# Juan Canham's Resume Repo ## Motivation As a pragmatist I want to use existing tools e.g hackmyresume, however I also want to personalise the input format as the roles on my CV are less important than the projects and work that I did as part of them. Additionally I want a single tool used to generate * My Dynamic Web CV e.g [cv.juancanham.com](https://cv.juancanham.com) * Public Static CVs ## Contents This repository contains * [The source yaml file used to generate my CV](resume.yaml) * [The resultant markdown](Resume.md) * The tools to generate my CVs * [The script used to generate it](build.sh) * [The settings](settings.yaml) * [The Intermediary json passed to hackmyresume](resume.json) * [A script to preform arbitrary transforms on yaml](transform.py) * The tools to generate my host my CV: * [cloudformation templates](deploy/cloudformation/) * [scripts used to deploy them](deploy/) * [A makefile to tie it all together](Makefile) ## Dependencies * node tools (see also [package.json]) * work on at least node 8 * hackmyresume * kcv * fresh * python tools (see also [requirements.txt]) * qrcode * awscli - used to create the static s3+cloudfront website * linters ## License Code: BSD-2-Clause