mirror of https://github.com/JuanCanham/HackMyResume.git synced 2025-02-22 10:25:47 +00:00

Introduce CoffeeScript and build step.

This commit is contained in:
hacksalot 2016-01-25 10:34:57 -05:00
parent 5838b085c7
commit d007bd9bf6
16 changed files with 1380 additions and 351 deletions

View File

@ -6,6 +6,25 @@ module.exports = function (grunt) {
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
copy: {
main: {
expand: true,
cwd: 'src',
src: ['**/*','!**/*.coffee'],
dest: 'dist/',
coffee: {
main: {
expand: true,
cwd: 'src',
src: ['**/*.coffee'],
dest: 'dist/',
ext: '.js'
simplemocha: {
options: {
globals: ['expect', 'should'],
@ -27,7 +46,7 @@ module.exports = function (grunt) {
clean: ['test/sandbox'],
clean: ['dist','test/sandbox'],
yuidoc: {
compile: {
@ -37,7 +56,6 @@ module.exports = function (grunt) {
url: '<%= pkg.homepage %>',
options: {
paths: 'src/',
//themedir: 'path/to/custom/theme/',
outdir: 'docs/'
@ -54,17 +72,29 @@ module.exports = function (grunt) {
grunt.initConfig( opts );
grunt.registerTask('test', 'Test the HackMyResume library.',
function( config ) { grunt.task.run(['clean','jshint','simplemocha:all']); });
grunt.registerTask('document', 'Generate HackMyResume library documentation.',
function( config ) { grunt.task.run( ['jsdoc'] ); });
grunt.registerTask('test', 'Test the HackMyResume application.',
function( config ) {
grunt.registerTask('document', 'Generate HackMyResume documentation.',
function( config ) {
grunt.task.run( ['jsdoc'] );
grunt.registerTask('build', 'Build the HackMyResume application.',
function( config ) {
grunt.task.run( ['clean','copy','coffee'] );
grunt.registerTask('default', [ 'test', 'jsdoc' ]);

dist/cli/analyze.hbs vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
{{style "SECTIONS (" "bold"}}{{style totals.numSections "white" }}{{style ")" "bold"}}
employment: {{v totals.totals.employment "-" 2 "bold" }}
projects: {{v totals.totals.projects "-" 2 "bold" }}
education: {{v totals.totals.education "-" 2 "bold" }}
service: {{v totals.totals.service "-" 2 "bold" }}
skills: {{v totals.totals.skills "-" 2 "bold" }}
writing: {{v totals.totals.writing "-" 2 "bold" }}
speaking: {{v totals.totals.speaking "-" 2 "bold" }}
reading: {{v totals.totals.reading "-" 2 "bold" }}
social: {{v totals.totals.social "-" 2 "bold" }}
references: {{v totals.totals.references "-" 2 "bold" }}
testimonials: {{v totals.totals.testimonials "-" 2 "bold" }}
languages: {{v totals.totals.languages "-" 2 "bold" }}
interests: {{v totals.totals.interests "-" 2 "bold" }}
{{style "COVERAGE (" "bold"}}{{style coverage.pct "white"}}{{style ")" "bold"}}
Total Days: {{v coverage.duration.total "-" 5 "bold" }}
Employed: {{v coverage.duration.work "-" 5 "bold" }}
Gaps: {{v coverage.gaps.length "-" 5 "bold" }} [{{#if coverage.gaps.length }}{{#each coverage.gaps }}{{#unless @first}} {{/unless}}{{gapLength duration }}{{/each}}{{/if}}]
Overlaps: {{v coverage.overlaps.length "-" 5 "bold" }} [{{#if coverage.overlaps.length }}{{#each coverage.overlaps }}{{#unless @first}} {{/unless}}{{gapLength duration }}{{/each}}{{/if}}]
{{style "KEYWORDS (" "bold"}}{{style keywords.length "white" }}{{style ")" "bold"}}
{{#each keywords }}{{{pad name 18}}}: {{v count "-" 5 "bold"}} mention{{#isPlural count}}s{{/isPlural}}
{{v keywords.length "0" 9 "bold"}} {{style "KEYWORDS" "bold"}} {{v keywords.totalKeywords "0" 5 "bold"}} {{style "mentions" "bold"}}

dist/cli/error.js vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
Error-handling routines for HackMyResume.
@module cli/error
@license MIT. See LICENSE.md for details.
(function() {
var HMSTATUS = require('hackmycore/src/core/status-codes')
, PKG = require('../../package.json')
, FS = require('fs')
, FCMD = require('hackmycore')
, PATH = require('path')
, WRAP = require('word-wrap')
, M2C = require('hackmycore/src/utils/md2chalk.js')
, chalk = require('chalk')
, extend = require('extend')
, YAML = require('yamljs')
, printf = require('printf')
, SyntaxErrorEx = require('hackmycore/src/utils/syntax-error-ex');
Error handler for HackMyResume. All errors are handled here.
@class ErrorHandler
var ErrorHandler = module.exports = {
init: function( debug, assert, silent ) {
this.debug = debug;
this.assert = assert;
this.silent = silent;
this.msgs = require('./msg.js').errors;
return this;
err: function( ex, shouldExit ) {
// Short-circuit logging output if --silent is on
var o = this.silent ? function() { } : _defaultLog;
// Special case; can probably be removed.
if( ex.pass ) throw ex;
// Load error messages
this.msgs = this.msgs || require('./msg.js').errors;
// Handle packaged HMR exceptions
if( ex.fluenterror ) {
// Output the error message
var objError = assembleError.call( this, ex );
o( this[ 'format_' + objError.etype ]( objError.msg ));
// Output the stack (sometimes)
if( objError.withStack ) {
var stack = ex.stack || (ex.inner && ex.inner.stack);
stack && o( chalk.gray( stack ) );
// Quit if necessary
if( ex.quit || objError.quit ) {
this.debug && o(
chalk.cyan('Exiting with error code ' + ex.fluenterror.toString()));
if( this.assert ) { ex.pass = true; throw ex; }
process.exit( ex.fluenterror );
// Handle raw exceptions
else {
o( ex );
var stackTrace = ex.stack || (ex.inner && ex.inner.stack);
if( stackTrace && this.debug )
o( M2C(ex.stack || ex.inner.stack, 'gray') );
format_error: function( msg ) {
msg = msg || '';
return chalk.red.bold(
msg.toUpperCase().startsWith('ERROR:') ? msg : 'Error: ' + msg );
format_warning: function( brief, msg ) {
return chalk.yellow(brief) + chalk.yellow(msg || '');
format_custom: function( msg ) {
return msg;
function _defaultLog() {
console.log.apply( console.log, arguments );
function assembleError( ex ) {
var msg = '', withStack = false, quit = false, etype = 'warning';
if( this.debug ) withStack = true;
switch( ex.fluenterror ) {
case HMSTATUS.themeNotFound:
msg = printf( M2C( this.msgs.themeNotFound.msg, 'yellow' ), ex.data);
case HMSTATUS.copyCSS:
msg = M2C( this.msgs.copyCSS.msg, 'red' );
quit = false;
case HMSTATUS.resumeNotFound:
msg = M2C( this.msgs.resumeNotFound.msg, 'yellow' );
case HMSTATUS.missingCommand:
msg = M2C( this.msgs.missingCommand.msg + " (", 'yellow');
msg += Object.keys( FCMD.verbs ).map( function(v, idx, ar) {
return (idx === ar.length - 1 ? chalk.yellow('or ') : '') +
}).join( chalk.yellow(', ')) + chalk.yellow(").\n\n");
msg += chalk.gray(FS.readFileSync(
PATH.resolve(__dirname, '../cli/use.txt'), 'utf8' ));
case HMSTATUS.invalidCommand:
msg = printf( M2C( this.msgs.invalidCommand.msg, 'yellow'), ex.attempted );
case HMSTATUS.resumeNotFoundAlt:
msg = M2C( this.msgs.resumeNotFoundAlt.msg, 'yellow' );
case HMSTATUS.inputOutputParity:
msg = M2C( this.msgs.inputOutputParity.msg );
case HMSTATUS.createNameMissing:
msg = M2C( this.msgs.createNameMissing.msg );
case HMSTATUS.pdfGeneration:
msg = M2C( this.msgs.pdfGeneration.msg, 'bold' );
if( ex.inner ) msg += chalk.red('\n' + ex.inner);
withStack = true; quit = false; etype = 'error';
case HMSTATUS.invalid:
msg = M2C( this.msgs.invalid.msg, 'red' );
etype = 'error';
case HMSTATUS.generateError:
msg = (ex.inner && ex.inner.toString()) || ex;
quit = false;
etype = 'error';
case HMSTATUS.fileSaveError:
msg = printf( M2C( this.msgs.fileSaveError.msg ), (ex.inner || ex).toString() );
etype = 'error';
quit = false;
case HMSTATUS.invalidFormat:
msg += printf( M2C( this.msgs.invalidFormat.msg, 'bold' ),
ex.theme.name.toUpperCase(), d.format.toUpperCase());
}, this);
case HMSTATUS.missingParam:
msg = printf( M2C( this.msgs.missingParam.msg ), ex.expected, ex.helper );
case HMSTATUS.invalidHelperUse:
msg = printf( M2C( this.msgs.invalidHelperUse.msg ), ex.helper );
if( ex.error ) {
msg += '\n--> ' + assembleError.call( this, extend( true, {}, ex, {fluenterror: ex.error} )).msg;
//msg += printf( '\n--> ' + M2C( this.msgs.invalidParamCount.msg ), ex.expected );
quit = false;
etype = 'warning';
case HMSTATUS.notOnPath:
msg = printf( M2C(this.msgs.notOnPath.msg, 'bold'), ex.engine);
quit = false;
etype = 'error';
case HMSTATUS.readError:
if( !ex.quiet )
console.error(printf( M2C(this.msgs.readError.msg, 'red'), ex.file));
msg = ex.inner.toString();
etype = 'error';
case HMSTATUS.mixedMerge:
msg = M2C( this.msgs.mixedMerge.msg );
quit = false;
case HMSTATUS.invokeTemplate:
msg = M2C( this.msgs.invokeTemplate.msg, 'red' );
msg += M2C( '\n' + WRAP(ex.inner.toString(), { width: 60, indent: ' ' }), 'gray' );
etype = 'custom';
case HMSTATUS.compileTemplate:
etype = 'error';
case HMSTATUS.themeLoad:
msg = M2C( printf( this.msgs.themeLoad.msg, ex.attempted.toUpperCase() ), 'red');
if( ex.inner && ex.inner.fluenterror ) {
msg += M2C('\nError: ', 'red') + assembleError.call( this, ex.inner ).msg;
quit = true;
etype = 'custom';
case HMSTATUS.parseError:
if( SyntaxErrorEx.is( ex.inner )) {
console.error( printf( M2C(this.msgs.readError.msg, 'red'), ex.file ) );
var se = new SyntaxErrorEx( ex, ex.raw );
msg = printf( M2C( this.msgs.parseError.msg, 'red' ),
se.line, se.col);
else if( ex.inner && ex.inner.line !== undefined && ex.inner.col !== undefined ) {
msg = printf( M2C( this.msgs.parseError.msg, 'red' ),
ex.inner.line, ex.inner.col);
else {
msg = ex;
etype = 'error';
return {
msg: msg, // The error message to display
withStack: withStack, // Whether to include the stack
quit: quit,
etype: etype

dist/cli/main.js vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
Definition of the `main` function.
@module cli/main
@license MIT. See LICENSE.md for details.
(function() {
var Command, EXTEND, FS, HME, HMR, HMSTATUS, OUTPUT, PAD, PATH, PKG, StringUtils, _, _opts, _out, _title, chalk, execute, initOptions, initialize, loadOptions, logMsg, main, safeLoadJSON, splitSrcDest;
HMR = require('hackmycore');
PKG = require('../../package.json');
FS = require('fs');
EXTEND = require('extend');
chalk = require('chalk');
PATH = require('path');
HMSTATUS = require('hackmycore/src/core/status-codes');
HME = require('hackmycore/src/core/event-codes');
safeLoadJSON = require('hackmycore/src/utils/safe-json-loader');
StringUtils = require('hackmycore/src/utils/string.js');
_ = require('underscore');
OUTPUT = require('./out');
PAD = require('string-padding');
Command = require('commander').Command;
_opts = {};
_title = chalk.white.bold('\n*** HackMyResume v' + PKG.version + ' ***');
_out = new OUTPUT(_opts);
A callable implementation of the HackMyResume CLI. Encapsulates the command
line interface as a single method accepting a parameter array.
@alias module:cli/main.main
@param rawArgs {Array} An array of command-line parameters. Will either be
process.argv (in production) or custom parameters (in test).
main = module.exports = function(rawArgs) {
var args, initInfo, program;
initInfo = initialize(rawArgs);
args = initInfo.args;
program = new Command('hackmyresume').version(PKG.version).description(chalk.yellow.bold('*** HackMyResume ***')).option('-s --silent', 'Run in silent mode').option('--no-color', 'Disable colors').option('--color', 'Enable colors').option('-d --debug', 'Enable diagnostics', false).option('-a --assert', 'Treat warnings as errors', false).option('-v --version', 'Show the version').allowUnknownOption();
program.jsonArgs = initInfo.options;
program.command('new')["arguments"]('<sources...>').option('-f --format <fmt>', 'FRESH or JRS format', 'FRESH').alias('create').description('Create resume(s) in FRESH or JSON RESUME format.').action((function(sources) {
execute.call(this, sources, [], this.opts(), logMsg);
program.command('validate')["arguments"]('<sources...>').description('Validate a resume in FRESH or JSON RESUME format.').action(function(sources) {
execute.call(this, sources, [], this.opts(), logMsg);
program.command('convert').description('Convert a resume to/from FRESH or JSON RESUME format.').action(function() {
var x;
x = splitSrcDest.call(this);
execute.call(this, x.src, x.dst, this.opts(), logMsg);
program.command('analyze')["arguments"]('<sources...>').description('Analyze one or more resumes.').action(function(sources) {
execute.call(this, sources, [], this.opts(), logMsg);
program.command('peek')["arguments"]('<sources...>').description('Peek at a resume field or section').action(function(sources, sectionOrField) {
var dst;
dst = sources && sources.length > 1 ? [sources.pop()] : [];
execute.call(this, sources, dst, this.opts(), logMsg);
program.command('build').alias('generate').option('-t --theme <theme>', 'Theme name or path').option('-n --no-prettify', 'Disable HTML prettification', true).option('-c --css <option>', 'CSS linking / embedding').option('-p --pdf <engine>', 'PDF generation engine').option('--no-sort', 'Sort resume sections by date', false).option('--tips', 'Display theme tips and warnings.', false).description('Generate resume to multiple formats').action(function(sources, targets, options) {
var x;
x = splitSrcDest.call(this);
execute.call(this, x.src, x.dst, this.opts(), logMsg);
if (!program.args.length) {
throw {
fluenterror: 4
/* Massage command-line args and setup Commander.js. */
initialize = function(ar) {
var o;
o = initOptions(ar);
o.silent || logMsg(_title);
if (o.debug) {
_out.log(chalk.cyan('The -d or --debug switch was specified. DEBUG mode engaged.'));
_out.log(chalk.cyan(PAD(' Platform:', 25, null, PAD.RIGHT)) + chalk.cyan.bold(process.platform === 'win32' ? 'windows' : process.platform));
_out.log(chalk.cyan(PAD(' Node.js:', 25, null, PAD.RIGHT)) + chalk.cyan.bold(process.version));
_out.log(chalk.cyan(PAD(' HackMyResume:', 25, null, PAD.RIGHT)) + chalk.cyan.bold('v' + PKG.version));
_out.log(chalk.cyan(PAD(' FRESCA:', 25, null, PAD.RIGHT)) + chalk.cyan.bold(PKG.dependencies.fresca));
if (o.verb && !HMR.verbs[o.verb] && !HMR.alias[o.verb]) {
throw {
fluenterror: HMSTATUS.invalidCommand,
quit: true,
attempted: o.orgVerb
Command.prototype.missingArgument = function(name) {
if (this.name() !== 'new') {
throw {
fluenterror: HMSTATUS.resumeNotFound,
quit: true
Command.prototype.helpInformation = function() {
var manPage;
manPage = FS.readFileSync(PATH.join(__dirname, 'use.txt'), 'utf8');
return chalk.green.bold(manPage);
return {
args: o.args,
options: o.json
/* Init options prior to setting up command infrastructure. */
initOptions = function(ar) {
var args, cleanArgs, inf, isDebug, isSilent, oJSON, oVerb, optStr, optsIdx, verb, vidx;
verb = '';
args = ar.slice();
cleanArgs = args.slice(2);
if (cleanArgs.length) {
vidx = _.findIndex(cleanArgs, function(v) {
return v[0] !== '-';
if (vidx !== -1) {
oVerb = cleanArgs[vidx];
verb = args[vidx + 2] = oVerb.trim().toLowerCase();
optsIdx = _.findIndex(cleanArgs, function(v) {
return v === '-o' || v === '--options' || v === '--opts';
if (optsIdx !== -1) {
optStr = cleanArgs[optsIdx + 1];
args.splice(optsIdx + 2, 2);
if (optStr && (optStr = optStr.trim())) {
if (optStr[0] === '{') {
/* jshint ignore:start */
oJSON = eval('(' + optStr + ')');
/* jshint ignore:end */
} else {
inf = safeLoadJSON(optStr);
if (!inf.ex) {
oJSON = inf.json;
isDebug = _.some(args, function(v) {
return v === '-d' || v === '--debug';
isSilent = _.some(args, function(v) {
return v === '-s' || v === '--silent';
return {
debug: isDebug,
silent: isSilent,
orgVerb: oVerb,
verb: verb,
json: oJSON,
args: args
/* Invoke a HackMyResume verb. */
execute = function(src, dst, opts, log) {
var hand, v;
loadOptions.call(this, opts, this.parent.jsonArgs);
hand = require('./error');
hand.init(_opts.debug, _opts.assert, _opts.silent);
v = new HMR.verbs[this.name()]();
_opts.errHandler = v;
v.on('hmr:status', function() {
return _out["do"].apply(_out, arguments);
v.on('hmr:error', function() {
return hand.err.apply(hand, arguments);
v.invoke.call(v, src, dst, _opts, log);
if (v.errorCode) {
return process.exit(v.errorCode);
Initialize HackMyResume options.
TODO: Options loading is a little hacky, for two reasons:
- Commander.js idiosyncracies
- Need to accept JSON inputs from the command line.
loadOptions = function(o, cmdO) {
if (cmdO) {
o = EXTEND(true, o, cmdO);
o = EXTEND(true, o, this.opts());
if (this.parent.silent !== void 0 && this.parent.silent !== null) {
o.silent = this.parent.silent;
if (this.parent.debug !== void 0 && this.parent.debug !== null) {
o.debug = this.parent.debug;
if (this.parent.assert !== void 0 && this.parent.assert !== null) {
o.assert = this.parent.assert;
if (o.debug) {
logMsg(chalk.cyan('OPTIONS:') + '\n');
_.each(o, function(val, key) {
return logMsg(chalk.cyan(' %s') + chalk.cyan.bold(' %s'), PAD(key, 22, null, PAD.RIGHT), val);
EXTEND(true, _opts, o);
/* Split multiple command-line filenames by the 'TO' keyword */
splitSrcDest = function() {
var params, splitAt;
params = this.parent.args.filter(function(j) {
return String.is(j);
if (params.length === 0) {
throw {
fluenterror: HMSTATUS.resumeNotFound,
quit: true
splitAt = _.findIndex(params, function(p) {
return p.toLowerCase() === 'to';
if (splitAt === params.length - 1 && splitAt !== -1) {
logMsg(chalk.yellow('Please ') + chalk.yellow.bold('specify an output file') + chalk.yellow(' for this operation or ') + chalk.yellow.bold('omit the TO keyword') + chalk.yellow('.'));
return {
src: params.slice(0, splitAt === -1 ? void 0 : splitAt),
dst: splitAt === -1 ? [] : params.slice(splitAt + 1)
/* Simple logging placeholder. */
logMsg = function() {
return _opts.silent || console.log.apply(console.log, arguments);

dist/cli/msg.js vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
Message-handling routines for HackMyResume.
@module msg.js
@license MIT. See LICENSE.md for details.
(function() {
var PATH = require('path');
var YAML = require('yamljs');
var cache = module.exports = function() {
return cache ? cache : YAML.load( PATH.join(__dirname, 'msg.yml') );

dist/cli/msg.yml vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
msg: Invoking **%s** command.
msg: Creating new **%s** resume: **%s**
msg: Reading **%s** resume: **%s**
msg: Verifying **%s** theme.
msg: Verifying outputs: ???
- "Merging **%s**"
- " onto **%s**"
msg: Applying **%s** theme (**%s** format%s)
- "The **%s** theme says:"
- |
"For best results view JSON Resume themes over a
local or remote HTTP connection. For example:
npm install http-server -g
http-server <resume-folder>
For more information, see the README."
- " (with %s)"
- "Skipping %s resume: %s"
- "Generating **%s** resume: **%s**"
msg: "Analyzing **%s** resume: **%s**"
msg: "Converting **%s** (**%s**) to **%s** (**%s**)"
- "Validating **%s** against the **%s** schema: "
- "VALID!"
- Peeking at **%s** in **%s**
- Peeking at **%s**
msg: "The specified key **%s** was not found in **%s**."
msg: Converting **%s** to **%s** format.
msg: >
**Couldn't find the '%s' theme.** Please specify the name of a preinstalled
FRESH theme or the path to a locally installed FRESH or JSON Resume theme.
msg: Couldn't copy CSS file to destination folder.
msg: Please **feed me a resume** in FRESH or JSON Resume format.
msg: Please **give me a command**
msg: Invalid command: '%s'
msg: Please **feed me a resume** in either FRESH or JSON Resume format.
msg: Please **specify an output file name** for every input file you wish to convert.
msg: Please **specify the filename** of the resume to create.
msg: PDF generation failed. Make sure wkhtmltopdf is installed and accessible from your path.
msg: Validation failed and the --assert option was specified.
msg: The **%s** theme doesn't support the **%s** format.
msg: %s wasn't found on your system path or is inaccessible. PDF not generated.
msg: Reading **???** resume: **%s**
msg: Invalid or corrupt JSON on line %s column %s.
msg: "**Warning**: Incorrect use of the **%s** theme helper."
msg: An error occurred while writing %s to disk: %s.
msg: "**Warning:** merging mixed resume types. Errors may occur."
msg: "An error occurred during template invocation."
msg: "An error occurred during template compilation."
msg: "Applying **%s** theme (? formats)"
msg: "Invalid number of parameters. Expected: **%s**."
msg: The '**%s**' parameter was needed but not supplied.

dist/cli/out.js vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
Output routines for HackMyResume.
@license MIT. See LICENSE.md for details.
@module out.js
(function() {
var chalk = require('chalk')
, HME = require('hackmycore/src/core/event-codes')
, _ = require('underscore')
, Class = require('hackmycore/src/utils/class.js')
, M2C = require('hackmycore/src/utils/md2chalk.js')
, PATH = require('path')
, LO = require('lodash')
, FS = require('fs')
, EXTEND = require('extend')
, HANDLEBARS = require('handlebars')
, YAML = require('yamljs')
, printf = require('printf')
, pad = require('string-padding')
, dbgStyle = 'cyan';
A stateful output module. All HMR console output handled here.
var OutputHandler = module.exports = Class.extend({
init: function( opts ) {
this.opts = EXTEND( true, this.opts || { }, opts );
this.msgs = YAML.load(PATH.join( __dirname, 'msg.yml' )).events;
log: function( msg ) {
msg = msg || '';
var printf = require('printf');
var finished = printf.apply( printf, arguments );
this.opts.silent || console.log( finished );
do: function( evt ) {
var that = this;
function L() {
that.log.apply( that, arguments );
switch( evt.sub ) {
case HME.begin:
this.opts.debug &&
L( M2C( this.msgs.begin.msg, dbgStyle), evt.cmd.toUpperCase() );
case HME.error:
case HME.beforeCreate:
L( M2C( this.msgs.beforeCreate.msg, 'green' ), evt.fmt, evt.file );
case HME.beforeRead:
case HME.afterRead:
case HME.beforeTheme:
this.opts.debug &&
L( M2C( this.msgs.beforeTheme.msg, dbgStyle), evt.theme.toUpperCase() );
case HME.afterParse:
M2C( this.msgs.afterRead.msg, 'gray', 'white.dim'), evt.fmt.toUpperCase(), evt.file
case HME.afterTheme:
case HME.beforeMerge:
var msg = '';
evt.f.reverse().forEach( function( a, idx ) {
msg += printf(
((idx === 0) ?
this.msgs.beforeMerge.msg[0] :
this.msgs.beforeMerge.msg[1] ), a.file
}, this);
L( M2C(msg, evt.mixed ? 'yellow' : 'gray', 'white.dim') );
case HME.afterMerge:
case HME.applyTheme:
this.theme = evt.theme;
var numFormats = Object.keys( evt.theme.formats ).length;
L( M2C(this.msgs.applyTheme.msg, evt.status === 'error' ? 'red' : 'gray', evt.status === 'error' ? 'bold' : 'white.dim'),
numFormats, ( numFormats === 1 ? '' : 's') );
case HME.end:
if( evt.cmd === 'build' ) {
var themeName = this.theme.name.toUpperCase();
if( this.opts.tips && (this.theme.message || this.theme.render) ) {
var WRAP = require('word-wrap');
if( this.theme.message ) {
L( M2C( this.msgs.afterBuild.msg[0], 'cyan' ), themeName );
L( M2C( this.theme.message, 'white' ));
else if ( this.theme.render ) {
L( M2C( this.msgs.afterBuild.msg[0], 'cyan'), themeName);
L( M2C( this.msgs.afterBuild.msg[1], 'white'));
case HME.afterGenerate:
var suffix = '';
if( evt.fmt === 'pdf' ) {
if( this.opts.pdf ) {
if( this.opts.pdf !== 'none' ) {
suffix = printf( M2C( this.msgs.afterGenerate.msg[0], evt.error ? 'red' : 'green' ), this.opts.pdf );
else {
L( M2C( this.msgs.afterGenerate.msg[1], 'gray' ),
evt.fmt.toUpperCase(), evt.file );
L( M2C( this.msgs.afterGenerate.msg[2] + suffix, evt.error ? 'red' : 'green' ),
PATH.relative(process.cwd(), evt.file ));
case HME.beforeAnalyze:
L( M2C( this.msgs.beforeAnalyze.msg, 'green' ), evt.fmt, evt.file);
case HME.afterAnalyze:
var info = evt.info;
var rawTpl = FS.readFileSync( PATH.join( __dirname, 'analyze.hbs' ), 'utf8');
HANDLEBARS.registerHelper( require('hackmycore/src/helpers/console-helpers') );
var template = HANDLEBARS.compile(rawTpl, { strict: false, assumeObjects: false });
var tot = 0;
info.keywords.forEach(function(g) { tot += g.count; });
info.keywords.totalKeywords = tot;
var output = template( info );
this.log( chalk.cyan(output) );
case HME.beforeConvert:
L( M2C( this.msgs.beforeConvert.msg, 'green' ),
evt.srcFile, evt.srcFmt, evt.dstFile, evt.dstFmt
case HME.afterInlineConvert:
L( M2C( this.msgs.afterInlineConvert.msg, 'gray', 'white.dim' ),
evt.file, evt.fmt );
case HME.afterValidate:
var style = evt.isValid ? 'green' : 'yellow';
M2C( this.msgs.afterValidate.msg[0], 'white' ) +
chalk[style].bold( evt.isValid ?
this.msgs.afterValidate.msg[1] :
this.msgs.afterValidate.msg[2] ),
evt.file, evt.fmt
if( evt.errors ) {
_.each(evt.errors, function(err,idx) {
L( chalk.yellow.bold('--> ') +
chalk.yellow(err.field.replace('data.','resume.').toUpperCase() + ' ' +
err.message) );
}, this);
case HME.beforePeek:
// if( evt.target )
// L(M2C(this.msgs.beforePeek.msg[0], evt.isError ? 'red' : 'green'), evt.target, evt.file);
// else
// L(M2C(this.msgs.beforePeek.msg[1], evt.isError ? 'red' : 'green'), evt.file);
case HME.afterPeek:
var sty = evt.error ? 'red' : ( evt.target !== undefined ? 'green' : 'yellow' );
if( evt.requested )
L(M2C(this.msgs.beforePeek.msg[0], sty), evt.requested, evt.file);
L(M2C(this.msgs.beforePeek.msg[1], sty), evt.file);
if( evt.target !== undefined )
console.dir( evt.target, { depth: null, colors: true } );
else if( !evt.error )
L(M2C( this.msgs.afterPeek.msg, 'yellow'), evt.requested, evt.file);

dist/cli/use.txt vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
hackmyresume <command> <sources> [TO <targets>] [<options>]
Available commands:
BUILD Build your resume to the destination format(s).
ANALYZE Analyze your resume for keywords, gaps, and metrics.
VALIDATE Validate your resume for errors and typos.
CONVERT Convert your resume between FRESH and JSON Resume.
NEW Create a new resume in FRESH or JSON Resume format.
PEEK View a specific field or element on your resume.
Available options:
--theme -t Path to a FRESH or JSON Resume theme.
--pdf -p Specify the PDF engine to use (wkhtmltopdf or phantom).
--options -o Load options from an external JSON file.
--format -f The format (FRESH or JSON Resume) to use.
--debug -d Emit extended debugging info.
--assert -a Treat resume validation warnings as errors.
--no-colors Disable terminal colors.
--tips Display theme messages and tips.
--help -h Display help documentation.
--version -v Display the current version.
Not all options are supported for all commands. For example, the
--theme option is only supported for the BUILD command.
hackmyresume BUILD resume.json TO out/resume.all --theme modern
hackmyresume ANALYZE resume.json
hackmyresume NEW my-new-resume.json --format JRS
hackmyresume CONVERT resume-fresh.json TO resume-jrs.json
hackmyresume VALIDATE resume.json
hackmyresume PEEK resume.json employment[2].summary
- You can specify multiple sources and/or targets for all commands.
- You can use any FRESH or JSON Resume theme with HackMyResume.
- Specify a file extension of .all to generate your resume to all
available formats supported by the theme. (BUILD command.)
- The --theme parameter can specify either the name of a preinstalled
theme, or the path to a local FRESH or JSON Resume theme.
- Visit https://www.npmjs.com/search?q=jsonresume-theme for a full
listing of all available JSON Resume themes.
- Visit https://github.com/fluentdesk/fresh-themes for a complete
listing of all available FRESH themes.
- Report bugs to https://githut.com/hacksalot/HackMyResume/issues.

dist/index.js vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
#! /usr/bin/env node
Command-line interface (CLI) for HackMyResume.
@license MIT. See LICENSE.md for details.
@module index.js
try {
require('./cli/main')( process.argv );
catch( ex ) {
if(ex.stack) console.log(ex.stack);
require('./cli/error').err( ex, true );

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
"url": "https://github.com/hacksalot/HackMyResume/issues"
"bin": {
"hackmyresume": "src/index.js"
"hackmyresume": "dist/index.js"
"homepage": "https://github.com/hacksalot/HackMyResume",
"dependencies": {
@ -68,6 +68,8 @@
"grunt": "*",
"grunt-cli": "^0.1.13",
"grunt-contrib-clean": "^0.7.0",
"grunt-contrib-coffee": "^0.13.0",
"grunt-contrib-copy": "^0.8.2",
"grunt-contrib-jshint": "^0.11.3",
"grunt-contrib-yuidoc": "^0.10.0",
"grunt-jsdoc": "^1.1.0",

src/cli/main.coffee Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
Definition of the `main` function.
@module cli/main
@license MIT. See LICENSE.md for details.
HMR = require 'hackmycore'
PKG = require '../../package.json'
FS = require 'fs'
EXTEND = require 'extend'
chalk = require 'chalk'
PATH = require 'path'
HMSTATUS = require 'hackmycore/src/core/status-codes'
HME = require 'hackmycore/src/core/event-codes'
safeLoadJSON = require 'hackmycore/src/utils/safe-json-loader'
StringUtils = require 'hackmycore/src/utils/string.js'
_ = require 'underscore'
OUTPUT = require './out'
PAD = require 'string-padding'
Command = require('commander').Command
_opts = { }
_title = chalk.white.bold('\n*** HackMyResume v' +PKG.version+ ' ***')
_out = new OUTPUT( _opts )
A callable implementation of the HackMyResume CLI. Encapsulates the command
line interface as a single method accepting a parameter array.
@alias module:cli/main.main
@param rawArgs {Array} An array of command-line parameters. Will either be
process.argv (in production) or custom parameters (in test).
main = module.exports = (rawArgs ) ->
initInfo = initialize( rawArgs )
args = initInfo.args
# Create the top-level (application) command...
program = new Command('hackmyresume')
.description(chalk.yellow.bold('*** HackMyResume ***'))
.option('-s --silent', 'Run in silent mode')
.option('--no-color', 'Disable colors')
.option('--color', 'Enable colors')
.option('-d --debug', 'Enable diagnostics', false)
.option('-a --assert', 'Treat warnings as errors', false)
.option('-v --version', 'Show the version')
program.jsonArgs = initInfo.options
# Create the NEW command
.command 'new'
.arguments '<sources...>'
.option '-f --format <fmt>', 'FRESH or JRS format', 'FRESH'
.alias 'create'
.description 'Create resume(s) in FRESH or JSON RESUME format.'
.action (( sources ) ->
execute.call( this, sources, [], this.opts(), logMsg)
# Create the VALIDATE command
.description('Validate a resume in FRESH or JSON RESUME format.')
.action((sources) ->
execute.call( this, sources, [], this.opts(), logMsg)
# Create the CONVERT command
.description('Convert a resume to/from FRESH or JSON RESUME format.')
x = splitSrcDest.call( this );
execute.call( this, x.src, x.dst, this.opts(), logMsg)
# Create the ANALYZE command
.description('Analyze one or more resumes.')
.action(( sources ) ->
execute.call( this, sources, [], this.opts(), logMsg)
# Create the PEEK command
.description('Peek at a resume field or section')
.action(( sources, sectionOrField ) ->
dst = if (sources && sources.length > 1) then [sources.pop()] else []
execute.call( this, sources, dst, this.opts(), logMsg)
# Create the BUILD command
.option('-t --theme <theme>', 'Theme name or path')
.option('-n --no-prettify', 'Disable HTML prettification', true)
.option('-c --css <option>', 'CSS linking / embedding')
.option('-p --pdf <engine>', 'PDF generation engine')
.option('--no-sort', 'Sort resume sections by date', false)
.option('--tips', 'Display theme tips and warnings.', false)
.description('Generate resume to multiple formats')
.action(( sources, targets, options ) ->
x = splitSrcDest.call( this );
execute.call( this, x.src, x.dst, this.opts(), logMsg)
program.parse( args )
if !program.args.length
throw { fluenterror: 4 }
### Massage command-line args and setup Commander.js. ###
initialize = ( ar ) ->
o = initOptions( ar );
o.silent || logMsg( _title )
# Emit debug prelude if --debug was specified
if o.debug
_out.log(chalk.cyan('The -d or --debug switch was specified. DEBUG mode engaged.'))
_out.log(chalk.cyan(PAD(' Platform:',25, null, PAD.RIGHT)) + chalk.cyan.bold( if process.platform == 'win32' then 'windows' else process.platform ))
_out.log(chalk.cyan(PAD(' Node.js:',25, null, PAD.RIGHT)) + chalk.cyan.bold( process.version ))
_out.log(chalk.cyan(PAD(' HackMyResume:',25, null, PAD.RIGHT)) + chalk.cyan.bold('v' + PKG.version ))
_out.log(chalk.cyan(PAD(' FRESCA:',25, null, PAD.RIGHT)) + chalk.cyan.bold( PKG.dependencies.fresca ))
#_out.log(chalk.cyan(PAD(' fresh-themes:',25, null, PAD.RIGHT)) + chalk.cyan.bold( PKG.dependencies['fresh-themes'] ))
#_out.log(chalk.cyan(PAD(' fresh-jrs-converter:',25, null, PAD.RIGHT)) + chalk.cyan.bold( PKG.dependencies['fresh-jrs-converter'] ))
# Handle invalid verbs here (a bit easier here than in commander.js)...
if o.verb && !HMR.verbs[ o.verb ] && !HMR.alias[ o.verb ]
throw { fluenterror: HMSTATUS.invalidCommand, quit: true, attempted: o.orgVerb }
# Override the .missingArgument behavior
Command.prototype.missingArgument = (name) ->
if this.name() != 'new'
throw { fluenterror: HMSTATUS.resumeNotFound, quit: true }
# Override the .helpInformation behavior
Command.prototype.helpInformation = ->
manPage = FS.readFileSync(
PATH.join(__dirname, 'use.txt'), 'utf8' )
return chalk.green.bold(manPage)
return {
args: o.args,
options: o.json
### Init options prior to setting up command infrastructure. ###
initOptions = ( ar ) ->
verb = ''
args = ar.slice()
cleanArgs = args.slice(2)
if cleanArgs.length
# Support case-insensitive sub-commands (build, generate, validate, etc)
vidx = _.findIndex( cleanArgs, (v) -> return v[0] != '-' )
if vidx != -1
oVerb = cleanArgs[ vidx ]
verb = args[ vidx + 2 ] = oVerb.trim().toLowerCase()
# Remove --options --opts -o and process separately
optsIdx = _.findIndex( cleanArgs, (v) ->
return v == '-o' || v == '--options' || v == '--opts'
if optsIdx != -1
optStr = cleanArgs[ optsIdx + 1]
args.splice( optsIdx + 2, 2 )
if optStr && (optStr = optStr.trim())
#var myJSON = JSON.parse(optStr);
if( optStr[0] == '{')
### jshint ignore:start ###
oJSON = eval('(' + optStr + ')') # jshint ignore:line <-- no worky
### jshint ignore:end ###
inf = safeLoadJSON( optStr )
if( !inf.ex )
oJSON = inf.json
# TODO: Error handling
# Grab the --debug flag
isDebug = _.some( args, (v) ->
return v == '-d' || v == '--debug'
# Grab the --silent flag
isSilent = _.some( args, (v) ->
return v == '-s' || v == '--silent'
return {
debug: isDebug,
silent: isSilent,
orgVerb: oVerb,
verb: verb,
json: oJSON,
args: args
### Invoke a HackMyResume verb. ###
execute = ( src, dst, opts, log ) ->
loadOptions.call( this, opts, this.parent.jsonArgs )
hand = require( './error' )
hand.init( _opts.debug, _opts.assert, _opts.silent )
v = new HMR.verbs[ this.name() ]()
_opts.errHandler = v
_out.init( _opts )
v.on( 'hmr:status', -> _out.do.apply( _out, arguments ) )
v.on( 'hmr:error', -> hand.err.apply( hand, arguments ) )
v.invoke.call( v, src, dst, _opts, log )
if v.errorCode
Initialize HackMyResume options.
TODO: Options loading is a little hacky, for two reasons:
- Commander.js idiosyncracies
- Need to accept JSON inputs from the command line.
loadOptions = ( o, cmdO ) ->
# o and this.opts() seem to be the same (command-specific options)
# Load the specified options file (if any) and apply options
if( cmdO )
o = EXTEND(true, o, cmdO)
# Merge in command-line options
o = EXTEND( true, o, this.opts() )
# Kludge parent-level options until piping issue is resolved
if this.parent.silent != undefined && this.parent.silent != null
o.silent = this.parent.silent
if this.parent.debug != undefined && this.parent.debug != null
o.debug = this.parent.debug
if this.parent.assert != undefined && this.parent.assert != null
o.assert = this.parent.assert
if o.debug
logMsg(chalk.cyan('OPTIONS:') + '\n')
_.each(o, (val, key) ->
logMsg(chalk.cyan(' %s') + chalk.cyan.bold(' %s'),
PAD(key,22,null,PAD.RIGHT), val)
# Cache
EXTEND(true, _opts, o)
### Split multiple command-line filenames by the 'TO' keyword ###
splitSrcDest = ->
params = this.parent.args.filter((j) -> return String.is(j) )
if params.length == 0
throw { fluenterror: HMSTATUS.resumeNotFound, quit: true }
# Find the TO keyword, if any
splitAt = _.findIndex( params, (p) -> return p.toLowerCase() == 'to'; )
# TO can't be the last keyword
if splitAt == params.length - 1 && splitAt != -1
logMsg(chalk.yellow('Please ') +
chalk.yellow.bold('specify an output file') +
chalk.yellow(' for this operation or ') +
chalk.yellow.bold('omit the TO keyword') +
chalk.yellow('.') )
return {
src: params.slice(0, if splitAt == -1 then undefined else splitAt ),
dst: if splitAt == -1 then [] else params.slice( splitAt + 1 )
### Simple logging placeholder. ###
logMsg = ->
_opts.silent || console.log.apply( console.log, arguments )

View File

@ -1,331 +0,0 @@
Definition of the `main` function.
@module cli/main
@license MIT. See LICENSE.md for details.
var HMR = require( 'hackmycore')
, PKG = require('../../package.json')
, FS = require('fs')
, EXTEND = require('extend')
, chalk = require('chalk')
, PATH = require('path')
, HMSTATUS = require('hackmycore/src/core/status-codes')
, HME = require('hackmycore/src/core/event-codes')
, safeLoadJSON = require('hackmycore/src/utils/safe-json-loader')
, StringUtils = require('hackmycore/src/utils/string.js')
, _ = require('underscore')
, OUTPUT = require('./out')
, PAD = require('string-padding')
, Command = require('commander').Command;
var _opts = { };
var _title = chalk.white.bold('\n*** HackMyResume v' +PKG.version+ ' ***');
var _out = new OUTPUT( _opts );
A callable implementation of the HackMyResume CLI. Encapsulates the command
line interface as a single method accepting a parameter array.
@alias module:cli/main.main
@param rawArgs {Array} An array of command-line parameters. Will either be
process.argv (in production) or custom parameters (in test).
var main = module.exports = function( rawArgs ) {
var initInfo = initialize( rawArgs );
var args = initInfo.args;
// Create the top-level (application) command...
var program = new Command('hackmyresume')
.description(chalk.yellow.bold('*** HackMyResume ***'))
.option('-s --silent', 'Run in silent mode')
.option('--no-color', 'Disable colors')
.option('--color', 'Enable colors')
.option('-d --debug', 'Enable diagnostics', false)
.option('-a --assert', 'Treat warnings as errors', false)
.option('-v --version', 'Show the version')
program.jsonArgs = initInfo.options;
// Create the NEW command
.option('-f --format <fmt>', 'FRESH or JRS format', 'FRESH')
.description('Create resume(s) in FRESH or JSON RESUME format.')
.action(function( sources ) {
execute.call( this, sources, [], this.opts(), logMsg);
// Create the VALIDATE command
.description('Validate a resume in FRESH or JSON RESUME format.')
.action(function(sources) {
execute.call( this, sources, [], this.opts(), logMsg);
// Create the CONVERT command
.description('Convert a resume to/from FRESH or JSON RESUME format.')
.action(function() {
var x = splitSrcDest.call( this );
execute.call( this, x.src, x.dst, this.opts(), logMsg);
// Create the ANALYZE command
.description('Analyze one or more resumes.')
.action(function( sources ) {
execute.call( this, sources, [], this.opts(), logMsg);
// Create the PEEK command
.description('Peek at a resume field or section')
.action(function( sources, sectionOrField ) {
var dst = (sources && sources.length > 1) ? [sources.pop()] : [];
execute.call( this, sources, dst, this.opts(), logMsg);
// Create the BUILD command
.option('-t --theme <theme>', 'Theme name or path')
.option('-n --no-prettify', 'Disable HTML prettification', true)
.option('-c --css <option>', 'CSS linking / embedding')
.option('-p --pdf <engine>', 'PDF generation engine')
.option('--no-sort', 'Sort resume sections by date', false)
.option('--tips', 'Display theme tips and warnings.', false)
.description('Generate resume to multiple formats')
.action(function( sources, targets, options ) {
var x = splitSrcDest.call( this );
execute.call( this, x.src, x.dst, this.opts(), logMsg);
program.parse( args );
if (!program.args.length) { throw { fluenterror: 4 }; }
/** Massage command-line args and setup Commander.js. */
function initialize( ar ) {
var o = initOptions( ar );
o.silent || logMsg( _title );
// Emit debug prelude if --debug was specified
if( o.debug ) {
_out.log(chalk.cyan('The -d or --debug switch was specified. DEBUG mode engaged.'));
_out.log(chalk.cyan(PAD(' Platform:',25, null, PAD.RIGHT)) + chalk.cyan.bold( process.platform === 'win32' ? 'windows' : process.platform ));
_out.log(chalk.cyan(PAD(' Node.js:',25, null, PAD.RIGHT)) + chalk.cyan.bold( process.version ));
_out.log(chalk.cyan(PAD(' HackMyResume:',25, null, PAD.RIGHT)) + chalk.cyan.bold('v' + PKG.version ));
_out.log(chalk.cyan(PAD(' FRESCA:',25, null, PAD.RIGHT)) + chalk.cyan.bold( PKG.dependencies.fresca ));
//_out.log(chalk.cyan(PAD(' fresh-themes:',25, null, PAD.RIGHT)) + chalk.cyan.bold( PKG.dependencies['fresh-themes'] ));
//_out.log(chalk.cyan(PAD(' fresh-jrs-converter:',25, null, PAD.RIGHT)) + chalk.cyan.bold( PKG.dependencies['fresh-jrs-converter'] ));
// Handle invalid verbs here (a bit easier here than in commander.js)...
if( o.verb && !HMR.verbs[ o.verb ] && !HMR.alias[ o.verb ] ) {
throw { fluenterror: HMSTATUS.invalidCommand, quit: true,
attempted: o.orgVerb };
// Override the .missingArgument behavior
Command.prototype.missingArgument = function(name) {
if( this.name() !== 'new' ) {
throw { fluenterror: HMSTATUS.resumeNotFound, quit: true };
// Override the .helpInformation behavior
Command.prototype.helpInformation = function() {
var manPage = FS.readFileSync(
PATH.join(__dirname, 'use.txt'), 'utf8' );
return chalk.green.bold(manPage);
return {
args: o.args,
options: o.json
/** Init options prior to setting up command infrastructure. */
function initOptions( ar ) {
var oVerb, verb = '', args = ar.slice(), cleanArgs = args.slice(2), oJSON;
if( cleanArgs.length ) {
// Support case-insensitive sub-commands (build, generate, validate, etc)
var vidx = _.findIndex( cleanArgs, function(v){ return v[0] !== '-'; });
if( vidx !== -1 ) {
oVerb = cleanArgs[ vidx ];
verb = args[ vidx + 2 ] = oVerb.trim().toLowerCase();
// Remove --options --opts -o and process separately
var optsIdx = _.findIndex( cleanArgs, function(v){
return v === '-o' || v === '--options' || v === '--opts';
if(optsIdx !== -1) {
var optStr = cleanArgs[ optsIdx + 1];
args.splice( optsIdx + 2, 2 );
if( optStr && (optStr = optStr.trim()) ) {
//var myJSON = JSON.parse(optStr);
if( optStr[0] === '{')
oJSON = eval('(' + optStr + ')'); // jshint ignore:line
else {
var inf = safeLoadJSON( optStr );
if( !inf.ex )
oJSON = inf.json;
// TODO: Error handling
// Grab the --debug flag
var isDebug = _.some( args, function(v) {
return v === '-d' || v === '--debug';
// Grab the --silent flag
var isSilent = _.some( args, function(v) {
return v === '-s' || v === '--silent';
return {
debug: isDebug,
silent: isSilent,
orgVerb: oVerb,
verb: verb,
json: oJSON,
args: args
/** Invoke a HackMyResume verb. */
function execute( src, dst, opts, log ) {
loadOptions.call( this, opts, this.parent.jsonArgs );
var hand = require( './error' );
hand.init( _opts.debug, _opts.assert, _opts.silent );
var v = new HMR.verbs[ this.name() ]();
_opts.errHandler = v;
_out.init( _opts );
v.on( 'hmr:status', function() { _out.do.apply( _out, arguments ); });
v.on( 'hmr:error', function() {
hand.err.apply( hand, arguments );
v.invoke.call( v, src, dst, _opts, log );
if( v.errorCode )
Initialize HackMyResume options.
TODO: Options loading is a little hacky, for two reasons:
- Commander.js idiosyncracies
- Need to accept JSON inputs from the command line.
function loadOptions( o, cmdO ) {
// o and this.opts() seem to be the same (command-specific options)
// Load the specified options file (if any) and apply options
if( cmdO )
o = EXTEND(true, o, cmdO);
// Merge in command-line options
o = EXTEND( true, o, this.opts() );
// Kludge parent-level options until piping issue is resolved
if( this.parent.silent !== undefined && this.parent.silent !== null)
o.silent = this.parent.silent;
if( this.parent.debug !== undefined && this.parent.debug !== null)
o.debug = this.parent.debug;
if( this.parent.assert !== undefined && this.parent.assert !== null)
o.assert = this.parent.assert;
if( o.debug ) {
logMsg(chalk.cyan('OPTIONS:') + '\n');
_.each(o, function(val, key) {
logMsg(chalk.cyan(' %s') + chalk.cyan.bold(' %s'),
PAD(key,22,null,PAD.RIGHT), val);
// Cache
EXTEND(true, _opts, o);
/** Split multiple command-line filenames by the 'TO' keyword */
function splitSrcDest() {
var params = this.parent.args.filter(function(j) { return String.is(j); });
if( params.length === 0 )
throw { fluenterror: HMSTATUS.resumeNotFound, quit: true };
// Find the TO keyword, if any
var splitAt = _.findIndex( params, function(p) {
return p.toLowerCase() === 'to';
// TO can't be the last keyword
if( splitAt === params.length - 1 && splitAt !== -1 ) {
logMsg(chalk.yellow('Please ') +
chalk.yellow.bold('specify an output file') +
chalk.yellow(' for this operation or ') +
chalk.yellow.bold('omit the TO keyword') +
chalk.yellow('.') );
return {
src: params.slice(0, splitAt === -1 ? undefined : splitAt ),
dst: splitAt === -1 ? [] : params.slice( splitAt + 1 )
/** Simple logging placeholder. */
function logMsg() {
_opts.silent || console.log.apply( console.log, arguments );

View File

@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ try {
catch( ex ) {
if(ex.stack) console.log(ex.stack);
require('./cli/error').err( ex, true );

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ CLI test routines for HackMyResume.
var chai = require('chai')
, should = chai.should()
, HMRMAIN = require('../src/cli/main')
, HMRMAIN = require('../dist/cli/main')
, CHALK = require('chalk')
, FS = require('fs')
, PATH = require('path')
@ -39,13 +39,12 @@ describe('Testing CLI interface', function () {
process.exit = MyProcessExit;
try {
var HMRMAIN = require('../src/cli/main');
HMRMAIN( args );
catch( ex ) {
require('../src/cli/error').err( ex, false );
//if(ex.stack || (ex.inner && ex.inner.stacl))
//console.log(ex.stack || ex.inner.stack);
require('../dist/cli/error').err( ex, false );
if(ex.stack || (ex.inner && ex.inner.stacl))
console.log(ex.stack || ex.inner.stack);
process.exit = ProcessExitOrg;

View File

@ -4,10 +4,6 @@
14|build doesnt-exist.json
14|build doesnt-exist.json -t not-a-theme
14|build doesnt-exist.json -t node_modules/not-a-theme
0|new test/sandbox/cli-test/new-empty-resume.auto.json
0|new test/sandbox/cli-test/new-empty-resume.jrs.json -f jrs
@ -25,3 +21,13 @@
0|peek test/resumes/jrs-0.0.0/richard-hendriks.json work[0]
0|peek node_modules/fresh-test-resumes/src/fresh/jane-fullstacker.json employment.history[1]
0|peek node_modules/fresh-test-resumes/src/fresh/johnny-trouble.json skills.sets
0|build node_modules/fresh-test-resumes/src/fresh/jane-fullstacker.json test/sandbox/cli-test/jane/resume.html
0|build node_modules/fresh-test-resumes/src/fresh/jane-fullstacker.json test/sandbox/cli-test/jane/resume.pdf
0|build node_modules/fresh-test-resumes/src/fresh/jane-fullstacker.json test/sandbox/cli-test/jane/resume.md
0|build node_modules/fresh-test-resumes/src/fresh/jane-fullstacker.json test/sandbox/cli-test/jane/resume.txt
0|build node_modules/fresh-test-resumes/src/fresh/jane-fullstacker.json test/sandbox/cli-test/jane/resume.yml
0|build node_modules/fresh-test-resumes/src/fresh/jane-fullstacker.json test/sandbox/cli-test/jane/resume.json
14|build doesnt-exist.json
14|build doesnt-exist.json -t not-a-theme
14|build doesnt-exist.json -t node_modules/not-a-theme

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Output test routines for HackMyResume.
var chai = require('chai')
, expect = chai.expect
, HMRMAIN = require('../src/cli/main')
, HMRMAIN = require('../dist/cli/main')
, CHALK = require('chalk')
, FS = require('fs')
, PATH = require('path')
@ -46,11 +46,10 @@ describe('Testing Ouput interface', function () {
try {
args.unshift( process.argv[1] );
args.unshift( process.argv[0] );
var HMRMAIN = require('../src/cli/main');
HMRMAIN( args );
catch( ex ) {
require('../src/cli/error').err( ex, false );
require('../dist/cli/error').err( ex, false );
CHALK.enabled = true;
process.exit = ProcessExitOrg;