mirror of https://github.com/JuanCanham/HackMyResume.git synced 2025-02-23 02:45:30 +00:00

Adjust CSS file handling by generators.

This commit is contained in:
devlinjd 2015-11-05 00:57:57 -05:00
parent 537bd4a7b9
commit aa0ef4e8a4
3 changed files with 93 additions and 88 deletions

View File

@ -1,32 +1,40 @@
HTML resume generator for FluentCV.
@license Copyright (c) 2015 by James M. Devlin. All rights reserved.
@license Copyright (c) 2015 James M. Devlin / FluentDesk
var TemplateGenerator = require('./template-generator');
var FS = require('fs-extra');
var HTML = require( 'html' );
(function() {
var HtmlGenerator = module.exports = TemplateGenerator.extend({
var TemplateGenerator = require('./template-generator')
, FS = require('fs-extra')
, HTML = require( 'html' )
, PATH = require('path');
init: function() {
this._super( 'html' );
var HtmlGenerator = module.exports = TemplateGenerator.extend({
Generate an HTML resume with optional pretty printing.
onBeforeSave: function( mk, theme, outputFile ) {
var themeFile = theme.getFormat('html').path;
var cssSrc = themeFile.replace( /.html$/g, '.css' );
var cssDst = outputFile.replace( /.html$/g, '.css' );
var that = this;
FS.copySync( cssSrc, cssDst, { clobber: true }, function( e ) {
throw { fluenterror: that.codes.copyCss, data: [cssSrc,cssDst] };
init: function() {
this._super( 'html' );
return this.opts.prettify ?
HTML.prettyPrint( mk, this.opts.prettify ) : mk;
Copy satellite CSS files to the destination and optionally pretty-print
the HTML resume prior to saving.
onBeforeSave: function( info ) {
var cssSrc = PATH.join( info.theme.folder, 'templates', '*.css' )
, outFolder = PATH.parse( info.outputFile ).dir, that = this;
info.theme.cssFiles.forEach( function( f ) {
var fi = PATH.parse( f[1].path );
FS.copySync( f[1].path, PATH.join( outFolder, fi.base ), { clobber: true }, function( e ) {
throw { fluenterror: that.codes.copyCss, data: [cssSrc,cssDst] };
return this.opts.prettify ?
HTML.prettyPrint( info.mk, this.opts.prettify ) : info.mk;

View File

@ -1,74 +1,71 @@
HTML-based PDF resume generator for FluentCV.
@license Copyright (c) 2015 by James M. Devlin. All rights reserved.
Definition of the HtmlPdfGenerator class.
@license Copyright (c) 2015 James M. Devlin / FluentDesk
var TemplateGenerator = require('./template-generator');
var FS = require('fs-extra');
var HTML = require( 'html' );
(function() {
var HtmlPdfGenerator = module.exports = TemplateGenerator.extend({
init: function() {
this._super( 'pdf', 'html' );
var TemplateGenerator = require('./template-generator')
, FS = require('fs-extra')
, HTML = require( 'html' );
Generate an HTML resume with optional pretty printing.
TODO: Avoid copying the CSS file to dest if we don't need to.
An HTML-based PDF resume generator for FluentCV.
onBeforeSave: function( mk, themeFile, outputFile ) {
// var cssSrc = themeFile.replace( /pdf\.html$/gi, 'html.css' );
// var cssDst = outputFile.replace( /\.pdf$/gi, '.css' );
// var that = this;
// FS.copySync( cssSrc, cssDst, { clobber: true }, function( e ) {
// if( e ) that.err( "Couldn't copy CSS file to destination: " + e);
// });
// return true ?
// HTML.prettyPrint( mk, { indent_size: 2 } ) : mk;
var HtmlPdfGenerator = module.exports = TemplateGenerator.extend({
pdf(mk, outputFile);
return mk;
init: function() {
this._super( 'pdf', 'html' );
Generate a PDF from HTML.
function pdf( markup, fOut ) {
var pdfCount = 0;
if( false ) { //( _opts.pdf === 'phantom' || _opts.pdf == 'all' ) {
require('phantom').create( function( ph ) {
ph.createPage( function( page ) {
page.setContent( markup );
page.set('paperSize', {
format: 'A4',
orientation: 'portrait',
margin: '1cm'
page.set("viewportSize", {
width: 1024, // TODO: option-ify
height: 768 // TODO: Use "A" sizes
page.set('onLoadFinished', function(success) {
page.render( fOut );
{ dnodeOpts: { weak: false } } );
if( true ) { // _opts.pdf === 'wkhtmltopdf' || _opts.pdf == 'all' ) {
var fOut2 = fOut;
if( pdfCount == 1 ) {
fOut2 = fOut2.replace(/\.pdf$/g, '.b.pdf');
Generate the binary PDF.
onBeforeSave: function( info ) {
pdf(info.mk, info.outputFile);
return mk;
require('wkhtmltopdf')( markup, { pageSize: 'letter' } )
.pipe( FS.createWriteStream( fOut2 ) );
Generate a PDF from HTML.
function pdf( markup, fOut ) {
var pdfCount = 0;
if( false ) { //( _opts.pdf === 'phantom' || _opts.pdf == 'all' ) {
require('phantom').create( function( ph ) {
ph.createPage( function( page ) {
page.setContent( markup );
page.set('paperSize', {
format: 'A4',
orientation: 'portrait',
margin: '1cm'
page.set("viewportSize", {
width: 1024, // TODO: option-ify
height: 768 // TODO: Use "A" sizes
page.set('onLoadFinished', function(success) {
page.render( fOut );
{ dnodeOpts: { weak: false } } );
if( true ) { // _opts.pdf === 'wkhtmltopdf' || _opts.pdf == 'all' ) {
var fOut2 = fOut;
if( pdfCount == 1 ) {
fOut2 = fOut2.replace(/\.pdf$/g, '.b.pdf');
require('wkhtmltopdf')( markup, { pageSize: 'letter' } )
.pipe( FS.createWriteStream( fOut2 ) );

View File

@ -89,11 +89,11 @@ var TemplateGenerator = module.exports = BaseGenerator.extend({
// Load theme and CSS data
var tplFolder = PATH.join( tFolder, 'templates' );
var curFmt = theme.getFormat( this.format );
var ctx = { file: curFmt.css ? curFmt.cssPath : null, data: curFmt.css || null };
var cssInfo = { file: curFmt.css ? curFmt.cssPath : null, data: curFmt.css || null };
// Compile and invoke the template!
var mk = this.single( rez, curFmt.data, this.format, ctx, opts );
this.onBeforeSave && (mk = this.onBeforeSave( mk, theme, f ));
var mk = this.single( rez, curFmt.data, this.format, cssInfo, opts );
this.onBeforeSave && (mk = this.onBeforeSave( { mk: mk, theme: theme, outputFile: f } ));
FS.writeFileSync( f, mk, { encoding: 'utf8', flags: 'w' } );