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Definition of the FRESHResume class.
@license MIT. See LICENSE.md for details.
@module core/fresh-resume
FS = require 'fs'
extend = require 'extend'
validator = require 'is-my-json-valid'
_ = require 'underscore'
__ = require 'lodash'
PATH = require 'path'
moment = require 'moment'
XML = require 'xml-escape'
MD = require 'marked'
CONVERTER = require 'fresh-jrs-converter'
JRSResume = require './jrs-resume'
FluentDate = require './fluent-date'
A FRESH resume or CV. FRESH resumes are backed by JSON, and each FreshResume
object is an instantiation of that JSON decorated with utility methods.
class FreshResume# extends AbstractResume
###* Initialize the the FreshResume from JSON string data. ###
parse: ( stringData, opts ) ->
@imp = @imp ? raw: stringData
this.parseJSON JSON.parse( stringData ), opts
Initialize the FreshResume from JSON.
Open and parse the specified FRESH resume. Merge the JSON object model onto
this Sheet instance with extend() and convert sheet dates to a safe &
consistent format. Then sort each section by startDate descending.
@param rep {Object} The raw JSON representation.
@param opts {Object} Resume loading and parsing options.
date: Perform safe date conversion.
sort: Sort resume items by date.
compute: Prepare computed resume totals.
parseJSON: ( rep, opts ) ->
if opts and opts.privatize
# Ignore any element with the 'ignore: true' or 'private: true' designator.
scrubber = require '../utils/resume-scrubber'
{ scrubbed, ignoreList, privateList } = scrubber.scrubResume rep, opts
# Now apply the resume representation onto this object
extend true, @, if opts and opts.privatize then scrubbed else rep
# If the resume has already been processed, then we are being called from
# the .dupe method, and there's no need to do any post processing
if !@imp?.processed
# Set up metadata TODO: Clean up metadata on the object model.
opts = opts || { }
if opts.imp == undefined || opts.imp
@imp = @imp || { }
@imp.title = (opts.title || @imp.title) || @name
unless @imp.raw
@imp.raw = JSON.stringify rep
@imp.processed = true
# Parse dates, sort dates, and calculate computed values
(opts.date == undefined || opts.date) && _parseDates.call( this );
(opts.sort == undefined || opts.sort) && this.sort();
(opts.compute == undefined || opts.compute) && (@computed = {
numYears: this.duration(),
keywords: this.keywords()
###* Save the sheet to disk (for environments that have disk access). ###
save: ( filename ) ->
@imp.file = filename || @imp.file
FS.writeFileSync @imp.file, @stringify(), 'utf8'
Save the sheet to disk in a specific format, either FRESH or JSON Resume.
saveAs: ( filename, format ) ->
# If format isn't specified, default to FRESH
safeFormat = (format && format.trim()) || 'FRESH'
# Validate against the FRESH version regex
# freshVersionReg = require '../utils/fresh-version-regex'
# if (not freshVersionReg().test( safeFormat ))
# throw badVer: safeFormat
parts = safeFormat.split '@'
if parts[0] == 'FRESH'
@imp.file = filename || @imp.file
FS.writeFileSync @imp.file, @stringify(), 'utf8'
else if parts[0] == 'JRS'
useEdgeSchema = if parts.length > 1 then parts[1] == '1' else false
newRep = CONVERTER.toJRS @, edge: useEdgeSchema
FS.writeFileSync filename, JRSResume.stringify( newRep ), 'utf8'
throw badVer: safeFormat
Duplicate this FreshResume instance.
This method first extend()s this object onto an empty, creating a deep copy,
and then passes the result into a new FreshResume instance via .parseJSON.
We do it this way to create a true clone of the object without re-running any
of the associated processing.
dupe: () ->
jso = extend true, { }, @
rnew = new FreshResume()
rnew.parseJSON jso, { }
Convert this object to a JSON string, sanitizing meta-properties along the
stringify: () -> FreshResume.stringify @
Create a copy of this resume in which all string fields have been run through
a transformation function (such as a Markdown filter or XML encoder).
TODO: Move this out of FRESHResume.
transformStrings: ( filt, transformer ) ->
ret = this.dupe()
trx = require '../utils/string-transformer'
trx ret, filt, transformer
Create a copy of this resume in which all fields have been interpreted as
markdownify: () ->
MDIN = ( txt ) ->
return MD(txt || '' ).replace(/^\s*<p>|<\/p>\s*$/gi, '')
trx = ( key, val ) ->
if key == 'summary'
return MD val
return @transformStrings ['skills','url','start','end','date'], trx
Create a copy of this resume in which all fields have been interpreted as
xmlify: () ->
trx = (key, val) -> XML val
return @transformStrings [], trx
###* Return the resume format. ###
format: () -> 'FRESH'
Return internal metadata. Create if it doesn't exist.
i: () -> this.imp = this.imp || { }
Return a unique list of all skills declared in the resume.
# TODO: Several problems here:
# 1) Confusing name. Easily confused with the keyword-inspector module, which
# parses resume body text looking for these same keywords. This should probably
# be renamed.
# 2) Doesn't bother trying to integrate skills.list with skills.sets if they
# happen to declare different skills, and if skills.sets declares ONE skill and
# skills.list declared 50, only 1 skill will be registered.
# 3) In the future, skill.sets should only be able to use skills declared in
# skills.list. That is, skills.list is the official record of a candidate's
# declared skills. skills.sets is just a way of grouping those into skillsets
# for easier consumption.
keywords: () ->
flatSkills = []
if @skills
if @skills.sets
flatSkills = @skills.sets.map((sk) -> sk.skills ).reduce( (a,b) -> a.concat(b) )
else if @skills.list
flatSkills = flatSkills.concat( this.skills.list.map (sk) -> return sk.name )
flatSkills = _.uniq flatSkills
Reset the sheet to an empty state. TODO: refactor/review
clear: ( clearMeta ) ->
clearMeta = ((clearMeta == undefined) && true) || clearMeta
delete this.imp if clearMeta
delete this.computed # Don't use Object.keys() here
delete this.employment
delete this.service
delete this.education
delete this.recognition
delete this.reading
delete this.writing
delete this.interests
delete this.skills
delete this.social
Get a safe count of the number of things in a section.
count: ( obj ) ->
return 0 if !obj
return obj.history.length if obj.history
return obj.sets.length if obj.sets
obj.length || 0;
###* Add work experience to the sheet. ###
add: ( moniker ) ->
defSheet = FreshResume.default()
newObject =
if defSheet[moniker].history
then $.extend( true, {}, defSheet[ moniker ].history[0] )
if moniker == 'skills'
then $.extend( true, {}, defSheet.skills.sets[0] )
else $.extend( true, {}, defSheet[ moniker ][0] )
@[ moniker ] = @[ moniker ] || []
if @[ moniker ].history
@[ moniker ].history.push newObject
else if moniker == 'skills'
@skills.sets.push newObject
@[ moniker ].push newObject
Determine if the sheet includes a specific social profile (eg, GitHub).
hasProfile: ( socialNetwork ) ->
socialNetwork = socialNetwork.trim().toLowerCase()
@social && _.some @social, (p) ->
p.network.trim().toLowerCase() == socialNetwork
###* Return the specified network profile. ###
getProfile: ( socialNetwork ) ->
socialNetwork = socialNetwork.trim().toLowerCase()
@social && _.find @social, (sn) ->
sn.network.trim().toLowerCase() == socialNetwork
Return an array of profiles for the specified network, for when the user
has multiple eg. GitHub accounts.
getProfiles: ( socialNetwork ) ->
socialNetwork = socialNetwork.trim().toLowerCase()
@social && _.filter @social, (sn) ->
sn.network.trim().toLowerCase() == socialNetwork
###* Determine if the sheet includes a specific skill. ###
hasSkill: ( skill ) ->
skill = skill.trim().toLowerCase()
@skills && _.some @skills, (sk) ->
sk.keywords && _.some sk.keywords, (kw) ->
kw.trim().toLowerCase() == skill
###* Validate the sheet against the FRESH Resume schema. ###
isValid: ( info ) ->
schemaObj = require 'fresh-resume-schema'
validator = require 'is-my-json-valid'
validate = validator( schemaObj, { # See Note [1].
formats: { date: /^\d{4}(?:-(?:0[0-9]{1}|1[0-2]{1})(?:-[0-9]{2})?)?$/ }
ret = validate @
if !ret
this.imp = this.imp || { };
this.imp.validationErrors = validate.errors;
duration: (unit) ->
inspector = require '../inspectors/duration-inspector'
inspector.run @, 'employment.history', 'start', 'end', unit
Sort dated things on the sheet by start date descending. Assumes that dates
on the sheet have been processed with _parseDates().
sort: () ->
byDateDesc = (a,b) ->
if a.safe.start.isBefore(b.safe.start)
then 1
else ( if a.safe.start.isAfter(b.safe.start) then -1 else 0 )
sortSection = ( key ) ->
ar = __.get this, key
if ar && ar.length
datedThings = obj.filter (o) -> o.start
datedThings.sort( byDateDesc );
sortSection 'employment.history'
sortSection 'education.history'
sortSection 'service.history'
sortSection 'projects'
@writing && @writing.sort (a, b) ->
if a.safe.date.isBefore b.safe.date
then 1
else ( a.safe.date.isAfter(b.safe.date) && -1 ) || 0
Get the default (starter) sheet.
FreshResume.default = () ->
new FreshResume().parseJSON require('fresh-resume-starter').fresh
Convert the supplied FreshResume to a JSON string, sanitizing meta-properties
along the way.
FreshResume.stringify = ( obj ) ->
replacer = ( key,value ) -> # Exclude these keys from stringification
exKeys = ['imp', 'warnings', 'computed', 'filt', 'ctrl', 'index',
'safe', 'result', 'isModified', 'htmlPreview', 'display_progress_bar']
return if _.some( exKeys, (val) -> key.trim() == val )
then undefined else value
JSON.stringify obj, replacer, 2
Convert human-friendly dates into formal Moment.js dates for all collections.
We don't want to lose the raw textual date as entered by the user, so we store
the Moment-ified date as a separate property with a prefix of .safe. For ex:
job.startDate is the date as entered by the user. job.safeStartDate is the
parsed Moment.js date that we actually use in processing.
_parseDates = () ->
_fmt = require('./fluent-date').fmt
that = @
# TODO: refactor recursion
replaceDatesInObject = ( obj ) ->
return if !obj
if Object.prototype.toString.call( obj ) == '[object Array]'
obj.forEach (elem) -> replaceDatesInObject( elem )
else if typeof obj == 'object'
if obj._isAMomentObject || obj.safe
Object.keys( obj ).forEach (key) -> replaceDatesInObject obj[key]
['start','end','date'].forEach (val) ->
if (obj[val] != undefined) && (!obj.safe || !obj.safe[val])
obj.safe = obj.safe || { }
obj.safe[ val ] = _fmt obj[val]
if obj[val] && (val == 'start') && !obj.end
obj.safe.end = _fmt 'current'
Object.keys( this ).forEach (member) ->
###* Export the Sheet function/ctor. ###
module.exports = FreshResume
# Note 1: Adjust default date validation to allow YYYY and YYYY-MM formats
# in addition to YYYY-MM-DD. The original regex:
# /^\d{4}-(?:0[0-9]{1}|1[0-2]{1})-[0-9]{2}$/