awesome]: [t-minimist]: [t-modern]: [t-hello]: [t-compact]: [t-positive]: [hmr]: