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2016-01-25 15:34:57 +00:00
Definition of the `main` function.
@module cli/main
@license MIT. See LICENSE.md for details.
(function() {
2016-02-03 00:02:56 +00:00
var Command, EXTEND, FS, HME, HMR, HMSTATUS, M2C, OUTPUT, PAD, PATH, PKG, StringUtils, _, _err, _exitCallback, _opts, _out, _title, chalk, execute, executeFail, executeSuccess, initOptions, initialize, loadOptions, logMsg, main, printf, safeLoadJSON, splitSrcDest;
2016-01-25 15:34:57 +00:00
HMR = require('../index');
2016-01-25 15:34:57 +00:00
PKG = require('../../package.json');
FS = require('fs');
EXTEND = require('extend');
chalk = require('chalk');
PATH = require('path');
HMSTATUS = require('../core/status-codes');
2016-01-25 15:34:57 +00:00
HME = require('../core/event-codes');
2016-01-25 15:34:57 +00:00
safeLoadJSON = require('../utils/safe-json-loader');
2016-01-25 15:34:57 +00:00
StringUtils = require('../utils/string.js');
2016-01-25 15:34:57 +00:00
_ = require('underscore');
OUTPUT = require('./out');
PAD = require('string-padding');
Command = require('commander').Command;
2016-02-03 00:02:56 +00:00
M2C = require('../utils/md2chalk');
printf = require('printf');
2016-01-25 15:34:57 +00:00
_opts = {};
_title = chalk.white.bold('\n*** HackMyResume v' + PKG.version + ' ***');
_out = new OUTPUT(_opts);
2016-02-02 02:14:36 +00:00
_err = require('./error');
_exitCallback = null;
2016-01-25 15:34:57 +00:00
A callable implementation of the HackMyResume CLI. Encapsulates the command
line interface as a single method accepting a parameter array.
@alias module:cli/main.main
@param rawArgs {Array} An array of command-line parameters. Will either be
process.argv (in production) or custom parameters (in test).
2016-02-02 02:14:36 +00:00
main = module.exports = function(rawArgs, exitCallback) {
2016-01-25 15:34:57 +00:00
var args, initInfo, program;
2016-02-02 02:14:36 +00:00
initInfo = initialize(rawArgs, exitCallback);
if (initInfo === null) {
2016-01-25 15:34:57 +00:00
args = initInfo.args;
program = new Command('hackmyresume').version(PKG.version).description(chalk.yellow.bold('*** HackMyResume ***')).option('-s --silent', 'Run in silent mode').option('--no-color', 'Disable colors').option('--color', 'Enable colors').option('-d --debug', 'Enable diagnostics', false).option('-a --assert', 'Treat warnings as errors', false).option('-v --version', 'Show the version').allowUnknownOption();
program.jsonArgs = initInfo.options;
program.command('new')["arguments"]('<sources...>').option('-f --format <fmt>', 'FRESH or JRS format', 'FRESH').alias('create').description('Create resume(s) in FRESH or JSON RESUME format.').action((function(sources) {
execute.call(this, sources, [], this.opts(), logMsg);
program.command('validate')["arguments"]('<sources...>').description('Validate a resume in FRESH or JSON RESUME format.').action(function(sources) {
execute.call(this, sources, [], this.opts(), logMsg);
program.command('convert').description('Convert a resume to/from FRESH or JSON RESUME format.').option('-f --format <fmt>', 'FRESH or JRS format and optional version', void 0).action(function() {
2016-01-25 15:34:57 +00:00
var x;
x = splitSrcDest.call(this);
execute.call(this, x.src, x.dst, this.opts(), logMsg);
program.command('analyze')["arguments"]('<sources...>').option('--private', 'Include resume fields marked as private', false).description('Analyze one or more resumes.').action(function(sources) {
2016-01-25 15:34:57 +00:00
execute.call(this, sources, [], this.opts(), logMsg);
program.command('peek')["arguments"]('<sources...>').description('Peek at a resume field or section').action(function(sources, sectionOrField) {
var dst;
dst = sources && sources.length > 1 ? [sources.pop()] : [];
execute.call(this, sources, dst, this.opts(), logMsg);
program.command('build').alias('generate').option('-t --theme <theme>', 'Theme name or path').option('-n --no-prettify', 'Disable HTML prettification', true).option('-c --css <option>', 'CSS linking / embedding').option('-p --pdf <engine>', 'PDF generation engine').option('--no-sort', 'Sort resume sections by date', false).option('--tips', 'Display theme tips and warnings.', false).option('--private', 'Include resume fields marked as private', false).option('--no-escape', "Turn off encoding in Handlebars themes.", false).description('Generate resume to multiple formats').action(function(sources, targets, options) {
2016-01-25 15:34:57 +00:00
var x;
x = splitSrcDest.call(this);
execute.call(this, x.src, x.dst, this.opts(), logMsg);
2018-02-10 18:28:42 +00:00
program.command('help')["arguments"]('[command]').description('Get help on a HackMyResume command').action(function(cmd) {
var manPage;
cmd = cmd || 'use';
manPage = FS.readFileSync(PATH.join(__dirname, 'help/' + cmd + '.txt'), 'utf8');
_out.log(M2C(manPage, 'white', 'yellow.bold'));
2016-01-25 15:34:57 +00:00
if (!program.args.length) {
throw {
fluenterror: 4
/* Massage command-line args and setup Commander.js. */
2016-02-02 02:14:36 +00:00
initialize = function(ar, exitCallback) {
2016-01-25 15:34:57 +00:00
var o;
2016-02-02 02:14:36 +00:00
_exitCallback = exitCallback || process.exit;
2016-01-25 15:34:57 +00:00
o = initOptions(ar);
if (o.ex) {
_err.init(false, true, false);
if (o.ex.op === 'parse') {
fluenterror: o.ex.op === 'parse' ? HMSTATUS.invalidOptionsFile : HMSTATUS.optionsFileNotFound,
inner: o.ex.inner,
quit: true
} else {
fluenterror: HMSTATUS.optionsFileNotFound,
inner: o.ex.inner,
quit: true
return null;
2016-01-25 15:34:57 +00:00
o.silent || logMsg(_title);
if (o.debug) {
_out.log(chalk.cyan('The -d or --debug switch was specified. DEBUG mode engaged.'));
_out.log(chalk.cyan(PAD(' Platform:', 25, null, PAD.RIGHT)) + chalk.cyan.bold(process.platform === 'win32' ? 'windows' : process.platform));
_out.log(chalk.cyan(PAD(' Node.js:', 25, null, PAD.RIGHT)) + chalk.cyan.bold(process.version));
_out.log(chalk.cyan(PAD(' HackMyResume:', 25, null, PAD.RIGHT)) + chalk.cyan.bold('v' + PKG.version));
_out.log(chalk.cyan(PAD(' FRESCA:', 25, null, PAD.RIGHT)) + chalk.cyan.bold(PKG.dependencies.fresca));
2016-02-02 02:14:36 +00:00
_err.init(o.debug, o.assert, o.silent);
if (o.verb && !HMR.verbs[o.verb] && !HMR.alias[o.verb] && o.verb !== 'help') {
2016-02-02 02:14:36 +00:00
2016-01-25 15:34:57 +00:00
fluenterror: HMSTATUS.invalidCommand,
quit: true,
attempted: o.orgVerb
2016-02-02 02:14:36 +00:00
}, true);
2016-01-25 15:34:57 +00:00
Command.prototype.missingArgument = function(name) {
if (this.name() !== 'help') {
2018-02-11 13:13:13 +00:00
verb: this.name(),
fluenterror: HMSTATUS.resumeNotFound
}, true);
2016-01-25 15:34:57 +00:00
Command.prototype.helpInformation = function() {
var manPage;
2018-02-10 18:28:42 +00:00
manPage = FS.readFileSync(PATH.join(__dirname, 'help/use.txt'), 'utf8');
return M2C(manPage, 'white', 'yellow');
2016-01-25 15:34:57 +00:00
return {
args: o.args,
options: o.json
/* Init options prior to setting up command infrastructure. */
initOptions = function(ar) {
var args, cleanArgs, inf, isAssert, isDebug, isMono, isNoEscape, isSilent, oJSON, oVerb, optStr, optsIdx, verb, vidx;
2016-01-25 15:34:57 +00:00
verb = '';
args = ar.slice();
cleanArgs = args.slice(2);
if (cleanArgs.length) {
vidx = _.findIndex(cleanArgs, function(v) {
return v[0] !== '-';
if (vidx !== -1) {
oVerb = cleanArgs[vidx];
verb = args[vidx + 2] = oVerb.trim().toLowerCase();
optsIdx = _.findIndex(cleanArgs, function(v) {
return v === '-o' || v === '--options' || v === '--opts';
if (optsIdx !== -1) {
optStr = cleanArgs[optsIdx + 1];
args.splice(optsIdx + 2, 2);
if (optStr && (optStr = optStr.trim())) {
if (optStr[0] === '{') {
/* jshint ignore:start */
oJSON = eval('(' + optStr + ')');
/* jshint ignore:end */
} else {
inf = safeLoadJSON(optStr);
if (!inf.ex) {
oJSON = inf.json;
} else {
return inf;
2016-01-25 15:34:57 +00:00
isDebug = _.some(args, function(v) {
return v === '-d' || v === '--debug';
isSilent = _.some(args, function(v) {
return v === '-s' || v === '--silent';
2016-02-02 02:14:36 +00:00
isAssert = _.some(args, function(v) {
return v === '-a' || v === '--assert';
2016-01-26 15:58:10 +00:00
isMono = _.some(args, function(v) {
return v === '--no-color';
isNoEscape = _.some(args, function(v) {
return v === '--no-escape';
2016-01-25 15:34:57 +00:00
return {
2016-01-26 15:58:10 +00:00
color: !isMono,
2016-01-25 15:34:57 +00:00
debug: isDebug,
silent: isSilent,
2016-02-02 02:14:36 +00:00
assert: isAssert,
noescape: isNoEscape,
2016-01-25 15:34:57 +00:00
orgVerb: oVerb,
verb: verb,
json: oJSON,
args: args
/* Invoke a HackMyResume verb. */
execute = function(src, dst, opts, log) {
2016-02-03 00:02:56 +00:00
var prom, v;
2016-01-25 15:34:57 +00:00
v = new HMR.verbs[this.name()]();
2016-02-02 02:14:36 +00:00
loadOptions.call(this, opts, this.parent.jsonArgs);
2016-01-25 15:34:57 +00:00
_opts.errHandler = v;
v.on('hmr:status', function() {
return _out["do"].apply(_out, arguments);
v.on('hmr:error', function() {
2016-02-02 02:14:36 +00:00
return _err.err.apply(_err, arguments);
2016-01-25 15:34:57 +00:00
2016-02-02 02:14:36 +00:00
prom = v.invoke.call(v, src, dst, _opts, log);
2016-02-03 00:02:56 +00:00
prom.then(executeSuccess, executeFail);
/* Success handler for verb invocations. Calls process.exit by default */
executeSuccess = function(obj) {};
2016-02-03 00:02:56 +00:00
/* Failure handler for verb invocations. Calls process.exit by default */
executeFail = function(err) {
var finalErrorCode, msgs;
finalErrorCode = -1;
if (err) {
2018-01-30 07:34:58 +00:00
if (err.fluenterror) {
finalErrorCode = err.fluenterror;
} else if (err.length) {
finalErrorCode = err[0].fluenterror;
} else {
finalErrorCode = err;
2016-02-03 00:02:56 +00:00
if (_opts.debug) {
msgs = require('./msg').errors;
logMsg(printf(M2C(msgs.exiting.msg, 'cyan'), finalErrorCode));
2016-02-13 04:47:08 +00:00
if (err.stack) {
2016-02-03 00:02:56 +00:00
2016-01-25 15:34:57 +00:00
Initialize HackMyResume options.
TODO: Options loading is a little hacky, for two reasons:
- Commander.js idiosyncracies
- Need to accept JSON inputs from the command line.
loadOptions = function(o, cmdO) {
if (cmdO) {
o = EXTEND(true, o, cmdO);
o = EXTEND(true, o, this.opts());
if (this.parent.silent !== void 0 && this.parent.silent !== null) {
o.silent = this.parent.silent;
if (this.parent.debug !== void 0 && this.parent.debug !== null) {
o.debug = this.parent.debug;
if (this.parent.assert !== void 0 && this.parent.assert !== null) {
o.assert = this.parent.assert;
if (o.debug) {
logMsg(chalk.cyan('OPTIONS:') + '\n');
_.each(o, function(val, key) {
return logMsg(chalk.cyan(' %s') + chalk.cyan.bold(' %s'), PAD(key, 22, null, PAD.RIGHT), val);
EXTEND(true, _opts, o);
/* Split multiple command-line filenames by the 'TO' keyword */
splitSrcDest = function() {
var params, splitAt;
params = this.parent.args.filter(function(j) {
return String.is(j);
if (params.length === 0) {
throw {
fluenterror: HMSTATUS.resumeNotFound,
2018-02-11 13:13:13 +00:00
verb: this.name(),
2016-01-25 15:34:57 +00:00
quit: true
splitAt = _.findIndex(params, function(p) {
return p.toLowerCase() === 'to';
if (splitAt === params.length - 1 && splitAt !== -1) {
logMsg(chalk.yellow('Please ') + chalk.yellow.bold('specify an output file') + chalk.yellow(' for this operation or ') + chalk.yellow.bold('omit the TO keyword') + chalk.yellow('.'));
return {
src: params.slice(0, splitAt === -1 ? void 0 : splitAt),
dst: splitAt === -1 ? [] : params.slice(splitAt + 1)
/* Simple logging placeholder. */
logMsg = function() {
return _opts.silent || console.log.apply(console.log, arguments);
2016-02-02 02:14:36 +00:00
//# sourceMappingURL=main.js.map