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synced 2024-12-26 06:47:22 +00:00
feat: support JSON Resume edge schema
This commit is contained in:
@ -109,22 +109,18 @@ Definition of the FRESHResume class.
Save the sheet to disk in a specific format, either FRESH or JSON Resume.
FreshResume.prototype.saveAs = function(filename, format, version) {
var freshVersionReg, newRep, parts, safeFormat, safeVersion;
safeFormat = (format || 'FRESH').trim();
safeVersion = version || "0";
freshVersionReg = require('../utils/fresh-version-regex');
if (!freshVersionReg().test(safeFormat)) {
throw {
badVer: safeFormat
FreshResume.prototype.saveAs = function(filename, format) {
var newRep, parts, safeFormat, useEdgeSchema;
safeFormat = (format && format.trim()) || 'FRESH';
parts = safeFormat.split('@');
if (parts[0] === 'FRESH') {
this.imp.file = filename || this.imp.file;
FS.writeFileSync(this.imp.file, this.stringify(), 'utf8');
} else if (parts[0] === 'JRS') {
newRep = CONVERTER.toJRS(this, null, parts.length > 1 ? parts[1] : "1.0.0");
useEdgeSchema = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1] === '1' : false;
newRep = CONVERTER.toJRS(this, {
edge: useEdgeSchema
FS.writeFileSync(filename, JRSResume.stringify(newRep), 'utf8');
} else {
throw {
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Implementation of the 'convert' verb for HackMyResume.
_convert = function(srcs, dst, opts) {
var fmtUp, freshVerRegex, matches, results, targetSchema, targetVer;
var fmtUp, results, targetVer;
if (!srcs || !srcs.length) {
this.err(HMSTATUS.resumeNotFound, {
quit: true
@ -68,16 +68,12 @@ Implementation of the 'convert' verb for HackMyResume.
targetVer = null;
if (opts.format) {
fmtUp = opts.format.trim().toUpperCase();
freshVerRegex = require('../utils/fresh-version-regex');
matches = fmtUp.match(freshVerRegex());
if (!matches) {
if (!_.contains(['FRESH', 'FRESCA', 'JRS', 'JRS@1', 'JRS@edge'], fmtUp)) {
this.err(HMSTATUS.invalidSchemaVersion, {
data: opts.format.trim(),
quit: true
targetSchema = matches[1];
targetVer = matches[2] || '1';
if (this.hasError()) {
@ -85,7 +81,7 @@ Implementation of the 'convert' verb for HackMyResume.
results = _.map(srcs, function(src, idx) {
var r;
r = _convertOne.call(this, src, dst, idx, targetSchema, targetVer);
r = _convertOne.call(this, src, dst, idx, fmtUp);
if (r.fluenterror) {
r.quit = opts.assert;
this.err(r.fluenterror, r);
@ -103,7 +99,7 @@ Implementation of the 'convert' verb for HackMyResume.
/** Private workhorse method. Convert a single resume. */
_convertOne = function(src, dst, idx, targetSchema, targetVer) {
_convertOne = function(src, dst, idx, targetSchema) {
var err, rez, rinfo, srcFmt, targetFormat;
rinfo = ResumeFactory.loadOne(src, {
format: null,
@ -140,7 +136,7 @@ Implementation of the 'convert' verb for HackMyResume.
dstFmt: targetFormat
try {
rez.saveAs(dst[idx], targetFormat, targetVer);
rez.saveAs(dst[idx], targetFormat);
} catch (_error) {
err = _error;
if (err.badVer) {
@ -94,11 +94,10 @@ class FreshResume# extends AbstractResume
Save the sheet to disk in a specific format, either FRESH or JSON Resume.
saveAs: ( filename, format, version ) ->
saveAs: ( filename, format ) ->
# If format isn't specified, default to FRESH
safeFormat = (format || 'FRESH').trim()
safeVersion = version || "0"
safeFormat = (format && format.trim()) || 'FRESH'
# Validate against the FRESH version regex
# freshVersionReg = require '../utils/fresh-version-regex'
@ -106,11 +105,14 @@ class FreshResume# extends AbstractResume
# throw badVer: safeFormat
parts = safeFormat.split '@'
if parts[0] == 'FRESH'
@imp.file = filename || @imp.file
FS.writeFileSync @imp.file, @stringify(), 'utf8'
else if parts[0] == 'JRS'
newRep = CONVERTER.toJRS @, null, if parts.length > 1 then parts[1] else "1"
useEdgeSchema = if parts.length > 1 then parts[1] == '1' else false
newRep = CONVERTER.toJRS @, edge: useEdgeSchema
FS.writeFileSync filename, JRSResume.stringify( newRep ), 'utf8'
throw badVer: safeFormat
@ -50,15 +50,17 @@ _convert = ( srcs, dst, opts ) ->
targetVer = null
if opts.format
fmtUp = opts.format.trim().toUpperCase()
freshVerRegex = require '../utils/fresh-version-regex'
matches = fmtUp.match freshVerRegex()
# null
# [ 'JRS@1.0', 'JRS', '1.0', index: 0, input: 'FRESH' ]
# [ 'FRESH', 'FRESH', undefined, index: 0, input: 'FRESH' ]
if not matches
if not _.contains ['FRESH','FRESCA','JRS','JRS@1','JRS@edge'], fmtUp
@err HMSTATUS.invalidSchemaVersion, data: opts.format.trim(), quit: true
targetSchema = matches[1]
targetVer = matches[2] || '1'
# freshVerRegex = require '../utils/fresh-version-regex'
# matches = fmtUp.match freshVerRegex()
# # null
# # [ 'JRS@1.0', 'JRS', '1.0', index: 0, input: 'FRESH' ]
# # [ 'FRESH', 'FRESH', undefined, index: 0, input: 'FRESH' ]
# if not matches
# @err HMSTATUS.invalidSchemaVersion, data: opts.format.trim(), quit: true
# targetSchema = matches[1]
# targetVer = matches[2] || '1'
# If any errors have occurred this early, we're done.
if @hasError()
@ -69,7 +71,7 @@ _convert = ( srcs, dst, opts ) ->
results = _.map srcs, ( src, idx ) ->
# Convert each resume in turn
r = _convertOne.call @, src, dst, idx, targetSchema, targetVer
r = _convertOne.call @, src, dst, idx, fmtUp
# Handle conversion errors
if r.fluenterror
@ -88,7 +90,7 @@ _convert = ( srcs, dst, opts ) ->
###* Private workhorse method. Convert a single resume. ###
_convertOne = (src, dst, idx, targetSchema, targetVer) ->
_convertOne = (src, dst, idx, targetSchema) ->
# Load the resume
rinfo = ResumeFactory.loadOne src,
@ -132,7 +134,7 @@ _convertOne = (src, dst, idx, targetSchema, targetVer) ->
# Save it to the destination format
rez.saveAs dst[idx], targetFormat, targetVer
rez.saveAs dst[idx], targetFormat
catch err
if err.badVer
return fluenterror: HMSTATUS.invalidSchemaVersion, quit: true, data: err.badVer
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