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2022-04-27 20:51:29 +01:00
{"name": "Juan Barry Manual Canham", "contact": {"email": "cv@juancanham.com", "website": "https://cv.juancanham.com"}, "info": {"label": "Cloud Engineer", "image": "images/QR.png", "brief": "A Cloud Engineer & Developer, with experience at a variety of companies, across a range of technologies\ndriving both technological change as well as business focused outcomes.\nCapable of wearing whatever hat is needed for a given job.\n"}, "location": {"city": "Oakland", "county": "Alameda", "state": "California", "country": "United States of America", "region": "NA", "countryCode": "US"}, "social": [{"label": "Git", "network": "Git", "user": "jc", "url": "http://git.juancanham.com/"}, {"label": "LinkedIn", "network": "LinkedIn", "user": "juan-canham-aa005a51", "url": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/juan-canham-aa005a51/"}, {"label": "Github", "network": "Github", "user": "JuanCanham", "url": "https://github.com/juancanham"}], "certifications": [{"organization": "AWS", "certificates": [{"name": "Solutions Architect", "level": "Professional", "logo": "AWS-Solutions-Architect-Pro.png"}, {"name": "DevOps", "level": "Professional", "logo": "AWS-DevOps-Pro.png"}, {"name": "Solutions Architect", "level": "Associate", "logo": "AWS-Solutions-Architect-Associate.png"}, {"name": "SysOps Administrator", "level": "Associate", "logo": "AWS-Sysops-Associate.png"}, {"name": "Developer", "level": "Associate", "logo": "AWS-Developer-Associate.png"}]}, {"organization": "Google", "certificates": [{"name": "Cloud Architect", "level": "Professional", "logo": "GCP-Cloud-Architect-Pro.png"}, {"name": "Data Engineer", "level": "Professional", "logo": "GCP-Data-Engineer-Pro.png"}, {"name": "Google Apps Deployment Specialist"}]}, {"organization": "Linux Professional Institute", "certificates": [{"name": "LPCI-1", "logo": "LPCI-1.png"}]}, {"organization": "Salesforce", "certificates": [{"name": "Force.com Developer", "logo": "Salesforce-Platform-Developer.png"}, {"name": "Administrator", "logo": "Salesforce-administrator.png"}]}, {"organization": "Microsoft", "certificates": [{"name": "Windows 7, Configuration", "level": "Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist"}]}], "employment": {"summary": "10+ years cloud infrastructure experience as developer, engineer, technical lead & architect", "history": [{"employer": "Self", "url": "https://juancanham.com", "position": "Open Source Developer", "summary": "Spending a few months developing tools to make engineering in the clouds easier. And other assorted tools", "start": "2019-07", "highlights": ["Built a mobile app to showcase user sourced data, using Flutter and Dart", "Contributed to existing open source projects such as Gpodder and Gpodder.net", "Built a tool to view twitter exports", "Built a website to highlight the problems with FPTP", "Built a tool to monitor activity on toxic internet communities"], "projects": [{"name": "Mobile location based-app", "summary": "Mobile app built on Flutter/Dart. With the backend on GCP (Firebase & Storage)", "description": "Built a prototype app for a customer.\nMobile app built on Flutter/Dart with support for Android & iOS, but only built on Android for now.\nThe app combined camera & location data, with a combination of authoritative and user submitted data to inform users about\nthe venues which the app supported.\nThe backend was provided by GCP, entirely storage based for scale & cost purposes, using Firebase for authentication.\nWhile the project is currently still a prototype, the front & backend are functional.\n", "technologies": ["Android", "Flutter", "Dart", "GCP"]}, {"name": "Gpodder & Gpodder.net updates", "summary": "Contribute bug fixes & features to Gpodder & Gpodder.net", "url": "https://gpodder.net", "technologies": ["Python", "GTK", "Django"]}, {"name": "Offline Twitter Export Viewer", "summary": "Simple tool to view twitter exports offline", "url": "https://gitlab.com/RiotingPacifist/twitter-export-viewer"}, {"name": "Generic AWS Saml CLI (WIP)", "summary": "Generic SAML tool for AWS, to work with multiple providers and multiple backends using a modula