mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 18:35:29 +00:00
Improve CSS handling.
This commit is contained in:
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ Definition of the `main` function.
.option('-t --theme <theme>', 'Theme name or path')
.option('-n --no-prettify', 'Disable HTML prettification', true)
.option('-c --css <option>', 'CSS linking / embedding', 'embed')
.option('-c --css <option>', 'CSS linking / embedding')
.option('-p --pdf <engine>', 'PDF generation engine')
.option('--no-sort', 'Sort resume sections by date', false)
.option('--no-tips', 'Disable theme tips and warnings.', false)
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ Definition of the FRESHTheme class.
var idx = _.findIndex(fmts, function( fmt ) {
return fmt && fmt.pre === cssf.pre && fmt.ext === 'html';
cssf.action = null;
cssf.major = false;
if( idx > -1) {
fmts[ idx ].css = cssf.data;
fmts[ idx ].cssPath = cssf.path;
@ -202,11 +202,6 @@ Definition of the FRESHTheme class.
// Remove CSS files from the formats array
fmts = fmts.filter( function( fmt) {
return fmt && (fmt.ext !== 'css');
return formatsHash;
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ Definition of the HTMLGenerator class.
, FS = require('fs-extra')
, HTML = require( 'html' )
, PATH = require('path');
var HtmlGenerator = module.exports = TemplateGenerator.extend({
@ -22,6 +23,8 @@ Definition of the HTMLGenerator class.
the HTML resume prior to saving.
onBeforeSave: function( info ) {
if( info.outputFile.endsWith('.css') )
return info.mk;
return this.opts.prettify ?
HTML.prettyPrint( info.mk, this.opts.prettify ) : info.mk;
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ Definition of the TemplateGenerator class. TODO: Refactor
@module template-generator.js
(function() {
@ -22,7 +24,178 @@ Definition of the TemplateGenerator class. TODO: Refactor
// Default options.
TemplateGenerator performs resume generation via local Handlebar or Underscore
style template expansion and is appropriate for text-based formats like HTML,
plain text, and XML versions of Microsoft Word, Excel, and OpenOffice.
@class TemplateGenerator
var TemplateGenerator = module.exports = BaseGenerator.extend({
/** Constructor. Set the output format and template format for this
generator. Will usually be called by a derived generator such as
HTMLGenerator or MarkdownGenerator. */
init: function( outputFormat, templateFormat, cssFile ){
this._super( outputFormat );
this.tplFormat = templateFormat || outputFormat;
/** Generate a resume using string-based inputs and outputs without touching
the filesystem.
@method invoke
@param rez A FreshResume object.
@param opts Generator options.
@returns {Array} An array of objects representing the generated output
files. */
invoke: function( rez, opts ) {
opts = opts ?
(this.opts = EXTEND( true, { }, _defaultOpts, opts )) :
// Sort such that CSS files are processed before others
var curFmt = opts.themeObj.getFormat( this.format );
curFmt.files = _.sortBy( curFmt.files, function(fi) {
return fi.ext !== 'css';
// Run the transformation!
var results = curFmt.files.map( function( tplInfo, idx ) {
var trx = this.single( rez, tplInfo.data, this.format, opts, opts.themeObj, curFmt );
if( tplInfo.ext === 'css' ) { curFmt.files[idx].data = trx; }
else if( tplInfo.ext === 'html' ) {
//tplInfo.css contains the CSS data loaded by theme
//tplInfo.cssPath contains the absolute path to the source CSS File
return { info: tplInfo, data: trx };
}, this);
return {
files: results
/** Generate a resume using file-based inputs and outputs. Requires access
to the local filesystem.
@method generate
@param rez A FreshResume object.
@param f Full path to the output resume file to generate.
@param opts Generator options. */
generate: function( rez, f, opts ) {
// Prepare
this.opts = EXTEND( true, { }, _defaultOpts, opts );
// Call the string-based generation method to perform the generation.
var genInfo = this.invoke( rez, null );
var outFolder = parsePath( f ).dirname;
var curFmt = opts.themeObj.getFormat( this.format );
// Process individual files within this format. For example, the HTML
// output format for a theme may have multiple HTML files, CSS files,
// etc. Process them here.
genInfo.files.forEach(function( file ){
// Pre-processing
var thisFilePath = PATH.join( outFolder, file.info.orgPath );
if( this.onBeforeSave ) {
file.data = this.onBeforeSave({
theme: opts.themeObj,
outputFile: (file.info.major ? f : thisFilePath),
mk: file.data,
opts: this.opts
if( !file.data ) return; // PDF etc
// Write the file
var fileName = file.info.major ? f : thisFilePath;
MKDIRP.sync( PATH.dirname( fileName ) );
FS.writeFileSync( fileName, file.data,
{ encoding: 'utf8', flags: 'w' } );
// Post-processing
this.onAfterSave && this.onAfterSave(
{ outputFile: fileName, mk: file.data, opts: this.opts } );
}, this);
// Some themes require a symlink structure. If so, create it.
if( curFmt.symLinks ) {
Object.keys( curFmt.symLinks ).forEach( function(loc) {
var absLoc = PATH.join(outFolder, loc);
var absTarg = PATH.join(PATH.dirname(absLoc), curFmt.symLinks[loc]);
// 'file', 'dir', or 'junction' (Windows only)
var type = parsePath( absLoc ).extname ? 'file' : 'junction';
FS.symlinkSync( absTarg, absLoc, type);
return genInfo;
/** Perform a single resume resume transformation using string-based inputs
and outputs without touching the local file system.
@param json A FRESH or JRS resume object.
@param jst The stringified template data
@param format The format name, such as "html" or "latex"
@param cssInfo Needs to be refactored.
@param opts Options and passthrough data. */
single: function( json, jst, format, opts, theme, curFmt ) {
this.opts.freezeBreaks && ( jst = freeze(jst) );
var eng = require( '../renderers/' + theme.engine + '-generator' );
var result = eng.generate( json, jst, format, curFmt, opts, theme );
this.opts.freezeBreaks && ( result = unfreeze(result) );
return result;
/** Export the TemplateGenerator function/ctor. */
module.exports = TemplateGenerator;
/** Freeze newlines for protection against errant JST parsers. */
function freeze( markup ) {
return markup
.replace( _reg.regN, _defaultOpts.nSym )
.replace( _reg.regR, _defaultOpts.rSym );
/** Unfreeze newlines when the coast is clear. */
function unfreeze( markup ) {
return markup
.replace( _reg.regSymR, '\r' )
.replace( _reg.regSymN, '\n' );
/** Default template generator options. */
var _defaultOpts = {
engine: 'underscore',
keepBreaks: true,
@ -57,250 +230,7 @@ Definition of the TemplateGenerator class. TODO: Refactor
TemplateGenerator performs resume generation via local Handlebar or Underscore
style template expansion and is appropriate for text-based formats like HTML,
plain text, and XML versions of Microsoft Word, Excel, and OpenOffice.
@class TemplateGenerator
var TemplateGenerator = module.exports = BaseGenerator.extend({
init: function( outputFormat, templateFormat, cssFile ){
this._super( outputFormat );
this.tplFormat = templateFormat || outputFormat;
String-based template generation method.
@method invoke
@param rez A FreshResume object.
@param opts Generator options.
@returns {Array} An array of objects representing the generated output
files. Each object has this format:
files: [ { info: { }, data: [ ] }, { ... } ],
themeInfo: { }
invoke: function( rez, opts ) {
// Carry over options
this.opts = EXTEND( true, { }, _defaultOpts, opts );
// Load the theme
var themeInfo = themeFromMoniker.call( this );
var theme = themeInfo.theme;
var tFolder = themeInfo.folder;
var tplFolder = PATH.join( tFolder, 'src' );
var curFmt = theme.getFormat( this.format );
var that = this;
// "Generate": process individual files within the theme
// The transform() method catches exceptions internally
return {
files: curFmt.files.map( function( tplInfo ) {
return {
info: tplInfo,
data: tplInfo.action === 'transform' ?
transform.call( that, rez, tplInfo, theme, opts ) : undefined
}).filter(function(item){ return item !== null; }),
themeInfo: themeInfo
File-based template generation method.
@method generate
@param rez A FreshResume object.
@param f Full path to the output resume file to generate.
@param opts Generator options.
generate: function( rez, f, opts ) {
// Call the generation method
var genInfo = this.invoke( rez, opts );
// Carry over options
this.opts = EXTEND( true, { }, _defaultOpts, opts );
// Load the theme
var themeInfo = genInfo.themeInfo;
var theme = themeInfo.theme;
var tFolder = themeInfo.folder;
var tplFolder = PATH.join( tFolder, 'src' );
var outFolder = parsePath(f).dirname;
var curFmt = theme.getFormat( this.format );
var that = this;
// "Generate": process individual files within the theme
// TODO: refactor
genInfo.files.forEach(function( file ){
var thisFilePath;
if( theme.engine === 'jrs' ) {
file.info.orgPath = '';
if( file.info.action === 'transform' ) {
thisFilePath = PATH.join( outFolder, file.info.orgPath );
if( that.onBeforeSave ) {
file.data = that.onBeforeSave({
theme: theme,
outputFile: (file.info.major ? f : thisFilePath),
mk: file.data,
opts: that.opts
if( !file.data ) return; // PDF etc
var fileName = file.info.major ? f : thisFilePath;
MKDIRP.sync( PATH.dirname( fileName ) );
FS.writeFileSync( fileName, file.data,
{ encoding: 'utf8', flags: 'w' } );
that.onAfterSave && that.onAfterSave(
{ outputFile: fileName, mk: file.data, opts: that.opts } );
else if( file.info.action === null/* && theme.explicit*/ ) {
thisFilePath = PATH.join( outFolder, file.info.orgPath );
MKDIRP.sync( PATH.dirname(thisFilePath) );
FS.copySync( file.info.path, thisFilePath );
// Some themes require a symlink structure. If so, create it.
if( curFmt.symLinks ) {
Object.keys( curFmt.symLinks ).forEach( function(loc) {
var absLoc = PATH.join(outFolder, loc);
var absTarg = PATH.join(PATH.dirname(absLoc), curFmt.symLinks[loc]);
// 'file', 'dir', or 'junction' (Windows only)
var type = parsePath( absLoc ).extname ? 'file' : 'junction';
FS.symlinkSync( absTarg, absLoc, type);
return genInfo;
Perform a single resume JSON-to-DEST resume transformation.
@param json A FRESH or JRS resume object.
@param jst The stringified template data
@param format The format name, such as "html" or "latex"
@param cssInfo Needs to be refactored.
@param opts Options and passthrough data.
single: function( json, jst, format, cssInfo, opts, theme ) {
this.opts.freezeBreaks && ( jst = freeze(jst) );
var eng = require( '../renderers/' + theme.engine + '-generator' );
var result = eng.generate( json, jst, format, cssInfo, opts, theme );
this.opts.freezeBreaks && ( result = unfreeze(result) );
return result;
Export the TemplateGenerator function/ctor.
module.exports = TemplateGenerator;
Given a theme title, load the corresponding theme.
function themeFromMoniker() {
// Verify the specified theme name/path
var tFolder = PATH.join(
parsePath( require.resolve('fresh-themes') ).dirname,
var t;
if( this.opts.theme.startsWith('jsonresume-theme-') ) {
t = new JRSTheme().open( tFolder );
else {
var exists = require('path-exists').sync;
if( !exists( tFolder ) ) {
tFolder = PATH.resolve( this.opts.theme );
if( !exists( tFolder ) ) {
throw { fluenterror: this.codes.themeNotFound, data: this.opts.theme};
t = this.opts.themeObj || new FRESHTheme().open( tFolder );
// Load the theme and format
return {
theme: t,
folder: tFolder
function transform( rez, tplInfo, theme, opts ) {
try {
var cssInfo = {
file: tplInfo.css ? tplInfo.cssPath : null,
data: tplInfo.css || null
return this.single( rez, tplInfo.data, this.format, cssInfo, this.opts,
theme );
catch(ex) {
if( opts.errHandler ) opts.errHandler(ex);
else throw ex;
Freeze newlines for protection against errant JST parsers.
function freeze( markup ) {
return markup
.replace( _reg.regN, _defaultOpts.nSym )
.replace( _reg.regR, _defaultOpts.rSym );
Unfreeze newlines when the coast is clear.
function unfreeze( markup ) {
return markup
.replace( _reg.regSymR, '\r' )
.replace( _reg.regSymN, '\n' );
Regexes for linebreak preservation.
/** Regexes for linebreak preservation. */
var _reg = {
regN: new RegExp( '\n', 'g' ),
regR: new RegExp( '\r', 'g' ),
@ -13,7 +13,10 @@ Generic template helper definitions for HackMyResume / FluentCV.
, FluentDate = require('../core/fluent-date')
, HMSTATUS = require('../core/status-codes')
, moment = require('moment')
, FS = require('fs')
, LO = require('lodash')
, PATH = require('path')
, printf = require('printf')
, _ = require('underscore')
, unused = require('../utils/string');
@ -74,6 +77,21 @@ Generic template helper definitions for HackMyResume / FluentCV.
fontFace: function( styleName ) {
var ret = '';
var fontSpec = GenericHelpers.theme.fonts[ styleName ];
if( _.isArray( fontSpec ) ) {
fontSpec = fontSpec.map( function(ff) {
return "'" + ff + "'";
ret = fontSpec.join(', ');
else if( _.isString( fontSpec )) {
ret = fontSpec;
return ret;
Capitalize the first letter of the word.
@method section
@ -218,21 +236,46 @@ Generic template helper definitions for HackMyResume / FluentCV.
Conditional stylesheet link. Either display the link or embed the stylesheet
via <style></style> tag.
Conditional stylesheet link. Creates a link to the specified stylesheet with
<link> or embeds the styles inline with <style></style>, depending on the
theme author's and user's preferences.
@param url {String} The path to the CSS file.
@param linkage {String} The default link method. Can be either `embed` or
`link`. If omitted, defaults to `embed`. Can be overridden by the `--css`
command-line switch.
styleSheet: function( file, options ) {
var styles = ( this.opts.css === 'link') ?
'<link href="' + file + '" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">' :
'<style>' + this.cssInfo.data + '</style>';
styleSheet: function( url, linkage ) {
// Establish the linkage style
linkage = this.opts.css || linkage || 'embed';
// Create the <link> or <style> tag
var ret = '';
if( linkage === 'link' ) {
ret = printf('<link href="%s" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">', url);
else {
var rawCss = FS.readFileSync(
PATH.join( this.opts.themeObj.folder, '/src/', url ), 'utf8' );
var renderedCss = this.engine.generateSimple( this, rawCss );
ret = printf('<style>%s</style>', renderedCss );
// If the currently-executing template is inherited, append styles
if( this.opts.themeObj.inherits &&
this.opts.themeObj.inherits.html &&
this.format === 'html' ) {
styles += (this.opts.css === 'link') ?
'<link href="' + this.opts.themeObj.overrides.path + '" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">' :
ret += (linkage === 'link') ?
'<link href="' + this.opts.themeObj.overrides.path +
'" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">' :
'<style>' + this.opts.themeObj.overrides.data + '</style>';
return styles;
// TODO: It would be nice to use Handlebar.SafeString here, but these
// are supposed to be generic helpers. Provide an equivalent, or expose
// it when Handlebars is the chosen engine, which is most of the time.
return ret;
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Definition of the HandlebarsGenerator class.
@license MIT. See LICENSE.md for details.
@module handlebars-generator.js
@module renderers/handlebars-generator
@ -30,29 +30,12 @@ Definition of the HandlebarsGenerator class.
generate: function( json, jst, format, cssInfo, opts, theme ) {
registerPartials( format, theme );
registerHelpers( theme, opts );
// Preprocess text
var encData = json;
( format === 'html' || format === 'pdf' ) && (encData = json.markdownify());
( format === 'doc' ) && (encData = json.xmlify());
generateSimple: function( data, tpl ) {
try {
// Compile and run the Handlebars template.
var template = HANDLEBARS.compile(jst, { strict: false, assumeObjects: false });
return template({ // TODO: Clean
r: encData,
RAW: json,
filt: opts.filters,
cssInfo: cssInfo,
format: format,
opts: opts,
headFragment: opts.headFragment || ''
var template = HANDLEBARS.compile( tpl, { strict: false, assumeObjects: false } );
return template( data );
catch( ex ) {
throw {
@ -62,6 +45,35 @@ Definition of the HandlebarsGenerator class.
generate: function( json, jst, format, curFmt, opts, theme ) {
// Set up partials and helpers
registerPartials( format, theme );
registerHelpers( theme, opts );
// Preprocess text
var encData = json;
( format === 'html' || format === 'pdf' ) && (encData = json.markdownify());
( format === 'doc' ) && (encData = json.xmlify());
// Set up the context
var ctx = {
r: encData,
RAW: json,
filt: opts.filters,
format: format,
opts: opts,
engine: this,
results: curFmt.files,
headFragment: opts.headFragment || ''
// Render the template
return this.generateSimple( ctx, jst );
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ Implementation of the 'build' verb for HackMyResume.
// Load the theme...
this.stat( HMEVENT.beforeTheme, { theme: _opts.theme });
var tFolder = verifyTheme.call( this, _opts.theme );
var theme = loadTheme( tFolder );
var theme = _opts.themeObj = loadTheme( tFolder );
this.stat( HMEVENT.afterTheme, { theme: theme });
// Check for invalid outputs...
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ Implementation of the 'build' verb for HackMyResume.
// Cherry-pick options //_opts = extend( true, _opts, opts );
_opts.theme = (opts.theme && opts.theme.toLowerCase().trim()) || 'modern';
_opts.prettify = opts.prettify === true;
_opts.css = opts.css || 'embed';
_opts.css = opts.css;
_opts.pdf = opts.pdf;
_opts.wrap = opts.wrap || 60;
_opts.stitles = opts.sectionTitles;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user