mirror of https://github.com/JuanCanham/HackMyResume.git synced 2025-02-22 18:35:29 +00:00

refactor: remove AbstractResume base class

(1) AbstractResume adds complexity without contributing utility. There's not
really a clean "class" abstraction in JavaScript to begin with; CoffeeScript
classes, as nice as they are syntactically, occlude the issue even further.

(2) AbstractResume currently functions as a container for exactly two functions
which arguably should live outside the resume class anyway.
This commit is contained in:
hacksalot 2018-02-04 22:49:58 -05:00
parent 2767b16b47
commit 8dca5b76e7
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 2F343EC247CA4B06
10 changed files with 223 additions and 249 deletions

View File

@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
Definition of the AbstractResume class.
@license MIT. See LICENSE.md for details.
@module core/abstract-resume
(function() {
var AbstractResume, FluentDate, _, __;
_ = require('underscore');
__ = require('lodash');
FluentDate = require('./fluent-date');
AbstractResume = (function() {
function AbstractResume() {}
Compute the total duration of the work history.
@returns The total duration of the sheet's work history, that is, the number
of years between the start date of the earliest job on the resume and the
*latest end date of all jobs in the work history*. This last condition is for
sheets that have overlapping jobs.
AbstractResume.prototype.duration = function(collKey, startKey, endKey, unit) {
var firstDate, hist, lastDate, new_e;
unit = unit || 'years';
hist = __.get(this, collKey);
if (!hist || !hist.length) {
return 0;
new_e = hist.map(function(job) {
var obj;
obj = _.pick(job, [startKey, endKey]);
if (!_.has(obj, endKey)) {
obj[endKey] = 'current';
if (obj && (obj[startKey] || obj[endKey])) {
obj = _.pairs(obj);
obj[0][1] = FluentDate.fmt(obj[0][1]);
if (obj.length > 1) {
obj[1][1] = FluentDate.fmt(obj[1][1]);
return obj;
new_e = _.filter(_.flatten(new_e, true), function(v) {
return v && v.length && v[0] && v[0].length;
if (!new_e || !new_e.length) {
return 0;
new_e = _.sortBy(new_e, function(elem) {
return elem[1].unix();
firstDate = _.first(new_e)[1];
lastDate = _.last(new_e)[1];
return lastDate.diff(firstDate, unit);
Removes ignored or private fields from a resume object
@returns an object with the following structure:
scrubbed: the processed resume object
ignoreList: an array of ignored nodes that were removed
privateList: an array of private nodes that were removed
AbstractResume.prototype.scrubResume = function(rep, opts) {
var ignoreList, includePrivates, privateList, scrubbed, traverse;
traverse = require('traverse');
ignoreList = [];
privateList = [];
includePrivates = opts && opts["private"];
scrubbed = traverse(rep).map(function() {
if (!this.isLeaf) {
if (this.node.ignore === true || this.node.ignore === 'true') {
} else if ((this.node["private"] === true || this.node["private"] === 'true') && !includePrivates) {
if (_.isArray(this.node)) {
this.after(function() {
return {
scrubbed: scrubbed,
ingoreList: ignoreList,
privateList: privateList
return AbstractResume;
module.exports = AbstractResume;
//# sourceMappingURL=abstract-resume.js.map

View File

@ -6,9 +6,7 @@ Definition of the FRESHResume class.
(function() {
var AbstractResume, CONVERTER, FS, FluentDate, FreshResume, JRSResume, MD, PATH, XML, _, __, _parseDates, extend, moment, validator,
extend1 = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },
hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;
var CONVERTER, FS, FluentDate, FreshResume, JRSResume, MD, PATH, XML, _, __, _parseDates, extend, moment, validator;
FS = require('fs');
@ -34,8 +32,6 @@ Definition of the FRESHResume class.
FluentDate = require('./fluent-date');
AbstractResume = require('./abstract-resume');
A FRESH resume or CV. FRESH resumes are backed by JSON, and each FreshResume
@ -43,12 +39,8 @@ Definition of the FRESHResume class.
FreshResume = (function(superClass) {
extend1(FreshResume, superClass);
function FreshResume() {
return FreshResume.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
FreshResume = (function() {
function FreshResume() {}
/** Initialize the the FreshResume from JSON string data. */
@ -77,9 +69,10 @@ Definition of the FRESHResume class.
FreshResume.prototype.parseJSON = function(rep, opts) {
var ignoreList, privateList, ref, ref1, scrubbed;
var ignoreList, privateList, ref, ref1, scrubbed, scrubber;
if (opts && opts.privatize) {
ref = this.scrubResume(rep, opts), scrubbed = ref.scrubbed, ignoreList = ref.ignoreList, privateList = ref.privateList;
scrubber = require('../utils/resume-scrubber');
ref = scrubber.scrubResume(rep, opts), scrubbed = ref.scrubbed, ignoreList = ref.ignoreList, privateList = ref.privateList;
extend(true, this, opts && opts.privatize ? scrubbed : rep);
if (!((ref1 = this.imp) != null ? ref1.processed : void 0)) {
@ -368,7 +361,9 @@ Definition of the FRESHResume class.
FreshResume.prototype.duration = function(unit) {
return FreshResume.__super__.duration.call(this, 'employment.history', 'start', 'end', unit);
var inspector;
inspector = require('../inspectors/duration-inspector');
return inspector.run(this, 'employment.history', 'start', 'end', unit);
@ -415,7 +410,7 @@ Definition of the FRESHResume class.
return FreshResume;

View File

@ -6,9 +6,7 @@ Definition of the JRSResume class.
(function() {
var AbstractResume, CONVERTER, FS, JRSResume, MD, PATH, _, _parseDates, extend, moment, validator,
extend1 = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },
hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;
var CONVERTER, FS, JRSResume, MD, PATH, _, _parseDates, extend, moment, validator;
FS = require('fs');
@ -26,8 +24,6 @@ Definition of the JRSResume class.
moment = require('moment');
AbstractResume = require('./abstract-resume');
A JRS resume or CV. JRS resumes are backed by JSON, and each JRSResume object
@ -35,14 +31,10 @@ Definition of the JRSResume class.
@class JRSResume
JRSResume = (function(superClass) {
JRSResume = (function() {
var clear;
extend1(JRSResume, superClass);
function JRSResume() {
return JRSResume.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
function JRSResume() {}
/** Initialize the the JSResume from string. */
@ -71,10 +63,11 @@ Definition of the JRSResume class.
JRSResume.prototype.parseJSON = function(rep, opts) {
var ignoreList, privateList, ref, ref1, scrubbed;
var ignoreList, privateList, ref, ref1, scrubbed, scrubber;
opts = opts || {};
if (opts.privatize) {
ref = this.scrubResume(rep, opts), scrubbed = ref.scrubbed, ignoreList = ref.ignoreList, privateList = ref.privateList;
scrubber = require('../utils/resume-scrubber');
ref = scrubber.scrubResume(rep, opts), scrubbed = ref.scrubbed, ignoreList = ref.ignoreList, privateList = ref.privateList;
extend(true, this, opts.privatize ? scrubbed : rep);
if (!((ref1 = this.imp) != null ? ref1.processed : void 0)) {
@ -239,7 +232,9 @@ Definition of the JRSResume class.
JRSResume.prototype.duration = function(unit) {
return JRSResume.__super__.duration.call(this, 'work', 'startDate', 'endDate', unit);
var inspector;
inspector = require('../inspectors/duration-inspector');
return inspector.run(this, 'work', 'startDate', 'endDate', unit);
@ -339,7 +334,7 @@ Definition of the JRSResume class.
return JRSResume;
/** Get the default (empty) sheet. */

dist/inspectors/duration-inspector.js vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
(function() {
var FluentDate, _;
FluentDate = require('../core/fluent-date');
_ = require('underscore');
module.exports = {
Compute the total duration of the work history.
@returns The total duration of the sheet's work history, that is, the number
of years between the start date of the earliest job on the resume and the
*latest end date of all jobs in the work history*. This last condition is for
sheets that have overlapping jobs.
run: function(rez, collKey, startKey, endKey, unit) {
var firstDate, hist, lastDate, new_e;
unit = unit || 'years';
hist = __.get(rez, collKey);
if (!hist || !hist.length) {
return 0;
new_e = hist.map(function(job) {
var obj;
obj = _.pick(job, [startKey, endKey]);
if (!_.has(obj, endKey)) {
obj[endKey] = 'current';
if (obj && (obj[startKey] || obj[endKey])) {
obj = _.pairs(obj);
obj[0][1] = FluentDate.fmt(obj[0][1]);
if (obj.length > 1) {
obj[1][1] = FluentDate.fmt(obj[1][1]);
return obj;
new_e = _.filter(_.flatten(new_e, true), function(v) {
return v && v.length && v[0] && v[0].length;
if (!new_e || !new_e.length) {
return 0;
new_e = _.sortBy(new_e, function(elem) {
return elem[1].unix();
firstDate = _.first(new_e)[1];
lastDate = _.last(new_e)[1];
return lastDate.diff(firstDate, unit);
//# sourceMappingURL=duration-inspector.js.map

dist/utils/resume-scrubber.js vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
(function() {
module.exports = {
Removes ignored or private fields from a resume object
@returns an object with the following structure:
scrubbed: the processed resume object
ignoreList: an array of ignored nodes that were removed
privateList: an array of private nodes that were removed
scrubResume: function(rep, opts) {
var ignoreList, includePrivates, privateList, scrubbed, traverse;
traverse = require('traverse');
ignoreList = [];
privateList = [];
includePrivates = opts && opts["private"];
scrubbed = traverse(rep).map(function() {
if (!this.isLeaf) {
if (this.node.ignore === true || this.node.ignore === 'true') {
} else if ((this.node["private"] === true || this.node["private"] === 'true') && !includePrivates) {
if (_.isArray(this.node)) {
this.after(function() {
return {
scrubbed: scrubbed,
ingoreList: ignoreList,
privateList: privateList
//# sourceMappingURL=resume-scrubber.js.map

View File

@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
Definition of the AbstractResume class.
@license MIT. See LICENSE.md for details.
@module core/abstract-resume
_ = require 'underscore'
__ = require 'lodash'
FluentDate = require('./fluent-date')
class AbstractResume
Compute the total duration of the work history.
@returns The total duration of the sheet's work history, that is, the number
of years between the start date of the earliest job on the resume and the
*latest end date of all jobs in the work history*. This last condition is for
sheets that have overlapping jobs.
duration: (collKey, startKey, endKey, unit) ->
unit = unit || 'years'
hist = __.get @, collKey
return 0 if !hist or !hist.length
# BEGIN CODE DUPLICATION --> src/inspectors/gap-inspector.coffee (TODO)
# Convert the candidate's employment history to an array of dates,
# where each element in the array is a start date or an end date of a
# job -- it doesn't matter which.
new_e = hist.map ( job ) ->
obj = _.pick( job, [startKey, endKey] )
# Synthesize an end date if this is a "current" gig
obj[endKey] = 'current' if !_.has obj, endKey
if obj && (obj[startKey] || obj[endKey])
obj = _.pairs obj
obj[0][1] = FluentDate.fmt( obj[0][1] )
if obj.length > 1
obj[1][1] = FluentDate.fmt( obj[1][1] )
# Flatten the array, remove empties, and sort
new_e = _.filter _.flatten( new_e, true ), (v) ->
return v && v.length && v[0] && v[0].length
return 0 if !new_e or !new_e.length
new_e = _.sortBy new_e, ( elem ) -> return elem[1].unix()
firstDate = _.first( new_e )[1];
lastDate = _.last( new_e )[1];
lastDate.diff firstDate, unit
Removes ignored or private fields from a resume object
@returns an object with the following structure:
scrubbed: the processed resume object
ignoreList: an array of ignored nodes that were removed
privateList: an array of private nodes that were removed
scrubResume: (rep, opts) ->
traverse = require 'traverse'
ignoreList = []
privateList = []
includePrivates = opts && opts.private
scrubbed = traverse( rep ).map () -> # [^1]
if !@isLeaf
if @node.ignore == true || @node.ignore == 'true'
ignoreList.push @node
else if (@node.private == true || @node.private == 'true') && !includePrivates
privateList.push @node
if _.isArray(@node) # [^2]
@after () ->
@update _.compact this.node
scrubbed: scrubbed
ingoreList: ignoreList
privateList: privateList
module.exports = AbstractResume
# [^1]: As of v0.6.6, the NPM traverse library has a quirk when attempting
# to remove array elements directly using traverse's `this.remove`. See:
# https://github.com/substack/js-traverse/issues/48
# [^2]: The workaround is to use traverse's 'this.delete' to nullify the value
# first, followed by removal with something like _.compact.
# https://github.com/substack/js-traverse/issues/48#issuecomment-142607200

View File

@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ MD = require 'marked'
CONVERTER = require 'fresh-jrs-converter'
JRSResume = require './jrs-resume'
FluentDate = require './fluent-date'
AbstractResume = require './abstract-resume'
@ -27,7 +26,7 @@ A FRESH resume or CV. FRESH resumes are backed by JSON, and each FreshResume
object is an instantiation of that JSON decorated with utility methods.
class FreshResume extends AbstractResume
class FreshResume# extends AbstractResume
@ -55,7 +54,8 @@ class FreshResume extends AbstractResume
if opts and opts.privatize
# Ignore any element with the 'ignore: true' or 'private: true' designator.
{ scrubbed, ignoreList, privateList } = @scrubResume rep, opts
scrubber = require '../utils/resume-scrubber'
{ scrubbed, ignoreList, privateList } = scrubber.scrubResume rep, opts
# Now apply the resume representation onto this object
extend true, @, if opts and opts.privatize then scrubbed else rep
@ -299,7 +299,9 @@ class FreshResume extends AbstractResume
duration: (unit) ->
super('employment.history', 'start', 'end', unit)
inspector = require '../inspectors/duration-inspector'
inspector.run @, 'employment.history', 'start', 'end', unit

View File

@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ PATH = require('path')
MD = require('marked')
CONVERTER = require('fresh-jrs-converter')
moment = require('moment')
AbstractResume = require('./abstract-resume')
@ -22,7 +21,7 @@ A JRS resume or CV. JRS resumes are backed by JSON, and each JRSResume object
is an instantiation of that JSON decorated with utility methods.
@class JRSResume
class JRSResume extends AbstractResume
class JRSResume# extends AbstractResume
@ -49,8 +48,9 @@ class JRSResume extends AbstractResume
parseJSON: ( rep, opts ) ->
opts = opts || { };
if opts.privatize
scrubber = require '../utils/resume-scrubber'
# Ignore any element with the 'ignore: true' or 'private: true' designator.
{ scrubbed, ignoreList, privateList } = @scrubResume rep, opts
{ scrubbed, ignoreList, privateList } = scrubber.scrubResume rep, opts
# Extend resume properties onto ourself.
extend true, this, if opts.privatize then scrubbed else rep
@ -188,7 +188,8 @@ class JRSResume extends AbstractResume
duration: (unit) ->
super('work', 'startDate', 'endDate', unit)
inspector = require '../inspectors/duration-inspector';
inspector.run @, 'work', 'startDate', 'endDate', unit

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
FluentDate = require '../core/fluent-date'
_ = require 'underscore'
module.exports =
Compute the total duration of the work history.
@returns The total duration of the sheet's work history, that is, the number
of years between the start date of the earliest job on the resume and the
*latest end date of all jobs in the work history*. This last condition is for
sheets that have overlapping jobs.
run: (rez, collKey, startKey, endKey, unit) ->
unit = unit || 'years'
hist = __.get rez, collKey
return 0 if !hist or !hist.length
# BEGIN CODE DUPLICATION --> src/inspectors/gap-inspector.coffee (TODO)
# Convert the candidate's employment history to an array of dates,
# where each element in the array is a start date or an end date of a
# job -- it doesn't matter which.
new_e = hist.map ( job ) ->
obj = _.pick( job, [startKey, endKey] )
# Synthesize an end date if this is a "current" gig
obj[endKey] = 'current' if !_.has obj, endKey
if obj && (obj[startKey] || obj[endKey])
obj = _.pairs obj
obj[0][1] = FluentDate.fmt( obj[0][1] )
if obj.length > 1
obj[1][1] = FluentDate.fmt( obj[1][1] )
# Flatten the array, remove empties, and sort
new_e = _.filter _.flatten( new_e, true ), (v) ->
return v && v.length && v[0] && v[0].length
return 0 if !new_e or !new_e.length
new_e = _.sortBy new_e, ( elem ) -> return elem[1].unix()
firstDate = _.first( new_e )[1];
lastDate = _.last( new_e )[1];
lastDate.diff firstDate, unit

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
module.exports =
Removes ignored or private fields from a resume object
@returns an object with the following structure:
scrubbed: the processed resume object
ignoreList: an array of ignored nodes that were removed
privateList: an array of private nodes that were removed
scrubResume: (rep, opts) ->
traverse = require 'traverse'
ignoreList = []
privateList = []
includePrivates = opts && opts.private
scrubbed = traverse( rep ).map () -> # [^1]
if !@isLeaf
if @node.ignore == true || @node.ignore == 'true'
ignoreList.push @node
else if (@node.private == true || @node.private == 'true') && !includePrivates
privateList.push @node
if _.isArray(@node) # [^2]
@after () ->
@update _.compact this.node
scrubbed: scrubbed
ingoreList: ignoreList
privateList: privateList
# [^1]: As of v0.6.6, the NPM traverse library has a quirk when attempting
# to remove array elements directly using traverse's `this.remove`. See:
# https://github.com/substack/js-traverse/issues/48
# [^2]: The workaround is to use traverse's 'this.delete' to nullify the value
# first, followed by removal with something like _.compact.
# https://github.com/substack/js-traverse/issues/48#issuecomment-142607200