mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 18:55:32 +00:00
Start moving logging out of core.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
Event code definitions.
@module event-codes.js
@license MIT. See LICENSE.md for details.
var val = 0;
module.exports = {
unknown: 0,
unk: 0,
begin: 1,
end: 2,
beforeRead: 3,
afterRead: 4,
beforeCreate: 5,
bc: 5,
afterCreate: 6,
ac: 6,
beforeTheme: 7,
afterTheme: 8,
beforeMerge: 9,
afterMerge: 10,
beforeGenerate: 11,
afterGenerate: 12
@ -23,12 +23,28 @@ Definition of the Verb class.
var Verb = module.exports = Class.extend({
init: function() {
init: function( moniker ) {
this.moniker = moniker;
this.emitter = new EVENTS.EventEmitter();
on: function() {
this.emitter.on.apply( this.emitter, arguments );
fire: function(evtName, payload) {
payload = payload || { };
payload.cmd = this.moniker;
this.emitter.emit( 'hmr:' + evtName, payload );
return true;
stat: function( subEvent, payload ) {
payload = payload || { };
payload.cmd = this.moniker;
payload.sub = subEvent;
this.emitter.emit( 'hmr:status', payload );
return true;
@ -40,19 +40,17 @@ Definition of the HtmlPdfCLIGenerator class.
try {
var safe_eng = info.opts.pdf || 'wkhtmltopdf';
engines[ safe_eng ].call( this, info.mk, info.outputFile );
if( safe_eng !== 'none' )
engines[ safe_eng ].call( this, info.mk, info.outputFile );
return null; // halt further processing
catch(ex) {
// { [Error: write EPIPE] code: 'EPIPE', errno: 'EPIPE', ... }
// { [Error: ENOENT] }
throw ( ex.inner && ex.inner.code === 'ENOENT' ) ?
{ fluenterror: this.codes.notOnPath, inner: ex.inner, engine: ex.cmd,
stack: ex.inner && ex.inner.stack } :
{ fluenterror: this.codes.pdfGeneration, inner: ex.inner,
stack: ex.inner && ex.inner.stack };
{ fluenterror: this.codes.pdfGeneration, inner: ex, stack: ex.stack };
@ -169,6 +169,7 @@ Definition of the TemplateGenerator class. TODO: Refactor
{ outputFile: fileName, mk: file.data, opts: that.opts } );
catch(ex) {
require('../core/error-handler').err(ex, false);
@ -179,6 +180,7 @@ Definition of the TemplateGenerator class. TODO: Refactor
FS.copySync( file.info.path, thisFilePath );
catch(ex) {
ex.showStack = true;
require('../core/error-handler').err( ex );
@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
Definition of the `main` function.
@module main.js
@license MIT. See LICENSE.md for details.
Main function for HackMyResume
@license MIT. See LICENSE.md for details.
@module main.js
var HMR = require( './hackmyapi')
, PKG = require('../package.json')
, FS = require('fs')
@ -17,17 +17,21 @@
, chalk = require('chalk')
, PATH = require('path')
, HACKMYSTATUS = require('./core/status-codes')
, HME = require('./core/event-codes')
, safeLoadJSON = require('./utils/safe-json-loader')
, _opts = { }
, title = chalk.white.bold('\n*** HackMyResume v' + PKG.version + ' ***')
, StringUtils = require('./utils/string.js')
, _ = require('underscore')
, OUTPUT = require('./out')
, Command = require('commander').Command;
Kick off the HackMyResume application.
Main function for HackMyResume
@license MIT. See LICENSE.md for details.
@module main.js
var main = module.exports = function( args ) {
@ -117,8 +121,6 @@
Massage command-line args and setup Commander.js.
@ -163,11 +165,14 @@
Invoke a HackMyResume verb.
function execVerb( src, dst, opts, log ) {
loadOptions.call( this, opts );
require('./core/error-handler').init( _opts.debug );
loadOptions.call( this, opts );
require( './core/error-handler' ).init( _opts.debug );
var out = new OUTPUT( _opts );
var v = new HMR.verbs[ this.name() ]();
v.invoke.call( null, src, dst, _opts, log );
v.on( 'hmr:status', function() { out.do.apply( out, arguments ); });
v.invoke.call( v, src, dst, _opts, log );
@ -176,9 +181,7 @@
Initialize HackMyResume options.
function loadOptions( o ) {
o.opts = this.parent.opts;
// Load the specified options file (if any) and apply options
if( o.opts && String.is( o.opts )) {
var json = safeLoadJSON( PATH.relative( process.cwd(), o.opts ) );
@ -187,7 +190,6 @@
throw safeLoadJSON.error;
// Merge in command-line options
o = EXTEND( true, o, this.opts() );
o.silent = this.parent.silent;
@ -237,4 +239,6 @@
_opts.silent || console.log( msg );
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
Output routines for HackMyResume.
@license MIT. See LICENSE.md for details.
@module out.js
(function() {
var chalk = require('chalk')
, HME = require('./core/event-codes')
, _ = require('underscore')
, Class = require('./utils/class.js')
, PATH = require('path')
, pad = require('string-padding');
A stateful output handler.
var OutputHandler = module.exports = Class.extend({
init: function( opts ) {
this.opts = opts;
log: function( msg ) {
msg = msg || '';
this.opts.silent || console.log( msg );
do: function( evt ) {
switch( evt.sub ) {
case HME.beforeCreate:
this.log( chalk.green('Creating new ') +
chalk.green.bold(evt.cmd) +
chalk.green(' resume: ') + chalk.green.bold(evt.file));
case HME.afterTheme:
this.theme = evt.theme;
case HME.beforeMerge:
var msg = '';
evt.f.reverse().forEach( function( a, idx ) {
msg += ((idx === 0) ? chalk.cyan('Merging ') : chalk.cyan(' onto '))
+ chalk.cyan.bold(a.i().file);
this.log( msg );
case HME.afterMerge:
var numFormats = Object.keys(this.theme.formats).length;
this.log( chalk.yellow('Applying ') +
chalk.yellow.bold( this.theme.name.toUpperCase() ) +
chalk.yellow(' theme (' + numFormats + ' format' +
( evt.numFormats === 1 ? ')' : 's)') ));
case HME.end:
if( evt.cmd === 'build' ) {
var themeName = this.theme.name.toUpperCase();
if( this.opts.tips && (this.theme.message || this.theme.render) ) {
var WRAP = require('word-wrap');
if( this.theme.message ) {
this.log( WRAP( chalk.gray('The ' + themeName + ' theme says: "') +
chalk.white(this.theme.message) + chalk.gray('"'),
{ width: this.opts.wrap, indent: '' } ));
else if ( this.theme.render ) {
this.log( WRAP( chalk.gray('The ' + themeName +
' theme says: "') + chalk.white('For best results view JSON ' +
'Resume themes over a local or remote HTTP connection. For ' +
'example:'), { width: this.opts.wrap, indent: '' }
this.log( '');
' npm install http-server -g\r' +
' http-server <resume-folder>' );
this.log(chalk.white('For more information, see the README."'),
{ width: this.opts.wrap, indent: '' } );
case HME.beforeGenerate:
var suffix = '';
if( evt.fmt === 'pdf' ) {
if( this.opts.pdf ) {
if( this.opts.pdf !== 'none' ) {
suffix = chalk.green(' (with ' + this.opts.pdf + ')');
else {
this.log( chalk.gray('Skipping ') +
chalk.white.bold( pad(evt.fmt.toUpperCase(),4,null,pad.RIGHT)) +
chalk.gray(' resume') + suffix + chalk.green(': ') +
chalk.white( evt.file ));
this.log( chalk.green('Generating ') +
pad(evt.fmt.toUpperCase(),4,null,pad.RIGHT)) +
chalk.green(' resume') + suffix + chalk.green(': ') +
chalk.green.bold( PATH.relative(process.cwd(), evt.file )) );
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ Implementation of the 'generate' verb for HackMyResume.
, MKDIRP = require('mkdirp')
, EXTEND = require('../utils/extend')
, HACKMYSTATUS = require('../core/status-codes')
, HME = require('../core/event-codes')
, parsePath = require('parse-filepath')
, _opts = require('../core/default-options')
, FluentTheme = require('../core/fresh-theme')
@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ Implementation of the 'generate' verb for HackMyResume.
var BuildVerb = module.exports = Verb.extend({
init: function() {
invoke: function() {
@ -52,12 +53,15 @@ Implementation of the 'generate' verb for HackMyResume.
function build( src, dst, opts, logger, errHandler ) {
this.stat( HME.begin );
prep( src, dst, opts, logger, errHandler );
// Load the theme...we do this first because the theme choice (FRESH or
// JSON Resume) determines what format we'll convert the resume to.
var tFolder = verifyTheme( _opts.theme );
var theme = loadTheme( tFolder );
this.stat( HME.afterTheme, { theme: theme });
// Check for invalid outputs
var inv = verifyOutputs( dst, theme );
@ -73,53 +77,26 @@ Implementation of the 'generate' verb for HackMyResume.
}).map(function(sh){ return sh.rez; });
// Merge input resumes...
var msg = '';
(sheets.length > 1) && this.stat( HME.beforeMerge, { f: _.clone(sheets) });
rez = _.reduceRight( sheets, function( a, b, idx ) {
msg += ((idx == sheets.length - 2) ?
chalk.cyan('Merging ') + chalk.cyan.bold(a.i().file) : '') +
chalk.cyan(' onto ') + chalk.cyan.bold(b.i().file);
return extend( true, b, a );
msg && _log(msg);
(sheets.length > 1) && this.stat( HME.afterMerge, { r: rez } );
// Output theme messages
var numFormats = Object.keys(theme.formats).length;
var themeName = theme.name.toUpperCase();
_log( chalk.yellow('Applying ') + chalk.yellow.bold(themeName) +
chalk.yellow(' theme (' + numFormats + ' format' +
( numFormats === 1 ? ')' : 's)') ));
// Expand output resumes...
var targets = expand( dst, theme );
// Run the transformation!
targets.forEach( function(t) {
t.final = single( t, theme, targets );
if( _opts.tips && (theme.message || theme.render) ) {
var WRAP = require('word-wrap');
if( theme.message ) {
_log( WRAP( chalk.gray('The ' + themeName +
' theme says: "') + chalk.white(theme.message) + chalk.gray('"'),
{ width: _opts.wrap, indent: '' } ));
else {
_log( WRAP( chalk.gray('The ' + themeName +
' theme says: "') + chalk.white('For best results view JSON Resume ' +
'themes over a local or remote HTTP connection. For example:'),
{ width: _opts.wrap, indent: '' }
' npm install http-server -g\r' +
' http-server <resume-folder>' );
_log(chalk.white('For more information, see the README."'),
{ width: _opts.wrap, indent: '' } );
_.each(targets, function(t) {
t.final = single.call( this, t, theme, targets );
}, this);
this.stat( HME.end );
// Don't send the client back empty-handed
return { sheet: rez, targets: targets, processed: targets };
@ -172,28 +149,10 @@ Implementation of the 'generate' verb for HackMyResume.
, fName = PATH.basename(f, '.' + fType)
, theFormat;
var suffix = '';
if( targInfo.fmt.outFormat === 'pdf' ) {
if( _opts.pdf ) {
if( _opts.pdf !== 'none' ) {
suffix = chalk.green(' (with ' + _opts.pdf + ')');
else {
_log( chalk.gray('Skipping ') +
pad(targInfo.fmt.outFormat.toUpperCase(),4,null,pad.RIGHT)) +
chalk.gray(' resume') + suffix + chalk.green(': ') +
chalk.white( PATH.relative(process.cwd(), f )) );
_log( chalk.green('Generating ') +
pad(targInfo.fmt.outFormat.toUpperCase(),4,null,pad.RIGHT)) +
chalk.green(' resume') + suffix + chalk.green(': ') +
chalk.green.bold( PATH.relative(process.cwd(), f )) );
this.stat( HME.beforeGenerate, {
fmt: targInfo.fmt.outFormat,
file: PATH.relative(process.cwd(), f)
// If targInfo.fmt.files exists, this format is backed by a document.
// Fluent/FRESH themes are handled here.
@ -4,17 +4,28 @@ Implementation of the 'create' verb for HackMyResume.
@license MIT. See LICENSE.md for details.
var MKDIRP = require('mkdirp')
, PATH = require('path')
, chalk = require('chalk')
, Verb = require('../core/verb')
, HACKMYSTATUS = require('../core/status-codes');
, _ = require('underscore')
, HACKMYSTATUS = require('../core/status-codes')
, HME = require('../core/event-codes');
var CreateVerb = module.exports = Verb.extend({
init: function() {
invoke: function() {
create.apply( this, arguments );
@ -22,21 +33,27 @@ Implementation of the 'create' verb for HackMyResume.
Create a new empty resume in either FRESH or JRS format.
function create( src, dst, opts, logger ) {
var _log = logger || console.log;
if( !src || !src.length ) throw { fluenterror: HACKMYSTATUS.createNameMissing };
src.forEach( function( t ) {
var safeFormat = opts.format.toUpperCase();
_log(chalk.green('Creating new ') + chalk.green.bold(safeFormat) +
chalk.green(' resume: ') + chalk.green.bold(t));
function create( src, dst, opts/*, logger*/ ) {
if(!src || !src.length) throw {fluenterror: HACKMYSTATUS.createNameMissing};
this.stat( HME.begin );
_.each( src, function( t ) {
var safeFmt = opts.format.toUpperCase();
this.fireStat( HME.bc, { fmt: safeFmt, file: t } );
MKDIRP.sync( PATH.dirname( t ) ); // Ensure dest folder exists;
var RezClass = require('../core/' + safeFormat.toLowerCase() + '-resume' );
var RezClass = require('../core/' + safeFmt.toLowerCase() + '-resume' );
//FLUENT[ safeFormat + 'Resume' ].default().save( t );
this.fireStat( HME.ac, { fmt: safeFmt, file: t } );
}, this);
this.stat( HME.end );
Reference in New Issue
Block a user