mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 04:05:35 +00:00
Numerous fixes.
This commit is contained in:
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Definition of the JRSResume class.
JRSResume = (function(superClass) {
var clear, format;
var clear;
extend1(JRSResume, superClass);
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ Definition of the JRSResume class.
/** Return the resume format. */
format = function() {
JRSResume.prototype.format = function() {
return 'JRS';
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Definition of the JRSTheme class.
action: 'transform',
render: this.render,
major: true,
primary: true,
ext: 'html',
css: null
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ Definition of the JRSTheme class.
action: 'transform',
render: this.render,
major: true,
primary: true,
ext: 'pdf',
css: null
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Definition of the HtmlPdfCLIGenerator class.
HtmlPdfCLIGenerator.prototype.onBeforeSave = function(info) {
var safe_eng;
if (info.ext !== 'html') {
if (info.ext !== 'html' && info.ext !== 'pdf') {
return info.mk;
safe_eng = info.opts.pdf || 'wkhtmltopdf';
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Definition of the JsonGenerator class.
(function() {
var BaseGenerator, FS, JsonGenerator, _,
var BaseGenerator, FJCV, FS, JsonGenerator, _,
extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },
hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;
@ -16,8 +16,10 @@ Definition of the JsonGenerator class.
_ = require('underscore');
FJCV = require('fresh-jrs-converter');
/** The JsonGenerator generates a JSON resume directly. */
/** The JsonGenerator generates a FRESH or JRS resume as an output. */
module.exports = JsonGenerator = (function(superClass) {
extend(JsonGenerator, superClass);
@ -26,20 +28,10 @@ Definition of the JsonGenerator class.
JsonGenerator.__super__.constructor.call(this, 'json');
JsonGenerator.prototype.keys = ['imp', 'warnings', 'computed', 'filt', 'ctrl', 'index', 'safeStartDate', 'safeEndDate', 'safeDate', 'safeReleaseDate', 'result', 'isModified', 'htmlPreview', 'safe'];
JsonGenerator.prototype.invoke = function(rez) {
var replacer;
replacer = function(key, value) {
if (_.some(this.keys, function(val) {
return key.trim() === val;
})) {
return void 0;
} else {
return value;
return JSON.stringify(rez, replacer, 2);
var altRez;
altRez = FJCV['to' + (rez.format() === 'FRESH' ? 'JRS' : 'FRESH')](rez);
return altRez = FJCV.toSTRING(altRez);
JsonGenerator.prototype.generate = function(rez, f) {
@ -84,6 +84,7 @@
"devDependencies": {
"chai": "*",
"dir-compare": "0.0.2",
"fresh-test-resumes": "^0.6.0",
"grunt": "*",
"grunt-cli": "^0.1.13",
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ class JRSResume extends AbstractResume
###* Return the resume format. ###
format = () -> 'JRS'
format: () -> 'JRS'
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class JRSTheme
files: [{
action: 'transform',
render: this.render,
major: true,
primary: true,
ext: 'html',
css: null
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class JRSTheme
files: [{
action: 'transform',
render: this.render,
major: true,
primary: true,
ext: 'pdf',
css: null
@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ module.exports = class HtmlPdfCLIGenerator extends TemplateGenerator
###* Generate the binary PDF. ###
onBeforeSave: ( info ) ->
return info.mk if info.ext != 'html'
#console.dir _.omit( info, 'mk' ), depth: null, colors: true
return info.mk if info.ext != 'html' and info.ext != 'pdf'
safe_eng = info.opts.pdf || 'wkhtmltopdf'
safe_eng = 'phantomjs' if safe_eng == 'phantom'
if _.has engines, safe_eng
@ -7,27 +7,19 @@ Definition of the JsonGenerator class.
BaseGenerator = require './base-generator'
FS = require 'fs'
_ = require 'underscore'
FJCV = require 'fresh-jrs-converter'
###* The JsonGenerator generates a JSON resume directly. ###
###* The JsonGenerator generates a FRESH or JRS resume as an output. ###
module.exports = class JsonGenerator extends BaseGenerator
constructor: () -> super 'json'
keys: ['imp', 'warnings', 'computed', 'filt', 'ctrl', 'index',
'safeStartDate', 'safeEndDate', 'safeDate', 'safeReleaseDate', 'result',
'isModified', 'htmlPreview', 'safe' ]
invoke: ( rez ) ->
# TODO: merge with FCVD
replacer = ( key,value ) -> # Exclude these keys from stringification
if (_.some @keys, (val) -> key.trim() == val)
return undefined
JSON.stringify rez, replacer, 2
altRez = FJCV[ 'to' + if rez.format() == 'FRESH' then 'JRS' else 'FRESH' ] rez
altRez = FJCV.toSTRING( altRez )
generate: ( rez, f ) ->
FS.writeFileSync( f, this.invoke(rez), 'utf8' )
FS.writeFileSync f, @invoke(rez), 'utf8'
@ -232,7 +232,6 @@ _single = ( targInfo, theme, finished ) ->
# Otherwise this is an ad-hoc format (JSON, YML, or PNG) that every theme
# gets "for free".
theFormat = _fmts.filter( (fmt) ->
return fmt.name == targInfo.fmt.outFormat
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
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the PDF case, <main> for the HTML case, and style both via an ID. */
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hr {
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a:hover {
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display: inline-block;
background: #7eb0db;
color: white;
font-size: 0.9em;
padding: 5px;
border: 1px solid #357ebd;
border-radius: 5px;
margin-top: 2px;
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position: relative;
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margin-bottom: 10px;
border-width: 1px 0 0 0;
.card {
background: #FFF;
border-radius: 3px;
padding: 10px;
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border-radius: 3px;
position: absolute;
top: 10px;
bottom: 10px;
left: 0;
width: 10px;
box-shadow: inset 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
.skill-level .skill-progress {
position: absolute;
border-radius: 3px;
bottom: 0;
width: 100%;
-webkit-transition: height 1s ease;
.skill-level .skill-progress.beginner {
height: 50%;
background: #e74c3c;
.skill-level .skill-progress.intermediate {
height: 70%;
background: #f1c40f;
.skill-level .skill-progress.advanced {
height: 80%;
background: #428bca;
.skill-level .skill-progress.master {
height: 95%;
background: #5cb85c;
.skill-info {
margin-left: 10px;
@media (max-width: 480px) {
.skill-info {
margin-left: 20px;
.list-unstyled {
padding-left: 0;
list-style: none;
.card-skills {
position: relative;
.space-top {
margin-top: 10px;
#container {
max-width: 800px;
margin: 0 auto;
#elevator-pitch {
text-align: center;
font-size: 24px;
color: #BFC1C3;
text-transform: uppercase;
font-weight: normal;
.res-label {
font-style: italic;
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,756 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Jane Q. Fullstacker</title>
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rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
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body.pdf {
background-color: #FFFFFF;
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the PDF case, <main> for the HTML case, and style both via an ID. */
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background-color: #FFF;
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display: inline-block;
background: #7eb0db;
color: white;
font-size: 0.9em;
padding: 5px;
border: 1px solid #357ebd;
border-radius: 5px;
margin-top: 2px;
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position: relative;
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margin-bottom: 10px;
border-width: 1px 0 0 0;
.card {
background: #FFF;
border-radius: 3px;
padding: 10px;
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border-radius: 3px;
position: absolute;
top: 10px;
bottom: 10px;
left: 0;
width: 10px;
box-shadow: inset 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
.skill-level .skill-progress {
position: absolute;
border-radius: 3px;
bottom: 0;
width: 100%;
-webkit-transition: height 1s ease;
.skill-level .skill-progress.beginner {
height: 50%;
background: #e74c3c;
.skill-level .skill-progress.intermediate {
height: 70%;
background: #f1c40f;
.skill-level .skill-progress.advanced {
height: 80%;
background: #428bca;
.skill-level .skill-progress.master {
height: 95%;
background: #5cb85c;
.skill-info {
margin-left: 10px;
@media (max-width: 480px) {
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margin: 0 auto;
#elevator-pitch {
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font-size: 24px;
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text-transform: uppercase;
font-weight: normal;
.res-label {
font-style: italic;
<main id="main">
<div id="container">
<h1>Jane Q. Fullstacker</h1>
<div id="contact"></div>
<section id="summary">
<header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-info"></span>
</header> <strong>Imaginary full-stack software developer with 6+ years industry experience</strong> specializing
in scalable cloud architectures for this, that, and the other. A native
of southern CA, Jane enjoys hiking, mystery novels, and the company of
Rufus, her two-year-old beagle.</section>
<section id="skills">
</header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-code"></span>
<ul class="list-unstyled">
<li class="card card-nested card-skills">
<div class="skill-level" rel="tooltip" title="advanced" data-placement="left">
<div class="skill-progress advanced"></div>
<div class="skill-info"> <strong>Web</strong>
<div class="space-top labels"> <span class="label label-keyword">JavaScript</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">HTML 5</span>
class="label label-keyword">CSS</span> <span class="label label-keyword">LAMP</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">MVC</span>
class="label label-keyword">REST</span>
<li class="card card-nested card-skills">
<div class="skill-level" rel="tooltip" title="master" data-placement="left">
<div class="skill-progress master"></div>
<div class="skill-info"> <strong>JavaScript</strong>
<div class="space-top labels"> <span class="label label-keyword">Node.js</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">Angular.js</span>
class="label label-keyword">jQuery</span> <span class="label label-keyword">Bootstrap</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">React.js</span>
class="label label-keyword">Backbone.js</span>
<li class="card card-nested card-skills">
<div class="skill-level" rel="tooltip" title="intermediate" data-placement="left">
<div class="skill-progress intermediate"></div>
<div class="skill-info"> <strong>Database</strong>
<div class="space-top labels"> <span class="label label-keyword">MySQL</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">PostgreSQL</span>
class="label label-keyword">NoSQL</span> <span class="label label-keyword">ORM</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">Hibernate</span>
<li class="card card-nested card-skills">
<div class="skill-level" rel="tooltip" title="intermediate" data-placement="left">
<div class="skill-progress intermediate"></div>
<div class="skill-info"> <strong>Cloud</strong>
<div class="space-top labels"> <span class="label label-keyword">AWS</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">EC2</span>
class="label label-keyword">RDS</span> <span class="label label-keyword">S3</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">Azure</span>
class="label label-keyword">Dropbox</span>
<li class="card card-nested card-skills">
<div class="skill-level" rel="tooltip" title="beginner" data-placement="left">
<div class="skill-progress beginner"></div>
<div class="skill-info"> <strong>Project</strong>
<div class="space-top labels"> <span class="label label-keyword">Agile</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">TFS</span>
class="label label-keyword">Unified Process</span> <span class="label label-keyword">MS Project</span>
<section id="employment">
<header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-building"></span>
<h3><em>Head Code Ninja</em>,
<a href="https://onecool.io/does-not-exist">One Cool Startup</a>
<span class="tenure">2013-09 — Current</span>
| <span class="keywords">Agile PM Amazon Web Services AWS </span>
<p>Development team manager for <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaporware">OneCoolApp</a> and
OneCoolWebsite, a free social network tiddlywink generator and lifestyle
portal with over 200,000 users.</p>
<li>Managed a 5-person development team</li>
<li>Accomplishment 2</li>
<h3><em>Principal Developer</em>,
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Better_Off_Ted#Plot">Veridian Dynamics</a>
<span class="tenure">2011-07 — 2013-08</span>
| <span class="keywords">C++ C Linux </span>
<p>Developer on numerous projects culminating in technical lead role for
the <a href="http://betteroffted.wikia.com/wiki/Jabberwocky">Jabberwocky project</a> and
promotion to principal developer.</p>
<li>Managed a 5-person development team</li>
<li>Accomplishment 2</li>
<h3><em>IT Administrator</em>,
Stark Industries
<span class="tenure">2008-10 — 2011-06</span>
| <span class="keywords">Novell Active Directory Linux Windows </span>
<p>Junior programmer with heavy code responsibilities. Promoted to intermediate
role after 6 months.</p>
<li>Promoted to intermediate developer after 6 months</li>
<li>Accomplishment 2</li>
Dunder Mifflin
<span class="tenure">2008-06 — 2008-09</span>
| <span class="keywords">Novell Active Directory Linux Windows </span>
<p>Performed IT administration and deployments for Dunder Mifflin.</p>
<li>Supervised roll-out of Dunder Mifflin Infinity website.</li>
<li>Performed mission-critical system backups and</li>
<section id="projects">
<header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-star"></span>
<a href="http://please.hackmyresume.com">HackMyResume</a>
<span class="tenure">2015-09 — Current</span>
| <span class="keywords">JavaScript Node.js cross-platform JSON </span>
<p>Exemplar user for HackMyResume and FluentCV!</p>
<a href="http://project.website.com">Augmented Android</a>
<span class="tenure">2012-02 — 2014-01</span>
| <span class="keywords">Android Java Xamarin </span>
<p>Performed flagship product conceptualization and development.</p>
<a href="http://myblog.jane.com/blog">Blog</a>
<span class="keywords">Jekyll Ruby HTML 5 JavaScript HTTP LAMP </span>
<p>Conceptualization, design, development, and deployment.</p>
<section id="education">
<header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-mortar-board"></span>
<a href="https://www.cornell.edu/">Cornell University</a>
<span class="tenure">2005-09 — 2008-05</span>
| <span class="keywords">Course 1 Course 2 Course 2 </span>
<p>A multiline summary of the education.</p>
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medfield_College">Medfield College</a>
<span class="tenure">2003-09 — 2005-06</span>
| <span class="keywords">Course 1 Course 2 Course 2 </span>
<p>A multiline summary of the education.</p>
<section id="governance">
<header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-balance-scale"></span>
<a href="http://themommiesnetwork.org">The Mommies Network</a>
<span class="tenure">2008-02 — 2010-01</span>
<p>Since 2008 I've been a full-time member of the board of directors
for TMN.</p>
<h3><em>Academic Contributor</em>,
<a href="https://www.khronos.org">Khronos Group</a>
<span class="tenure">2015-01 — Current</span>
<li>Participated in GORFF standardization process (Draft 2).</li>
<section id="service">
<header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-child"></span>
<h3><em>Technical Consultant</em>,
<a href="http://technology-for-tots.org">Technology for Tots</a>
<span class="tenure">2003-11 — 2005-06</span>
<p>Summary of this volunteer stint.</p>
<li>Accomplishment 1</li>
<li>Accomplishment 2</li>
<a href="http://www.usar.army.mil/">US Army Reserves</a>
<span class="tenure">1999-11 — 2003-06</span>
<p>Summary of this military stint.</p>
<li>Accomplishment 1</li>
<li>Accomplishment 2</li>
<section id="affiliation">
<header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-share-alt"></span>
<a href="https://www.ieee.org/index.html">IEEE</a>
<span class="tenure">2013-06 — Current</span>
<p>Member in good standing since 2013-06.</p>
<a href="https://developer.apple.com/">Apple Developer Network</a>
<span class="tenure">??? — Current</span>
<p>Member of the <a href="https://developer.apple.com/">Apple Developer program</a> since
<a href="https://msdn.microsoft.com">MSDN</a>
<span class="tenure">2010-01 — Current</span>
<p>Super-Ultra-gold level Ultimate Access MSDN subscriber package with subscription
toaster and XBox ping pong racket.</p>
Campus Coder's Meetup
<span class="tenure">2003-02 — 2004-04</span>
<p>Host of a monthly <strong>campus-wide meetup for CS students</strong>.
Code, coffee, and crullers!</p>
<section id="samples">
<header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-share"></span>
<a href="http://janef.me/asteroids">Asteroids</a>
<span class="tenure">2014-09</span>
<p>A browser-based space shooter built on Three.js.</p>
<a href="https://rememberpedia.com">Rememberpedia</a>
<span class="tenure">2015-07</span>
<p>A website to help you remember things.</p>
<section id="writing">
<header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-pencil"></span>
<h3><em><a href="http://codeproject.com/build-ui-electron-atom.aspx">Building User Interfaces with Electron and Atom</a></em>,
Code Project</h3>
<span class="tenure">2011</span>
<h3><em><a href="http://janef.me">Jane Fullstacker's Blog</a></em>,
<span class="tenure">2011</span>
<h3><em><a href="http://url.to.publication.com/blah">Teach Yourself GORFF in 21 Days</a></em>,
<span class="tenure">2008</span>
<p>A primer on the programming language of GORFF, whose for loops are coterminous
with all of time and space.</p>
<section id="reading">
<header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-book"></span>
<h3><em><a href="http://www.cc2e.com/Default.aspx">Code Complete</a></em>, Steve McConnell</h3>
<span class="tenure">2016</span>
<h3><em><a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/">r/programming</a></em></h3>
<span class="tenure">2016</span>
<h3><em><a href="https://news.ycombinator.com/">Hacker News / YCombinator</a></em></h3>
<span class="tenure">2016</span>
<h3><em><a href="http://www.codinghorror.com">Coding Horror</a></em>, Jeff Atwood</h3>
<span class="tenure">2016</span>
<section id="recognition">
<header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-trophy"></span>
<h3><em>Honorable Mention</em>, Google</h3>
<span class="tenure">2012</span>
<h3><em>Summa cum laude</em>, Cornell University</h3>
<span class="tenure">2012</span>
<section id="speaking">
<header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-users"></span>
<h3><em>Data Warehousing Evolved: DARMA 2.0</em>, OPENSTART 2013 Developer's Conference</h3>
<span class="tenure">2012</span>
<li>Won 'Best Presentation on an Emerging Technical Field' prize.</li>
<section id="testimonials">
<header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-quote-left"></span>
<h3><em>John Davidson</em></h3>
<p>Jane is awesome! I'd hire her again in a heartbeat.</p>
<h3><em>Elias Fullstacker</em></h3>
<p>I worked with Jane on Jabberwocky and can vouch for her awesome technical
capabilities and attention to detail. Insta-hire.</p>
<h3><em>Dana Nevins</em></h3>
<p>I've known Jane personally and professionally for almost ten years.
She is one in a million.</p>
<section id="references">
<header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-thumbs-o-up"></span>
<h3><em>John Davidson</em></h3>
<section id="interests">
<header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-bicycle"></span>
<span class="tenure">2016</span>
<p>Jane is a fan of mystery novels and courtroom dramas including Agatha
Christie and John Grisham.</p>
<span class="tenure">2016</span>
<p>Jane enjoys hiking, light mountain climbing, and has four summits under
her belt!</p>
<span class="tenure">2016</span>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
"basics": {
"name": "Jane Q. Fullstacker",
"label": "Senior Developer",
"summary": "**Imaginary full-stack software developer with 6+ years industry experience** specializing in scalable cloud architectures for this, that, and the other. A native of southern CA, Jane enjoys hiking, mystery novels, and the company of Rufus, her two-year-old beagle.",
"website": "http://janef.me/blog",
"phone": "1-650-999-7777",
"email": "jdoe@onecoolstartup.io",
"picture": "jane_doe.png",
"location": {
"address": "Jane Fullstacker\n123 Somewhere Rd.\nMountain View, CA 94035",
"postalCode": "94035",
"city": "Mountain View",
"countryCode": "US",
"region": "CA"
"profiles": [
"network": "GitHub",
"username": "janef-was-here",
"url": "https://github.com/janef-was-here"
"network": "Twitter",
"username": "janef-was-here",
"url": "https://twitter.com/janef-was-here"
"work": [
"company": "One Cool Startup",
"website": "https://onecool.io/does-not-exist",
"position": "Head Code Ninja",
"startDate": "2013-09",
"summary": "Development team manager for [OneCoolApp](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaporware) and OneCoolWebsite, a free social network tiddlywink generator and lifestyle portal with over 200,000 users.",
"highlights": [
"Managed a 5-person development team",
"Accomplishment 2",
"company": "Veridian Dynamics",
"website": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Better_Off_Ted#Plot",
"position": "Principal Developer",
"startDate": "2011-07",
"endDate": "2013-08",
"summary": "Developer on numerous projects culminating in technical lead role for the [Jabberwocky project](http://betteroffted.wikia.com/wiki/Jabberwocky) and promotion to principal developer.",
"highlights": [
"Managed a 5-person development team",
"Accomplishment 2",
"company": "Stark Industries",
"position": "IT Administrator",
"startDate": "2008-10",
"endDate": "2011-06",
"summary": "Junior programmer with heavy code responsibilities. Promoted to intermediate role after 6 months.",
"highlights": [
"Promoted to intermediate developer after 6 months",
"Accomplishment 2",
"company": "Dunder Mifflin",
"position": "Intern",
"startDate": "2008-06",
"endDate": "2008-09",
"summary": "Performed IT administration and deployments for Dunder Mifflin.",
"highlights": [
"Supervised roll-out of Dunder Mifflin Infinity website.",
"Performed mission-critical system backups and ",
"education": [
"institution": "Cornell University",
"gpa": "3.5",
"courses": [
"Course 1",
"Course 2",
"Course 2"
"startDate": "2005-09",
"endDate": "2008-05"
"institution": "Medfield College",
"gpa": "3.2",
"courses": [
"Course 1",
"Course 2",
"Course 2"
"startDate": "2003-09",
"endDate": "2005-06"
"skills": [
"name": "Web",
"level": "advanced",
"keywords": [
"HTML 5",
"name": "JavaScript",
"level": "master",
"keywords": [
"name": "Database",
"level": "intermediate",
"keywords": [
"name": "Cloud",
"level": "intermediate",
"keywords": [
"name": "Project",
"level": "beginner",
"keywords": [
"Unified Process",
"MS Project"
"volunteer": [
"flavor": "volunteer",
"organization": "Technology for Tots",
"position": "Technical Consultant",
"startDate": "2003-11",
"endDate": "2005-06",
"website": "http://technology-for-tots.org",
"summary": "Summary of this volunteer stint.",
"highlights": [
"Accomplishment 1",
"Accomplishment 2",
"flavor": "military",
"organization": "US Army Reserves",
"position": "NCO",
"startDate": "1999-11",
"endDate": "2003-06",
"website": "http://www.usar.army.mil/",
"summary": "Summary of this military stint.",
"highlights": [
"Accomplishment 1",
"Accomplishment 2",
"awards": [
"flavor": "award",
"title": "Honorable Mention",
"date": "2012",
"awarder": "Google"
"flavor": "honor",
"title": "Summa cum laude",
"date": "2012",
"awarder": "Cornell University"
"publications": [
"name": "Building User Interfaces with Electron and Atom",
"publisher": "Code Project",
"releaseDate": "2011",
"website": "http://codeproject.com/build-ui-electron-atom.aspx"
"name": "Jane Fullstacker's Blog",
"publisher": "self",
"releaseDate": "2011",
"website": "http://janef.me"
"name": "Teach Yourself GORFF in 21 Days",
"publisher": "Amazon",
"releaseDate": "2008",
"website": "http://url.to.publication.com/blah",
"summary": "A primer on the programming language of GORFF, whose for loops are coterminous with all of time and space."
"interests": [
"name": "reading",
"summary": "Jane is a fan of mystery novels and courtroom dramas including Agatha Christie and John Grisham.",
"keywords": [
"Agatha Christie",
"John Grisham"
"name": "hiking",
"summary": "Jane enjoys hiking, light mountain climbing, and has four summits under her belt!"
"name": "yoga"
"references": [
"name": "John Davidson",
"reference": "Jane is awesome! I'd hire her again in a heartbeat."
"name": "Elias Fullstacker",
"reference": "I worked with Jane on Jabberwocky and can vouch for her awesome technical capabilities and attention to detail. Insta-hire."
"name": "Dana Nevins",
"reference": "I've known Jane personally and professionally for almost ten years. She is one in a million."
"languages": [
"language": "English",
"level": "Native"
"language": "Spanish",
"level": "Moderate",
"years": 10
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
Jane Q. Fullstacker
Email: jdoe@onecoolstartup.io
Tel: 1-650-999-7777
Web: http://janef.me/blog
**Imaginary full-stack software developer with 6+ years industry experience** specializing in scalable cloud architectures for this, that, and the other. A native of southern CA, Jane enjoys hiking, mystery novels, and the company of Rufus, her two-year-old beagle.
- Web: JavaScript HTML 5 CSS LAMP MVC REST
- JavaScript: Node.js Angular.js jQuery Bootstrap React.js Backbone.js
- Database: MySQL PostgreSQL NoSQL ORM Hibernate
- Cloud: AWS EC2 RDS S3 Azure Dropbox
- Project: Agile TFS Unified Process MS Project
### *Head Code Ninja*, [One Cool Startup](https://onecool.io/does-not-exist) (2013-09 — 2016-02)
Development team manager for [OneCoolApp](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaporware) and OneCoolWebsite, a free social network tiddlywink generator and lifestyle portal with over 200,000 users.
- Managed a 5-person development team
- Accomplishment 2
- Etc.
### *Principal Developer*, [Veridian Dynamics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Better_Off_Ted#Plot) (2011-07 — 2013-08)
Developer on numerous projects culminating in technical lead role for the [Jabberwocky project](http://betteroffted.wikia.com/wiki/Jabberwocky) and promotion to principal developer.
- Managed a 5-person development team
- Accomplishment 2
- Etc.
### *IT Administrator*, Stark Industries (2008-10 — 2011-06)
Junior programmer with heavy code responsibilities. Promoted to intermediate role after 6 months.
- Promoted to intermediate developer after 6 months
- Accomplishment 2
- Etc.
### *Intern*, Dunder Mifflin (2008-06 — 2008-09)
Performed IT administration and deployments for Dunder Mifflin.
- Supervised roll-out of Dunder Mifflin Infinity website.
- Performed mission-critical system backups and
- Etc.
### *Contributor*, [HackMyResume](http://please.hackmyresume.com) (2015-09 — 2016-02)
A resume authoring and analysis tool for OS X, Linux, and Windows.
Exemplar user for HackMyResume and FluentCV!
### *Co-creator*, [Augmented Android](http://project.website.com) (2012-02 — 2014-01)
An augmented reality app for Android.
Performed flagship product conceptualization and development.
### *Creator*, [Blog](http://myblog.jane.com/blog) (2016-02 — 2016-02)
My programming blog. Powered by Jekyll.
Conceptualization, design, development, and deployment.
### *Member*, [The Mommies Network](http://themommiesnetwork.org)
Since 2008 I've been a full-time member of the board of directors for TMN.
### *Academic Contributor*, [Khronos Group](https://www.khronos.org)
- Participated in GORFF standardization process (Draft 2).
### [Cornell University](https://www.cornell.edu/) (2005-09 — 2008-05)
A multiline summary of the education.
### [Medfield College](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medfield_College) (2003-09 — 2005-06)
A multiline summary of the education.
### *Member*, [IEEE](https://www.ieee.org/index.html) (2013-06 — Current)
Member in good standing since 2013-06.
### *Member*, [Apple Developer Network](https://developer.apple.com/) (??? — Current)
Member of the [Apple Developer program](https://developer.apple.com/) since 2008.
### *Subscriber*, [MSDN](https://msdn.microsoft.com) (2010-01 — Current)
Super-Ultra-gold level Ultimate Access MSDN subscriber package with subscription toaster and XBox ping pong racket.
### *Coordinator*, Campus Coder's Meetup (2003-02 — 2004-04)
Host of a monthly **campus-wide meetup for CS students**. Code, coffee, and crullers!
### [Asteroids](http://janef.me/asteroids) (2014-09)
A browser-based space shooter built on Three.js.
### [Rememberpedia](https://rememberpedia.com) (2015-07)
A website to help you remember things.
### [Building User Interfaces with Electron and Atom](http://codeproject.com/build-ui-electron-atom.aspx) (2011-01)
### [Jane Fullstacker's Blog](http://janef.me) (2011-01)
### [Teach Yourself GORFF in 21 Days](http://url.to.publication.com/blah) (2008-01)
A primer on the programming language of GORFF, whose for loops are coterminous with all of time and space.
### [*Code Complete*](http://www.cc2e.com/Default.aspx), Steve McConnell
### [*r/programming*](https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/)
### [*Hacker News / YCombinator*](https://news.ycombinator.com/)
### [*Coding Horror*](http://www.codinghorror.com), Jeff Atwood
### *Technical Consultant*, [Technology for Tots](http://technology-for-tots.org) (2003-11 — 2005-06)
Summary of this volunteer stint.
- Accomplishment 1
- Accomplishment 2
- etc
### *NCO*, [US Army Reserves](http://www.usar.army.mil/) (1999-11 — 2003-06)
Summary of this military stint.
- Accomplishment 1
- Accomplishment 2
- etc
### Honorable Mention, Google
### Summa cum laude, Cornell University
### *Data Warehousing Evolved: DARMA 2.0*, OPENSTART 2013 Developer's Conference (2012)
- Won 'Best Presentation on an Emerging Technical Field' prize.
### *John Davidson*
Mobile: 9-(999)-999-9999
Work email: jdavidson@veridiandynamics.com
- READING: mystery Agatha Christie John Grisham
Jane is a fan of mystery novels and courtroom dramas including Agatha Christie and John Grisham.
Jane enjoys hiking, light mountain climbing, and has four summits under her belt!
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,759 @@
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<main id="main">
<div id="container">
<h1>Jane Q. Fullstacker</h1>
<div id="contact">
<section id="summary">
<span class="fa fa-lg fa-info"></span> <h2>info</h2>
<strong>Imaginary full-stack software developer with 6+ years industry experience</strong> specializing in scalable cloud architectures for this, that, and the other. A native of southern CA, Jane enjoys hiking, mystery novels, and the company of Rufus, her two-year-old beagle.
<section id="skills">
<span class="fa fa-lg fa-code"></span>
<ul class="list-unstyled">
<li class="card card-nested card-skills">
<div class="skill-level" rel="tooltip" title="advanced" data-placement="left">
<div class="skill-progress advanced"></div>
<div class="skill-info">
<div class="space-top labels">
<span class="label label-keyword">JavaScript</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">HTML 5</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">CSS</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">LAMP</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">MVC</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">REST</span>
<li class="card card-nested card-skills">
<div class="skill-level" rel="tooltip" title="master" data-placement="left">
<div class="skill-progress master"></div>
<div class="skill-info">
<div class="space-top labels">
<span class="label label-keyword">Node.js</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">Angular.js</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">jQuery</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">Bootstrap</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">React.js</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">Backbone.js</span>
<li class="card card-nested card-skills">
<div class="skill-level" rel="tooltip" title="intermediate" data-placement="left">
<div class="skill-progress intermediate"></div>
<div class="skill-info">
<div class="space-top labels">
<span class="label label-keyword">MySQL</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">PostgreSQL</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">NoSQL</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">ORM</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">Hibernate</span>
<li class="card card-nested card-skills">
<div class="skill-level" rel="tooltip" title="intermediate" data-placement="left">
<div class="skill-progress intermediate"></div>
<div class="skill-info">
<div class="space-top labels">
<span class="label label-keyword">AWS</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">EC2</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">RDS</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">S3</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">Azure</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">Dropbox</span>
<li class="card card-nested card-skills">
<div class="skill-level" rel="tooltip" title="beginner" data-placement="left">
<div class="skill-progress beginner"></div>
<div class="skill-info">
<div class="space-top labels">
<span class="label label-keyword">Agile</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">TFS</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">Unified Process</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">MS Project</span>
<section id="employment">
<span class="fa fa-lg fa-building"></span> <h2>employment</h2>
<h3><em>Head Code Ninja</em>,
<a href="https://onecool.io/does-not-exist">One Cool Startup</a>
<span class="tenure">2013-09 — Current</span>
| <span class="keywords">Agile PM Amazon Web Services AWS </span>
<p><p>Development team manager for <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaporware">OneCoolApp</a> and OneCoolWebsite, a free social network tiddlywink generator and lifestyle portal with over 200,000 users.</p>
<li>Managed a 5-person development team</li>
<li>Accomplishment 2</li>
<h3><em>Principal Developer</em>,
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Better_Off_Ted#Plot">Veridian Dynamics</a>
<span class="tenure">2011-07 — 2013-08</span>
| <span class="keywords">C++ C Linux </span>
<p><p>Developer on numerous projects culminating in technical lead role for the <a href="http://betteroffted.wikia.com/wiki/Jabberwocky">Jabberwocky project</a> and promotion to principal developer.</p>
<li>Managed a 5-person development team</li>
<li>Accomplishment 2</li>
<h3><em>IT Administrator</em>,
Stark Industries
<span class="tenure">2008-10 — 2011-06</span>
| <span class="keywords">Novell Active Directory Linux Windows </span>
<p><p>Junior programmer with heavy code responsibilities. Promoted to intermediate role after 6 months.</p>
<li>Promoted to intermediate developer after 6 months</li>
<li>Accomplishment 2</li>
Dunder Mifflin
<span class="tenure">2008-06 — 2008-09</span>
| <span class="keywords">Novell Active Directory Linux Windows </span>
<p><p>Performed IT administration and deployments for Dunder Mifflin.</p>
<li>Supervised roll-out of Dunder Mifflin Infinity website.</li>
<li>Performed mission-critical system backups and </li>
<section id="projects">
<span class="fa fa-lg fa-star"></span> <h2>projects</h2>
<a href="http://please.hackmyresume.com">HackMyResume</a>
<span class="tenure">2015-09 — Current</span>
| <span class="keywords">JavaScript Node.js cross-platform JSON </span>
<p>Exemplar user for HackMyResume and FluentCV!</p>
<a href="http://project.website.com">Augmented Android</a>
<span class="tenure">2012-02 — 2014-01</span>
| <span class="keywords">Android Java Xamarin </span>
<p>Performed flagship product conceptualization and development.</p>
<a href="http://myblog.jane.com/blog">Blog</a>
<span class="keywords">Jekyll Ruby HTML 5 JavaScript HTTP LAMP </span>
<p>Conceptualization, design, development, and deployment.</p>
<section id="education">
<span class="fa fa-lg fa-mortar-board"></span> <h2>education</h2>
<a href="https://www.cornell.edu/">Cornell University</a>
<span class="tenure">2005-09 — 2008-05</span>
| <span class="keywords">Course 1 Course 2 Course 2 </span>
<p>A multiline summary of the education.</p>
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medfield_College">Medfield College</a>
<span class="tenure">2003-09 — 2005-06</span>
| <span class="keywords">Course 1 Course 2 Course 2 </span>
<p>A multiline summary of the education.</p>
<section id="governance">
<span class="fa fa-lg fa-balance-scale"></span> <h2>governance</h2>
<a href="http://themommiesnetwork.org">The Mommies Network</a>
<span class="tenure">2008-02 — 2010-01</span>
<p>Since 2008 I've been a full-time member of the board of directors for TMN.</p>
<h3><em>Academic Contributor</em>,
<a href="https://www.khronos.org">Khronos Group</a>
<span class="tenure">2015-01 — Current</span>
<li>Participated in GORFF standardization process (Draft 2).</li>
<section id="service">
<span class="fa fa-lg fa-child"></span> <h2>service</h2>
<h3><em>Technical Consultant</em>,
<a href="http://technology-for-tots.org">Technology for Tots</a>
<span class="tenure">2003-11 — 2005-06</span>
<p><p>Summary of this volunteer stint.</p>
<li>Accomplishment 1</li>
<li>Accomplishment 2</li>
<a href="http://www.usar.army.mil/">US Army Reserves</a>
<span class="tenure">1999-11 — 2003-06</span>
<p><p>Summary of this military stint.</p>
<li>Accomplishment 1</li>
<li>Accomplishment 2</li>
<section id="affiliation">
<span class="fa fa-lg fa-share-alt"></span> <h2>affiliation</h2>
<a href="https://www.ieee.org/index.html">IEEE</a>
<span class="tenure">2013-06 — Current</span>
<p>Member in good standing since 2013-06.</p>
<a href="https://developer.apple.com/">Apple Developer Network</a>
<span class="tenure">??? — Current</span>
<p>Member of the <a href="https://developer.apple.com/">Apple Developer program</a> since 2008.</p>
<a href="https://msdn.microsoft.com">MSDN</a>
<span class="tenure">2010-01 — Current</span>
<p>Super-Ultra-gold level Ultimate Access MSDN subscriber package with subscription toaster and XBox ping pong racket.</p>
Campus Coder's Meetup
<span class="tenure">2003-02 — 2004-04</span>
<p>Host of a monthly <strong>campus-wide meetup for CS students</strong>. Code, coffee, and crullers!</p>
<section id="samples">
<span class="fa fa-lg fa-share"></span> <h2>samples</h2>
<a href="http://janef.me/asteroids">Asteroids</a>
<span class="tenure">2014-09</span>
<p>A browser-based space shooter built on Three.js.</p>
<a href="https://rememberpedia.com">Rememberpedia</a>
<span class="tenure">2015-07</span>
<p>A website to help you remember things.</p>
<section id="writing">
<span class="fa fa-lg fa-pencil"></span> <h2>writing</h2>
<h3><em><a href="http://codeproject.com/build-ui-electron-atom.aspx">Building User Interfaces with Electron and Atom</a></em>,
Code Project</h3>
<span class="tenure">2011</span>
<h3><em><a href="http://janef.me">Jane Fullstacker's Blog</a></em>,
<span class="tenure">2011</span>
<h3><em><a href="http://url.to.publication.com/blah">Teach Yourself GORFF in 21 Days</a></em>,
<span class="tenure">2008</span>
<p>A primer on the programming language of GORFF, whose for loops are coterminous with all of time and space.</p>
<section id="reading">
<span class="fa fa-lg fa-book"></span> <h2>reading</h2>
<h3><em><a href="http://www.cc2e.com/Default.aspx">Code Complete</a></em>, Steve McConnell</h3>
<span class="tenure">2016</span>
<h3><em><a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/">r/programming</a></em></h3>
<span class="tenure">2016</span>
<h3><em><a href="https://news.ycombinator.com/">Hacker News / YCombinator</a></em></h3>
<span class="tenure">2016</span>
<h3><em><a href="http://www.codinghorror.com">Coding Horror</a></em>, Jeff Atwood</h3>
<span class="tenure">2016</span>
<section id="recognition">
<span class="fa fa-lg fa-trophy"></span> <h2>recognition</h2>
<h3><em>Honorable Mention</em>, Google</h3>
<span class="tenure">2012</span>
<h3><em>Summa cum laude</em>, Cornell University</h3>
<span class="tenure">2012</span>
<section id="speaking">
<span class="fa fa-lg fa-users"></span> <h2>speaking</h2>
<h3><em>Data Warehousing Evolved: DARMA 2.0</em>, OPENSTART 2013 Developer's Conference</h3>
<span class="tenure">2012</span>
<li>Won 'Best Presentation on an Emerging Technical Field' prize.</li>
<section id="testimonials">
<span class="fa fa-lg fa-quote-left"></span> <h2>testimonials</h2>
<h3><em>John Davidson</em></h3>
<p>Jane is awesome! I'd hire her again in a heartbeat.</p>
<h3><em>Elias Fullstacker</em></h3>
<p>I worked with Jane on Jabberwocky and can vouch for her awesome technical capabilities and attention to detail. Insta-hire.</p>
<h3><em>Dana Nevins</em></h3>
<p>I've known Jane personally and professionally for almost ten years. She is one in a million.</p>
<section id="references">
<span class="fa fa-lg fa-thumbs-o-up"></span> <h2>references</h2>
<h3><em>John Davidson</em></h3>
<section id="interests">
<span class="fa fa-lg fa-bicycle"></span> <h2>interests</h2>
<span class="tenure">2016</span>
<p>Jane is a fan of mystery novels and courtroom dramas including Agatha Christie and John Grisham.</p>
<span class="tenure">2016</span>
<p>Jane enjoys hiking, light mountain climbing, and has four summits under her belt!</p>
<span class="tenure">2016</span>
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<h1>Jane Q. Fullstacker</h1>
<div id="contact"></div>
<section id="summary">
<header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-info"></span>
</header> <strong>Imaginary full-stack software developer with 6+ years industry experience</strong> specializing
in scalable cloud architectures for this, that, and the other. A native
of southern CA, Jane enjoys hiking, mystery novels, and the company of
Rufus, her two-year-old beagle.</section>
<section id="skills">
</header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-code"></span>
<ul class="list-unstyled">
<li class="card card-nested card-skills">
<div class="skill-level" rel="tooltip" title="advanced" data-placement="left">
<div class="skill-progress advanced"></div>
<div class="skill-info"> <strong>Web</strong>
<div class="space-top labels"> <span class="label label-keyword">JavaScript</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">HTML 5</span>
class="label label-keyword">CSS</span> <span class="label label-keyword">LAMP</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">MVC</span>
class="label label-keyword">REST</span>
<li class="card card-nested card-skills">
<div class="skill-level" rel="tooltip" title="master" data-placement="left">
<div class="skill-progress master"></div>
<div class="skill-info"> <strong>JavaScript</strong>
<div class="space-top labels"> <span class="label label-keyword">Node.js</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">Angular.js</span>
class="label label-keyword">jQuery</span> <span class="label label-keyword">Bootstrap</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">React.js</span>
class="label label-keyword">Backbone.js</span>
<li class="card card-nested card-skills">
<div class="skill-level" rel="tooltip" title="intermediate" data-placement="left">
<div class="skill-progress intermediate"></div>
<div class="skill-info"> <strong>Database</strong>
<div class="space-top labels"> <span class="label label-keyword">MySQL</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">PostgreSQL</span>
class="label label-keyword">NoSQL</span> <span class="label label-keyword">ORM</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">Hibernate</span>
<li class="card card-nested card-skills">
<div class="skill-level" rel="tooltip" title="intermediate" data-placement="left">
<div class="skill-progress intermediate"></div>
<div class="skill-info"> <strong>Cloud</strong>
<div class="space-top labels"> <span class="label label-keyword">AWS</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">EC2</span>
class="label label-keyword">RDS</span> <span class="label label-keyword">S3</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">Azure</span>
class="label label-keyword">Dropbox</span>
<li class="card card-nested card-skills">
<div class="skill-level" rel="tooltip" title="beginner" data-placement="left">
<div class="skill-progress beginner"></div>
<div class="skill-info"> <strong>Project</strong>
<div class="space-top labels"> <span class="label label-keyword">Agile</span>
<span class="label label-keyword">TFS</span>
class="label label-keyword">Unified Process</span> <span class="label label-keyword">MS Project</span>
<section id="employment">
<header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-building"></span>
<h3><em>Head Code Ninja</em>,
<a href="https://onecool.io/does-not-exist">One Cool Startup</a>
<span class="tenure">2013-09 — Current</span>
| <span class="keywords">Agile PM Amazon Web Services AWS </span>
<p>Development team manager for <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaporware">OneCoolApp</a> and
OneCoolWebsite, a free social network tiddlywink generator and lifestyle
portal with over 200,000 users.</p>
<li>Managed a 5-person development team</li>
<li>Accomplishment 2</li>
<h3><em>Principal Developer</em>,
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Better_Off_Ted#Plot">Veridian Dynamics</a>
<span class="tenure">2011-07 — 2013-08</span>
| <span class="keywords">C++ C Linux </span>
<p>Developer on numerous projects culminating in technical lead role for
the <a href="http://betteroffted.wikia.com/wiki/Jabberwocky">Jabberwocky project</a> and
promotion to principal developer.</p>
<li>Managed a 5-person development team</li>
<li>Accomplishment 2</li>
<h3><em>IT Administrator</em>,
Stark Industries
<span class="tenure">2008-10 — 2011-06</span>
| <span class="keywords">Novell Active Directory Linux Windows </span>
<p>Junior programmer with heavy code responsibilities. Promoted to intermediate
role after 6 months.</p>
<li>Promoted to intermediate developer after 6 months</li>
<li>Accomplishment 2</li>
Dunder Mifflin
<span class="tenure">2008-06 — 2008-09</span>
| <span class="keywords">Novell Active Directory Linux Windows </span>
<p>Performed IT administration and deployments for Dunder Mifflin.</p>
<li>Supervised roll-out of Dunder Mifflin Infinity website.</li>
<li>Performed mission-critical system backups and</li>
<section id="projects">
<header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-star"></span>
<a href="http://please.hackmyresume.com">HackMyResume</a>
<span class="tenure">2015-09 — Current</span>
| <span class="keywords">JavaScript Node.js cross-platform JSON </span>
<p>Exemplar user for HackMyResume and FluentCV!</p>
<a href="http://project.website.com">Augmented Android</a>
<span class="tenure">2012-02 — 2014-01</span>
| <span class="keywords">Android Java Xamarin </span>
<p>Performed flagship product conceptualization and development.</p>
<a href="http://myblog.jane.com/blog">Blog</a>
<span class="keywords">Jekyll Ruby HTML 5 JavaScript HTTP LAMP </span>
<p>Conceptualization, design, development, and deployment.</p>
<section id="education">
<header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-mortar-board"></span>
<a href="https://www.cornell.edu/">Cornell University</a>
<span class="tenure">2005-09 — 2008-05</span>
| <span class="keywords">Course 1 Course 2 Course 2 </span>
<p>A multiline summary of the education.</p>
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medfield_College">Medfield College</a>
<span class="tenure">2003-09 — 2005-06</span>
| <span class="keywords">Course 1 Course 2 Course 2 </span>
<p>A multiline summary of the education.</p>
<section id="governance">
<header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-balance-scale"></span>
<a href="http://themommiesnetwork.org">The Mommies Network</a>
<span class="tenure">2008-02 — 2010-01</span>
<p>Since 2008 I've been a full-time member of the board of directors
for TMN.</p>
<h3><em>Academic Contributor</em>,
<a href="https://www.khronos.org">Khronos Group</a>
<span class="tenure">2015-01 — Current</span>
<li>Participated in GORFF standardization process (Draft 2).</li>
<section id="service">
<header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-child"></span>
<h3><em>Technical Consultant</em>,
<a href="http://technology-for-tots.org">Technology for Tots</a>
<span class="tenure">2003-11 — 2005-06</span>
<p>Summary of this volunteer stint.</p>
<li>Accomplishment 1</li>
<li>Accomplishment 2</li>
<a href="http://www.usar.army.mil/">US Army Reserves</a>
<span class="tenure">1999-11 — 2003-06</span>
<p>Summary of this military stint.</p>
<li>Accomplishment 1</li>
<li>Accomplishment 2</li>
<section id="affiliation">
<header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-share-alt"></span>
<a href="https://www.ieee.org/index.html">IEEE</a>
<span class="tenure">2013-06 — Current</span>
<p>Member in good standing since 2013-06.</p>
<a href="https://developer.apple.com/">Apple Developer Network</a>
<span class="tenure">??? — Current</span>
<p>Member of the <a href="https://developer.apple.com/">Apple Developer program</a> since
<a href="https://msdn.microsoft.com">MSDN</a>
<span class="tenure">2010-01 — Current</span>
<p>Super-Ultra-gold level Ultimate Access MSDN subscriber package with subscription
toaster and XBox ping pong racket.</p>
Campus Coder's Meetup
<span class="tenure">2003-02 — 2004-04</span>
<p>Host of a monthly <strong>campus-wide meetup for CS students</strong>.
Code, coffee, and crullers!</p>
<section id="samples">
<header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-share"></span>
<a href="http://janef.me/asteroids">Asteroids</a>
<span class="tenure">2014-09</span>
<p>A browser-based space shooter built on Three.js.</p>
<a href="https://rememberpedia.com">Rememberpedia</a>
<span class="tenure">2015-07</span>
<p>A website to help you remember things.</p>
<section id="writing">
<header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-pencil"></span>
<h3><em><a href="http://codeproject.com/build-ui-electron-atom.aspx">Building User Interfaces with Electron and Atom</a></em>,
Code Project</h3>
<span class="tenure">2011</span>
<h3><em><a href="http://janef.me">Jane Fullstacker's Blog</a></em>,
<span class="tenure">2011</span>
<h3><em><a href="http://url.to.publication.com/blah">Teach Yourself GORFF in 21 Days</a></em>,
<span class="tenure">2008</span>
<p>A primer on the programming language of GORFF, whose for loops are coterminous
with all of time and space.</p>
<section id="reading">
<header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-book"></span>
<h3><em><a href="http://www.cc2e.com/Default.aspx">Code Complete</a></em>, Steve McConnell</h3>
<span class="tenure">2016</span>
<h3><em><a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/">r/programming</a></em></h3>
<span class="tenure">2016</span>
<h3><em><a href="https://news.ycombinator.com/">Hacker News / YCombinator</a></em></h3>
<span class="tenure">2016</span>
<h3><em><a href="http://www.codinghorror.com">Coding Horror</a></em>, Jeff Atwood</h3>
<span class="tenure">2016</span>
<section id="recognition">
<header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-trophy"></span>
<h3><em>Honorable Mention</em>, Google</h3>
<span class="tenure">2012</span>
<h3><em>Summa cum laude</em>, Cornell University</h3>
<span class="tenure">2012</span>
<section id="speaking">
<header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-users"></span>
<h3><em>Data Warehousing Evolved: DARMA 2.0</em>, OPENSTART 2013 Developer's Conference</h3>
<span class="tenure">2012</span>
<li>Won 'Best Presentation on an Emerging Technical Field' prize.</li>
<section id="testimonials">
<header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-quote-left"></span>
<h3><em>John Davidson</em></h3>
<p>Jane is awesome! I'd hire her again in a heartbeat.</p>
<h3><em>Elias Fullstacker</em></h3>
<p>I worked with Jane on Jabberwocky and can vouch for her awesome technical
capabilities and attention to detail. Insta-hire.</p>
<h3><em>Dana Nevins</em></h3>
<p>I've known Jane personally and professionally for almost ten years.
She is one in a million.</p>
<section id="references">
<header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-thumbs-o-up"></span>
<h3><em>John Davidson</em></h3>
<section id="interests">
<header> <span class="fa fa-lg fa-bicycle"></span>
<span class="tenure">2016</span>
<p>Jane is a fan of mystery novels and courtroom dramas including Agatha
Christie and John Grisham.</p>
<span class="tenure">2016</span>
<p>Jane enjoys hiking, light mountain climbing, and has four summits under
her belt!</p>
<span class="tenure">2016</span>
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@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
Jane Q. Fullstacker
Email: jdoe@onecoolstartup.io
Tel: 1-650-999-7777
Web: http://janef.me/blog
**Imaginary full-stack software developer with 6+ years industry experience** specializing in scalable cloud architectures for this, that, and the other. A native of southern CA, Jane enjoys hiking, mystery novels, and the company of Rufus, her two-year-old beagle.
SKILLS -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Web: JavaScript HTML 5 CSS LAMP MVC REST
- JavaScript: Node.js Angular.js jQuery Bootstrap React.js Backbone.js
- Database: MySQL PostgreSQL NoSQL ORM Hibernate
- Cloud: AWS EC2 RDS S3 Azure Dropbox
- Project: Agile TFS Unified Process MS Project
EMPLOYMENT ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Head Code Ninja, One Cool Startup (2013-09 — Current)
Development team manager for [OneCoolApp](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaporware) and OneCoolWebsite, a free social network tiddlywink generator and lifestyle portal with over 200,000 users.
- Managed a 5-person development team
- Accomplishment 2
- Etc.
Principal Developer, Veridian Dynamics (2011-07 — 2013-08)
Developer on numerous projects culminating in technical lead role for the [Jabberwocky project](http://betteroffted.wikia.com/wiki/Jabberwocky) and promotion to principal developer.
- Managed a 5-person development team
- Accomplishment 2
- Etc.
IT Administrator, Stark Industries (2008-10 — 2011-06)
Junior programmer with heavy code responsibilities. Promoted to intermediate role after 6 months.
- Promoted to intermediate developer after 6 months
- Accomplishment 2
- Etc.
Intern, Dunder Mifflin (2008-06 — 2008-09)
Performed IT administration and deployments for Dunder Mifflin.
- Supervised roll-out of Dunder Mifflin Infinity website.
- Performed mission-critical system backups and
- Etc.
PROJECTS -----------------------------------------------------------------------
HackMyResume, contributor (2015-09 — Current)
A resume authoring and analysis tool for OS X, Linux, and Windows.
Exemplar user for HackMyResume and FluentCV!
Augmented Android, co-creator (2012-02 — 2014-01)
An augmented reality app for Android.
Performed flagship product conceptualization and development.
Blog, creator (??? — Current)
My programming blog. Powered by Jekyll.
Conceptualization, design, development, and deployment.
GOVERNANCE ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Member, The Mommies Network
Since 2008 I've been a full-time member of the board of directors for TMN.
Academic Contributor, Khronos Group
- Participated in GORFF standardization process (Draft 2).
EDUCATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Cornell University (2005-09 — 2008-05)
A multiline summary of the education.
Medfield College (2003-09 — 2005-06)
A multiline summary of the education.
AFFILIATION --------------------------------------------------------------------
Member, IEEE (2013-06 — Current)
Member in good standing since 2013-06.
Member, Apple Developer Network (??? — Current)
Member of the [Apple Developer program](https://developer.apple.com/) since 2008.
Subscriber, MSDN (2010-01 — Current)
Super-Ultra-gold level Ultimate Access MSDN subscriber package with subscription toaster and XBox ping pong racket.
Coordinator, Campus Coder's Meetup (2003-02 — 2004-04)
Host of a monthly **campus-wide meetup for CS students**. Code, coffee, and crullers!
SAMPLES ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Asteroids (2014-09)
A browser-based space shooter built on Three.js.
Rememberpedia (2015-07)
A website to help you remember things.
WRITING ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Building User Interfaces with Electron and Atom
Jane Fullstacker's Blog
Teach Yourself GORFF in 21 Days
A primer on the programming language of GORFF, whose for loops are coterminous with all of time and space.
READING ------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Code Complete", Steve McConnell
"Hacker News / YCombinator"
"Coding Horror", Jeff Atwood
SERVICE ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Technology for Tots (2003-11 — 2005-06)
Summary of this volunteer stint.
- Accomplishment 1
- Accomplishment 2
- etc
US Army Reserves (1999-11 — 2003-06)
Summary of this military stint.
- Accomplishment 1
- Accomplishment 2
- etc
RECOGNITION --------------------------------------------------------------------
Honorable Mention, Google
Summa cum laude, Cornell University
REFERENCES ---------------------------------------------------------------------
John Davidson
Mobile: 9-(999)-999-9999
Work email: jdavidson@veridiandynamics.com
INTERESTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------
READING: mystery Agatha Christie John Grisham
Jane is a fan of mystery novels and courtroom dramas including Agatha Christie and John Grisham.
Jane enjoys hiking, light mountain climbing, and has four summits under her belt!
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
name: 'Jane Q. Fullstacker'
format: FRESH@0.4.0
version: 0.3.0
label: 'Senior Developer'
characterClass: Programmer
brief: '**Imaginary full-stack software developer with 6+ years industry experience** specializing in scalable cloud architectures for this, that, and the other. A native of southern CA, Jane enjoys hiking, mystery novels, and the company of Rufus, her two-year-old beagle.'
image: jane_doe.png
quote: 'Be the change you want to see in the world.'
website: 'http://janef.me/blog'
phone: 1-650-999-7777
email: jdoe@onecoolstartup.io
label: 'Home Phone'
flavor: phone
value: 1-650-999-4321
label: 'Work Phone'
flavor: phone
value: 1-650-777-1234
label: 'Personal Email'
flavor: email
value: jane@janef.me
address: "Jane Fullstacker\n123 Somewhere Rd.\nMountain View, CA 94035"
city: 'Mountain View'
region: CA
code: '94035'
country: US
title: HackMyResume
category: FOSS
role: contributor
url: 'http://please.hackmyresume.com'
start: 2015-09
repo: 'https://github.com/hacksalot/hackmyresume'
description: 'A resume authoring and analysis tool for OS X, Linux, and Windows.'
summary: 'Exemplar user for HackMyResume and FluentCV!'
- JavaScript
- Node.js
- cross-platform
category: download
url: 'https://www.npmjs.com/package/hackmyresume'
title: 'Augmented Android'
category: commercial
role: co-creator
url: 'http://project.website.com'
repo: 'http://repo.website.com'
description: 'An augmented reality app for Android.'
start: 2012-02
end: 2014-01
summary: 'Performed flagship product conceptualization and development.'
- Android
- Java
- Xamarin
title: Blog
category: personal
role: creator
url: 'http://myblog.jane.com/blog'
description: 'My programming blog. Powered by Jekyll.'
summary: 'Conceptualization, design, development, and deployment.'
- Jekyll
- Ruby
- 'HTML 5'
- JavaScript
label: GitHub
network: GitHub
user: janef-was-here
url: 'https://github.com/janef-was-here'
label: Twitter
network: Twitter
user: janef-was-here
url: 'https://twitter.com/janef-was-here'
summary: '7+ years industry IT and software development experience.'
employer: 'One Cool Startup'
url: 'https://onecool.io/does-not-exist'
position: 'Head Code Ninja'
summary: 'Development team manager for [OneCoolApp](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaporware) and OneCoolWebsite, a free social network tiddlywink generator and lifestyle portal with over 200,000 users.'
start: 2013-09
current: true
- Agile
- PM
- 'Amazon Web Services'
- 'Managed a 5-person development team'
- 'Accomplishment 2'
- Etc.
employer: 'Veridian Dynamics'
url: 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Better_Off_Ted#Plot'
position: 'Principal Developer'
summary: 'Developer on numerous projects culminating in technical lead role for the [Jabberwocky project](http://betteroffted.wikia.com/wiki/Jabberwocky) and promotion to principal developer.'
start: 2011-07
end: 2013-08
- C++
- C
- Linux
- 'Managed a 5-person development team'
- 'Accomplishment 2'
- Etc.
employer: 'Stark Industries'
position: 'IT Administrator'
summary: 'Junior programmer with heavy code responsibilities. Promoted to intermediate role after 6 months.'
start: 2008-10
end: 2011-06
- Novell
- 'Active Directory'
- Linux
- Windows
- 'Promoted to intermediate developer after 6 months'
- 'Accomplishment 2'
- Etc.
employer: 'Dunder Mifflin'
position: Intern
summary: 'Performed IT administration and deployments for Dunder Mifflin.'
start: 2008-06
end: 2008-09
- Novell
- 'Active Directory'
- Linux
- Windows
- 'Supervised roll-out of Dunder Mifflin Infinity website.'
- 'Performed mission-critical system backups and '
- Etc.
summary: ""
level: degree
degree: BSCS
institution: 'Cornell University'
title: BSCS
url: 'https://www.cornell.edu/'
start: 2005-09
end: 2008-05
grade: '3.5'
summary: 'A multiline summary of the education.'
- 'Course 1'
- 'Course 2'
- 'Course 2'
institution: 'Medfield College'
url: 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medfield_College'
start: 2003-09
end: 2005-06
grade: '3.2'
summary: 'A multiline summary of the education.'
- 'Course 1'
- 'Course 2'
- 'Course 2'
summary: 'Member of numerous collegiate and professional groups and organizations.'
role: Member
organization: IEEE
url: 'https://www.ieee.org/index.html'
start: 2013-06
summary: 'Member in good standing since 2013-06.'
role: Member
organization: 'Apple Developer Network'
url: 'https://developer.apple.com/'
summary: 'Member of the [Apple Developer program](https://developer.apple.com/) since 2008.'
role: Subscriber
organization: MSDN
url: 'https://msdn.microsoft.com'
start: '2010'
summary: 'Super-Ultra-gold level Ultimate Access MSDN subscriber package with subscription toaster and XBox ping pong racket.'
role: Coordinator
organization: 'Campus Coder''s Meetup'
start: 2003-02
end: 2004-04
summary: 'Host of a monthly **campus-wide meetup for CS students**. Code, coffee, and crullers!'
summary: 'Active US Army Reserve member and Technology for Tots technical consultant and volunteer coordinator.'
flavor: volunteer
position: 'Technical Consultant'
organization: 'Technology for Tots'
url: 'http://technology-for-tots.org'
start: 2003-11
end: 2005-06
summary: 'Summary of this volunteer stint.'
- 'Accomplishment 1'
- 'Accomplishment 2'
- etc
flavor: military
position: NCO
organization: 'US Army Reserves'
url: 'http://www.usar.army.mil/'
start: 1999-11
end: 2003-06
summary: 'Summary of this military stint.'
- 'Accomplishment 1'
- 'Accomplishment 2'
- etc
name: Web
level: advanced
- JavaScript
- 'HTML 5'
name: JavaScript
level: master
- Node.js
- Angular.js
- jQuery
- Bootstrap
- React.js
- Backbone.js
name: Database
level: intermediate
- PostgreSQL
- Hibernate
name: Cloud
level: intermediate
- EC2
- S3
- Azure
- Dropbox
name: Project
level: beginner
- Agile
- 'Unified Process'
- 'MS Project'
name: C++
id: '1'
summary: 'Optional summary of your experience with the skill.'
level: '9'
years: 7
proof: 'http://myblog.com/interesting-cplusplus-post'
name: Ruby
id: '2'
summary: 'Optional summary of your experience with the skill.'
level: '9'
years: 7
proof: 'http://myblog.com/interesting-cplusplus-post'
name: Xcode
summary: 'Xcode 6 development.'
level: '5'
years: '3'
name: Linux
summary: 'Optional summary of your experience with the skill.'
level: advanced
years: 4+
name: Agile
summary: 'Optional summary of your experience with the skill.'
level: B+
years: 2
title: Asteroids
summary: 'A browser-based space shooter built on Three.js.'
url: 'http://janef.me/asteroids'
date: 2014-09
title: Rememberpedia
summary: 'A website to help you remember things.'
url: 'https://rememberpedia.com'
date: 2015-07
title: 'Building User Interfaces with Electron and Atom'
flavor: article
date: '2011'
name: 'Code Project'
url: 'http://codeproject.com'
url: 'http://codeproject.com/build-ui-electron-atom.aspx'
title: 'Jane Fullstacker''s Blog'
flavor: blog
date: '2011'
name: self
url: 'http://janef.me'
url: 'http://janef.me'
title: 'Teach Yourself GORFF in 21 Days'
flavor: book
date: '2008'
name: Amazon
url: 'https://www.amazon.com'
url: 'http://url.to.publication.com/blah'
- 'Jane Fullstacker'
- 'John Smith'
summary: 'A primer on the programming language of GORFF, whose for loops are coterminous with all of time and space.'
title: 'Code Complete'
flavor: book
url: 'http://www.cc2e.com/Default.aspx'
author: 'Steve McConnell'
title: r/programming
flavor: website
url: 'https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/'
title: 'Hacker News / YCombinator'
flavor: website
url: 'https://news.ycombinator.com/'
title: 'Coding Horror'
flavor: blog
url: 'http://www.codinghorror.com'
author: 'Jeff Atwood'
title: 'Data Warehousing Evolved: DARMA 2.0'
role: Speaker
event: 'OPENSTART 2013 Developer''s Conference'
location: 'Portland, OR'
date: '2012'
- 'Won ''Best Presentation on an Emerging Technical Field'' prize.'
flavor: award
from: Google
title: 'Honorable Mention'
event: 'Summer of Code'
date: '2012'
flavor: honor
from: 'Cornell University'
title: 'Summa cum laude'
event: graduation
date: '2012'
name: 'John Davidson'
flavor: professional
private: true
label: Mobile
flavor: phone
value: 9-(999)-999-9999
label: 'Work email'
flavor: email
value: jdavidson@veridiandynamics.com
name: 'John Davidson'
flavor: professional
quote: 'Jane is awesome! I''d hire her again in a heartbeat.'
private: true
name: 'Elias Fullstacker'
flavor: technical
quote: 'I worked with Jane on Jabberwocky and can vouch for her awesome technical capabilities and attention to detail. Insta-hire.'
name: 'Dana Nevins'
flavor: personal
quote: 'I''ve known Jane personally and professionally for almost ten years. She is one in a million.'
language: English
level: Native
language: Spanish
level: Moderate
years: 10
title: 'Bay Area Crew Club'
activity: ""
location: 'San Francisco, CA'
start: 2014-05
title: 'Organizer / Manager'
activity: 'JavaScript Game Development Meetup'
location: 'Austin, TX'
start: 2011-03
end: 2014-01
- 'Monthly speaker on creative JavaScript development.'
- 'Founded group and oversaw growth to 500+ members.'
flavor: board
role: Member
organization: 'The Mommies Network'
url: 'http://themommiesnetwork.org'
start: 2008-02
end: 2010-01
summary: 'Since 2008 I''ve been a full-time member of the board of directors for TMN.'
flavor: committee
role: 'Academic Contributor'
organization: 'Khronos Group'
url: 'https://www.khronos.org'
start: 2015-01
- 'Participated in GORFF standardization process (Draft 2).'
name: reading
summary: 'Jane is a fan of mystery novels and courtroom dramas including Agatha Christie and John Grisham.'
- mystery
- 'Agatha Christie'
- 'John Grisham'
name: hiking
summary: 'Jane enjoys hiking, light mountain climbing, and has four summits under her belt!'
name: yoga
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ var chai = require('chai')
describe('Testing CLI interface', function () {
function run( args, expErr ) {
var title = args;
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ function MyConsoleLog() {
describe('Testing Ouput interface', function () {
// HackMyResume CLI stub. Handle a single HMR invocation.
function HackMyResumeOutputStub( args ) {
@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ var chai = require('chai')
, READFILES = require('recursive-readdir-sync')
, fileContains = require('../../dist/utils/file-contains')
, FS = require('fs')
, CHALK = require('chalk');
, CHALK = require('chalk')
, DIRCOMP = require('dir-compare');
chai.config.includeStack = true;
@ -91,12 +92,26 @@ function folderContains( needle, haystack ) {
function foldersMatch( a, b ) {
var ret;
ret = DIRCOMP.compareSync(a, b, {compareSize: true, skipSubdirs: true});
if( !ret.same ) return false;
ret = DIRCOMP.compareSync(a, b, {compareContent: true, skipSubdirs: true});
return ret.differences === 1;
genThemes( 'jane-q-fullstacker', ['node_modules/fresh-test-resumes/src/fresh/jane-fullstacker.json'], 'FRESH' );
genThemes( 'johnny-trouble', ['node_modules/fresh-test-resumes/src/fresh/johnny-trouble.json'], 'FRESH' );
genThemes( 'richard-hendriks', ['test/resumes/jrs-0.0.0/richard-hendriks.json'], 'JRS' );
describe('Verifying generated theme files...', function() {
it('Generated files should not contain ICE.', function() {
expect( folderContains('@@@@', '../sandbox') ).to.be.false;
it('Generated files should match exemplars...', function() {
expect( foldersMatch( 'test/sandbox/FRESH/jane-q-fullstacker/modern', 'test/expected/modern' ) ).to.be.true;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user