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## v2.0.0
*Welcome to the first new version of HackMyResume in over a year. The purpose of
this release is to gather feature enhancements, bug fixes, and pull requests
along with branding and identity changes collected over the past 18 months.
Given the amount of time since the last release and the likelihood of breaking
changes, we've decided to bump the major version number, bringing us to the
official `2.0.0`. This shouldn't affect most common scenarios and use cases but
complex resume and/or theme setups may behave differently under 2.0.0 than under
1.8.0 and may even exhibit breakage in certain cases.*
### Added
- Support for **private resume fields**. Mark any non-leaf node in your resume JSON
with the `private` property and it will be omitted from outbound resumes.
"employment": {
"history": [
"employer": "Acme Real Estate"
"employer": "Area 51 Alien Research Laboratory",
"private": true
"employer": "H&R Block"
- Support for **PDF generation through WeasyPrint** in addition to the
existing support for wkhtmltopdf and PhantomJS.
- Theme authors can now develop and package **custom Handlebars theme helpers**
via the `helpers` key of the `theme.json` file (FRESH themes only).
- Theme authors can **relocate theme assets** with the `baseFolder` property in
the FRESH `theme.json`.
- HackMyResume will now **validate the options file** (if any) loaded with `-o`
or `--options` and warn the user if necessary.
- Ability to **disable Handlebars encoding/escaping** of resume fields with
- Introduced the [fresh-test-themes][ftt] project as a repository for simple,
test-only resume themes in the FRESH format.
### Changed
- The FRESCA project has been renamed to [fresh-resume-schema]. FRESCA is still
the nickname.
- The HackMyResume project has moved to https://fluentdesk.com/hackmyresume.
### Fixed
- Fixed an issue that would cause the `CONVERT` command to detect the inbound
resume type (FRESH or JRS) incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue where generating new JRS resumes would cause a `null` or
`undefined` error/
- Fixed an issue preventing mixed-case themes from being loaded.
- Fixed an issue requiring JSON Resume themes contain `json-resume-theme` in the
theme path.
## v1.8.0
### Added
- Updated `Awesome` theme to latest version of [Awesome-CV][acv].
- Introduced new theme helpers: `pad`, `date`.
### Fixed
- Fixed an issue where the `Awesome` theme wouldn't correctly generate LaTeX
outputs (#138).
- Emit a line number for syntax errors around embedded newlines in JSON strings
- Fix several PDF / PNG generation errors (#132, others).
- Display a more helpful error message when attempting to generate a PDF or PNG
on a machine where PhantomJS and/or wkhtmltopdf are either not installed or
not path-accessible.
- Fixed an issue that would cause long-running PDF/PNG generation to fail in
certain environments.
- Fixed an issue involving an unhelpful spawn-related exception (#136).
### Internal
- JSHint will no longer gripe at the use of `== null` and `!= null` in
CoffeeScript transpilation.
- Introduced [template-friendly Awesome-CV fork][awefork] to isolate template
expansion logic & provide better durability for HackMyResume's `awesome` theme.
- Fixed a couple temporary regressions (#139, #140) on the dev branch.
- Additional tests.
- Minor breaking HackMyResume API changes.
## v1.7.4
### Added
- [Build instructions](https://github.com/hacksalot/HackMyResume/blob/master/BUILDING.md).
### Changed
- More precise date handling.
### Fixed
- Issue with incomplete PDF generation (#127).
- Issue with building JSON Resume themes (#128).
- Issue with generating `.json` output format by itself (#97).
## v1.7.3
### Fixed
- Issue with generated PDFs being chopped off and displaying a mysterious sequence of numbers of unknown and possibly alien origin (#127).
- Unsightly border on Modern:PDF.
- Modern|Positive:PDF formats now correctly reference their PDF-specific CSS files.
- `Incorrect helper use` warning in Positive:DOC.
## v1.7.2
### Changed
- Interim release supporting FluentCV Desktop.
### Internal
- Moved [HackMyCore](https://github.com/hacksalot/HackMyCore) dependency to
## v1.7.1
### Changed
- Caffeinate. CoffeeScript now used throughout
[HackMyResume](https://github.com/hacksalot/HackMyResume) and
[HackMyCore](https://github.com/hacksalot/HackMyCore); generated JavaScript
lives in `/dist`.
### Fixed
- Issue with generating a single PDF with the `.pdf` extension (#99).
## v1.7.0
### Changed
- [Internal] Relocated HMR processing code to the
[HackMyCore](https://github.com/hacksalot/HackMyCore) project. Shouldn't affect
normal use.
## v1.6.0
### Major Improvements
- Better consistency and coverage for all FRESH resumes and themes ([#45][i45]).
- Initial support for overridable fonts in FRESH themes. Like a particular
theme, but want to change the typography? The specific fonts used by a theme
can now be overridden by the user. (FRESH themes only).
- New resume sections! Support for `projects` and `affiliation` resume sections
for technical and creative projects and memberships / clubs / associations,
respectively ([#92][i92]).
- New command! `PEEK` at any arbitrary field or entry on your `.json` resume.
### Added
- Improved handling of start and end dates on `employment`, `projects`,
`education`, and other sections with start/end dates.
- Support for an `.ignore` property on any FRESH or JSON Resume section or field.
Ignored properties will be treated by HackMyResume as if they weren't present.
- Emit extended status and error info with the `--debug` or `-d` switch.
- The `-o` or `--options` switch can now handle either the path to a **JSON
settings file** or **raw JSON/JavaScript**. Since the JSON double quote syntax
is a bit cumbersome from the command line, HackMyResume accepts regular
JavaScript object literal syntax:
hackmyresume build resume.json -o "{ theme: 'compact', silent: 'true' }"
- Ability to disable sorting of resume sections (employments, projects, etc.)
with the `--no-sort` option. HMR will respect the order of items as they appear
in your resume `.json` file.
- Improvements to the starter resume emitted by `hackmyresume new`.
- Theme Authoring: Annotated the HTML and MS Word (XML) formats of the Modern
theme for FRESH theme authors.
- Theme Authoring: Support for templatized CSS files in FRESH themes. CSS files
are now expanded via Handlebars or Underscore prior to copying to the
- Added CHANGELOG.md (this file).
### Changed
- Rewrote the HackMyResume man/help page.
- Minor incremental updates to the [FRESCA][fresca] schema.
- PDF generation now uses asynchronous `spawn()` which has better compatibility
with old or boutique versions of Node.js.
- Refactored colors in HackMyResume output. Errors will now display as red,
warnings as yellow, successful operations as green, and informational messages
as cyan.
- Theme messages and usage tips will no longer display during resume generation
by default. Use the `--tips` option to view them.
- The `--no-tips` option (default: false) has been replaced with the `--tips`
option, also defaulting to false.
- Removed the `hello-world` theme from the [prebuilt themes][themes] that ship
with HackMyResume. It can be installed separately from NPM:
npm install fresh-theme-hello-world
hackmyresume resume.json -t node_modules/fresh-theme-hello-world
- sd
### Fixed
- PDF generation issues on older versions of Node.
- Stack traces not being emitted correctly.
- Missing `speaking` section will now appear on generated resumes ([#101][i101]).
- Incomplete `education` details will now appear on generated resumes ([#65][i65]).
- Missing employment end date being interpreted as "employment ends today"
- Merging multiple source resumes during `BUILD` sometimes fails.
- Document `--pdf` flag in README ([#111][i111]).
### Internal
- Logging messages have been moved out of core HackMyResume code ahead of
localization support.
- All HackMyResume console output is described in `msg.yml`.
- Relaxed pure JavaScript requirement. CoffeeScript will now start appearing
in HackMyResume and FluentCV sources!
- Additional tests.
## v1.5.2
### Fixed
- Tweak stack trace under `--debug`.
## v1.5.1
### Added
- Preliminary support for `-d` or `--debug` flag. Forces HackMyResume to emit a stack trace under error conditions.
## v1.5.0
### Added
- HackMyResume now supports **CLI-based generation of PDF formats across multiple engines (Phantom, wkhtmltopdf, etc)**. Instead of talking to these engines over a programmatic API, as in prior versions, HackMyResume 1.5+ speaks to them over the same command-line interface (CLI) you'd use if you were using these tools directly.
- HackMyResume will now (attempt to) **generate a PDF output for JSON Resume themes** (in addition to HTML).
- Minor README and FAQ additions.
### Changed
- **Cleaner, quicker installs**. Installing HackMyResume with `npm install hackmyresume -g` will no longer trigger a lengthy, potentially error-prone install for Phantom.js and/or wkhtmltopdf for PDF support. Instead, users can install these engines externally and HMR will use them when present.
- Minor error handling improvements.
### Fixed
- Fixed an error with generating specific formats with the `BUILD` command (#97).
- Fixed numerous latent/undocumented bugs and glitches.
## v1.4.2
### Added
- Introduced [FAQ](https://github.com/hacksalot/HackMyResume/blob/master/FAQ.md).
- Additional README notes.
## v1.4.1
### Added
- `hackmyresume new` now generates a [valid starter resume with sample data](https://github.com/fluentdesk/fresh-resume-starter).
### Fixed
- Fixed warning message when `hackmyresume new` is run without a filename.
## v1.4.0
### Added
- **"Projects" support**: FRESH resumes and themes can now store and display
open source, commercial, private, personal, and creative projects.
- **New command: ANALYZE**. Inspect your resume for gaps, keyword counts, and other metrics. (Experimental.)
- **Side-by-side PDF generation** with Phantom and wkhtmltopdf. Use the `--pdf` or `-p` flag to pick between `phantom` and `wkhtmltopdf` generation.
- **Disable PDF generation** with the `--pdf none` switch.
- **Inherit formats between themes**. Themes can now inherit formats (Word, HTML, .txt, etc.) from other themes. (FRESH themes only.)
- **Rename resume sections** to different languages or wordings.
- **Specify complex options via external file**. Use with the `-o` or `--opts` option.
- **Disable colors** with the `--no-color` flag.
- **Theme messages and usage tips** instructions will now appear in the default HackMyResume output for the `build` command. Run `hackmyresume build resume.json -t awesome` for an example. Turn off with the `--no-tips` flag.
- **Treat validation errors as warnings** with the `--assert` switch (VALIDATE command only).
### Fixed
- Fixed a minor glitch in the FRESCA schema.
- Fixed encoding issues in the `Highlights` section of certain resumes.
- Fix behavior of `-s` and `--silent` flags.
### Changed
- PDF generation now defaults to Phantom for all platforms, with `wkhtmltopdf`
accessible with `--pdf wkhtmltopdf`.
- Resumes are now validated, by default, prior to generation. This
behavior can be disabled with the `--novalidate` or `--force` switch.
- Syntax errors in source FRESH and JSON Resumes are now captured for all
- Minor updates to README.
- Most themes now inherit Markdown and Plain Text formats from the **Basis**
### Internal
- Switched from color to chalk.
- Command invocations now handled through commander.js.
- Improved FRESH theme infrastructure (more partials, more DRY).
## v1.3.1
### Added
- Add additional Travis badges.
### Fixed
- Fix extraneous console log output when generating a FRESH theme to MS Word.
- Fix Travis tests on `dev`.
## v1.3.0
### Added
- **Local generation of JSON Resume themes**. To use a JSON Resume theme, first install it with `npm install jsonresume-theme-[blah]` (most JSON Resume themes are on NPM). Then pass it into HackMyResume via the `-t` parameter:
`hackmyresume BUILD resume.json TO out/somefile.all -t node_modules/jsonresume-theme-classy`
- **Better Markdown support.** HackMyResume will start flowing basic Markdown styles to JSON Resume (HTML) themes. FRESH's existing Markdown support has also been improved.
- **.PNG output formats** will start appearing in themes that declare an HTML output.
- **Tweak CSS embedding / linking via the --css option** (`<style></style>` vs `<link>`). Only works for HTML (or HTML-driven) formats of FRESH themes. Use `--css=link` to link in CSS assets and `--css=embed` to embed the styles in the HTML document. For example `hackmyresume BUILD resume.json TO out/resume.all --css=link`.
- **Improved Handlebars/Underscore helper support** for FRESH themes. Handlebars themes can access helpers via `{{helperName}}`. Underscore themes can access helpers via the `h` object.
### Changed
- **Distinguish between validation errors and syntax errors** when validating a FRESH or JRS resume with `hackmyresume validate <blah>`.
- **Emit line and column info** for syntax errors during validation of FRESH and JRS resumes.
- **FRESH themes now embed CSS into HTML formats by default** so that the HTML resume output doesn't have an external CSS file dependency by default. Users can specify normal linked stylesheets by setting `--css=link`.
- **Renamed fluent-themes repo to fresh-themes** in keeping with the other parts of the project.
### Fixed
- Fix various encoding errors in MS Word outputs.
- Fix assorted FRESH-to-JRS and JRS-to-FRESH conversion glitches.
- Fix error when running HMR with no parameters.
- Other minor fixes.
## v1.3.0-beta
- Numerous changes supporting v1.3.0.
## v1.2.2
### Fixed
- Various in-passing fixes.
## v1.2.1
### Fixed
- Fix `require('FRESCA')` error.
- Fix `.history` and `.map` errors on loading incomplete or empty JRS resumes.
### Added
- Better test coverage of incomplete/empty resumes.
## v1.2.0
### Fixed
- Fixed the `new` command: Generate a new FRESH-format resume with `hackmyresume new resume.json` or a new JSON Resume with `hackmyresume new resume.json -f jrs`.
### Added
- Introduced CLI tests.
## v1.1.0
### Fixed
- MS Word formats: Fixed skill coloring/level bug.
### Changed
- Make the `TO` keyword optional. If no `TO` keyword is specified (for the `build` and `convert` commands), HMR will assume the last file passed in is the desired output file. So these are equivalent:
hackmyresume BUILD resume.json TO out/resume.all
hackmyresume BUILD resume.json out/resume.all
`TO` only needs to be included if you have multipled output files:
hackmyresume BUILD resume.json TO out1.doc out2.html out3.tex
## v1.0.1
### Fixed
- Correctly generate MS Word hyperlinks from Markdown source data.
## v1.0.0
- Initial public 1.0 release.
[i45]: https://github.com/hacksalot/HackMyResume/issues/45
[i65]: https://github.com/hacksalot/HackMyResume/issues/65
[i84]: https://github.com/hacksalot/HackMyResume/issues/84
[i92]: https://github.com/hacksalot/HackMyResume/issues/92
[i101]: https://github.com/hacksalot/HackMyResume/issues/101
[i111]: https://github.com/hacksalot/HackMyResume/issues/111
[fresca]: https://github.com/fluentdesk/FRESCA
[themes]: https://github.com/fluentdesk/fresh-themes
[awefork]: https://github.com/fluentdesk/Awesome-CV
[acv]: https://github.com/posquit0/Awesome-CV
[ftt]: https://github.com/fresh-standard/fresh-test-themes